Monday, April 9, 2018

Video: Rep. Tulsi Gabbard on the US strikes on Syria

Congressman Peter Welch (D-Vermont) co-sponsored the Stop Arming Terrorists Act bill introduced by Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii).

See Welch video here:

Proof: Intel Drop, Trump, Bolton behind Syria chemical attacks, confirmed
Germany, Britain, America, Israel - 'Veterans Today' claims proof of chemical warfare and war crimes.


  1. Blatant aggressive act against a sovereign nation about to occur and boy it is not going to work out well for any of us here in the U Ass of A! We are absolute idiots if we believe we will never be attacked on US soil, I am pretty certain the world has had ENOUGH of our aggression and are ready to give us a dose of our own abusiveness delivered right to our shores. We are no longer the best military force, just because we have the most weapons does not mean we have the best!

    1. And when and if "they" attack us and and "win" what will they then do with "us"?


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