Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Not a formula for thriving

This letter concerns the recently revalued property and tax increase in Springfield, Vermont. I did an analysis of the numbers and what follows are some of my findings.




1 comment :

  1. Well, I find several things wrong with this analysis. For one, the median value of $111,000 means half the homes in town are worth more than that, and half are worth less than that. That's not impossible, that's how it works! For two, there are quite a few nice homes currently on the market for substantially less than $275,000, and very few at that price and above. Quite a bit more affordable than most places I've lived. For three, land being as cheap as it is here, it IS possible to build a house for $111,000, unless you get robbed by the building contractor. Four, Springfield having only 20% of its citizens over the age of 65 hardly seems excessive. So, as usual, Springfield's conservatives are painting a grim, but unrealistic picture to suit their ideology. Just keep tearing down the slum rentals and commercial properties. Nature abhors a vacuum, and under-valued real estate will draw people here, if the town looks nice!


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