Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Fact Check Friday

Dozens have posted videos online about the questionable Acosta-Intern tussle video released by the White House but this person seems to be the only one who actually went to the source video to come up with the truth.


  1. It doesn't really matter at this point. The judge ruled in favor of CNN. Look for Jim Acosta to be back in the White House very soon.

  2. Wow - What does Roger think? He likes his Fake News.

    1. I say let Jim back in, he can keep making a fool of himself and CNN, that's all he's doing, he represents the Left Liberals well, Hate, Resentment, Deflection, Resistance and probably a horrible drinking problem, he's the next Liberal Hero to do something stupid.... just wait for it! Besides abusing the Intern, he's going to rush the podium someday, get over it Jim, Trump is the President.... and the majority of us like it!

    2. The majority? When did that happen? It certainly wasn't on election day! (Or any day thereafter.)

    3. You want Fake News read this, man it's got so much Spin in it that, your toilets will flush backwards which is where this article should end up.

    4. was Trump's own words. You're right, they should be flushed down the toilet.

  3. chuck gregory11/16/18, 3:43 PM

    Let the gaslighting begin! Keep the voters confused. It's also the first step in the progression of child abuse...

    1. Chuck You are getting more and more out in Left Field Man, What the heck does this have to do with Child Abuse one of the most Horrible things on this Earth!

    2. chuck gregory11/19/18, 4:41 PM

      Voter abuse, Roger..... The technique works well in both forms of evil....

  4. Hey mush-mind liberals here's one to deflate your FAKE NEWS bubble:
    MAGA: Michael Avenerratti Got Arrested.

    Oh man, cracking me up.....your HERO down in flames!!!!!

    1. Who cares? He's just an ambulance-chaser who represents a porn "star." The fact that Trump slept with her and then bribed her to stay quiet says more than anything. Oh, and the fact that he lied about it.

    2. Sounds like Bill Clinton, only he waged his finger in front of all of us and Lie Directly to our faces and to the investigators... "Who Cares at this Point What Difference Does it Make" The life of Bill and Hillary!

    3. Roger, I think you need to have your meds adjusted......

  5. Roger....yes, Bill Clinton did lie about an affair, but so has Trump, numerous times, even when there has been proof that he's lying. My question to you: How many other times do you know that B Clinton has lied? Now, for the many times has Trump lied? His lies have been far more egregious than anything B Clinton has ever uttered......and there are thousands of lies of Trump's that have been verified. As far as HRC, you've taken her statement out of context and tried to make it something it wasn't. But then, maybe you don't know the difference.

    1. Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about an affair. Are you suggesting that Trump be held to the same standard, Roger? Trump not only lied about the affair, but also lied about the cover-up, and probably violated campaign finance laws doing it. Sounds like high crimes and misdemeanors to me. Fair is fair, or does The Donald deserve special treatment?

    2. Isn't that what Muller is investigating, lets see what he finds, I bet a bunch of nothing!

      If I put my 2 cents in then I might be interfering, and Protest Might break out before anything even happens, but then that might give the Liberals of Springfield something to do besides crying over a 2 year old election!

  6. 1000's of times, is in itself a lie!

    I took the liberty of showing how both Clinton's were liars, But to say she did not care about being responsible for the deaths of 4 Americans that had given their lives so she could sit there and defame them.

    "AT THIS POINT WHAT DIFRENCE DOES IT MAKE" (to complete her sentence for her) That 4 Americans died because I needed to sleep and cover up my foot prints!

    1. Bengazi was crap, Roger. A multi-year, Republican-run, fishing expedition that found nothing. Now THAT was a witch-hunt! So was the Whitewater/Vince Foster/Lewinsky debacle. The Right has been trying to fry the Clintons for decades, without success. Even now, you still whine about them. If it was appropriate to impeach Bill Clinton for what he did, Trump deserves the same. This is based on what we already know; the findings of the Mueller investigation are extra at this point!

    2. So you also approve of the fact that Hillary did nothing, never sent anyone from the military to try to save our Americans either.
      Nice, if it was you there, you would want some back up. Hillary was sleeping on the job and covering her tracks.

      I think the Clintons have fried themselves, now if she runs again she is going to fry the entire Democratic Party.

      Lets hear what Mueller has, we are waiting, Crickets man Crickets.

    3. Old news, Roger. Trump's butt is on the frying pan now, or at least it will be on Jan. 1st. Even without the Mueller report, he's already committed enough offenses to be impeached, and thrown out of office. Without Paul Ryan protecting him in the House, REAL investigations will begin. I wonder how long Mitch McConnell will take the heat before he flips on Trump. Probably not long. Old Mitch would like to stick around the Senate for awhile; he won't go down with the Trumptanic. Then it will be hasta-la-byebye, Donald!

  7. Roger....obviously you don't understand what happened at Benghazi. It wasn't on HRC. It was the CIA's and DoD's baby. The covert operations at the annex were done by the CIA and overseen by Petraeus, the CIA Director. HRC had nothing to do with them. The only thing HRC had any kind of oversight responsibilty for was the DoS facility (the Mission) which usually had no Americans in it. And no covert activity was conducted from the Mission. The existence and role of the Annex was classified. Much of the information about the Annex is still classified (names of CIA personnel, etc.). It's a felony crime to reveal their names. All of that was set up by the CIA and approved by Petraeus, administered by the CIA and followed CIA policy. Because it was an annex, it did not have the same level of security as an embassy or consulate did. There were 7 different public investigations of Benghazi by Congress and a separate one overseen by a former head of the Joint Chiefs and a senior ambassador. NONE of them found HRC to be at fault. Even Trey Gowdy, who spent millions of dollars and too much time trying to nail HRC finally admitted that there was nothing that could have been done to have saved the four men who died. What don't you get about that? You spend too much time trying to make her out to be the boogey man, but you haven't been successful yet. You should be worrying about the idiot in the White House presently.

    1. Well Anonymous Its sounds like you know everything, you should have just gone to Washington and explained it all, at least from your point of view.
      I'm not worried about the man in the white house, sounds like you are, I'm more worried about HRC running again or one of the liberal progressives that will run in 2020 and think they know it all to!

    2. Sadly, it doesn't take much to know more than you, Roger.

    3. Roger.....why are you Trump people allergic to facts? It's not MY point of view; it's what actually happened. I don't have to go to Washington because anyone there with 1/2 a brain understands Benghazi. It's you people who spread and promote fake news.....more propaganda from the Trump machine. I'm not worried about Trump. He's batting about .050 right now with all his losses lately.....wait'll 2019, he'll really be a blithering idiot with all the investigations coming his way. Sounds to me like you're giving HRC props worrying she might run and WIN in 2020. Whomever (Dem. or Rep.) runs in 2020 will know far more than Trump knows. Again, he's taking Saudi Arabia's word over the CIA's and our intelligence agencies.....kicking the can down the road, again......he doesn't care what happened to Khashoggi, he's sticking with Saudi Arabia. Let's hope some of the Repubs show some spine.

    4. Don't get too upset, 12:51. Roger doesn't know anything, nor do any of Trump's dwindling supporters. I used to jump on them as a matter of principle; no lie going un-addressed. The majority of Americans are wise by now; I'm doing it mostly for fun these days. Enjoy the carnival. The clowns are all lined up in a row, just waiting to be knocked down!

    5. Breaking Non Fake News! Trumps Economic Approval Rating at all time High! Highest of any President since Regan!

      But this is only important to those of us that work, pay taxes and buy goods and services with our own money.

      Oh But that's right Trump is just living off of Obamas coat tails... Now that's Fake News!

    6. Roger....I guarantee I pay a LOT more taxes than you do and use my own money for everything. Worked all our lives and contributed much. I pay between $10k and $20k a year just for my property/homestead taxes. Leaving it vague (but true) so you don't run and look up property taxes in Spfld.


    8. Sounds like know one is as fantastic as you, Thanks for everything you do for us... what an idiot! Your always on the top, but who knows which anonymous poster you are anyway, probably a 18 year old kid living in the basement!

    9. All that is necessary to understand Trump supporters, and their agenda, is to listen to what they accuse others of. When they're losing an argument, the cheap insults spew from them like open sewers......

    10. 5:50.....a blathering idiot that hasn't a clue about intelligence station protocol.......just another pompous Mister Know-Nothing.

    11. 3:47, you really should stop proving my point with every post you make......

    12. 3:33 just like your, I pay more taxes than you guaranteed, how can you guarantee that when you have no clue, like we care if you pay 10 to $20 grand, many people do, so spewing un proven facts is spew! Use facts!

    13. You're losing it, Roger. You can't prove what you say about yourself, either. I've seen you in your car; you can't be doing that well. I'd take 2:46's word over yours any day, because MANY people who don't agree with you pay a lot in taxes. Take a nap.

  8. Hey, Roger! Ivanka Trump just got caught using her private e-mail account for government business! What do you think, should we LOCK HER UP? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!

    1. Make her rake the forest to keep us safe from fire


    3. "Rake America Great Again!"

    4. There are bunch of people just across the border that would be willing to rake California.

    5. No there trying to get on this side of the boarder to rake the American Taxpayers across the coals, those of us that pay anything.

    6. They'd better hurry up and get here, before Trump and the GOP steal it all!

    7. "Maybe we should mow the grass on the border, that will keep them out" Nasty Nancy 2-2018

    8. Spew, Roger, spew! That's how we know you're losing!

  9. The quote is true and so is then name, listen to how she talks to her own party, how she will be the leader of the House, and no one is better than her at negotiating and leading blah blah blah. She is an evil person!

    1. You mean like Trump blasting John McCain, Robert Mueller, and so many other Republicans? How he calls himself the best deal-maker on the planet? Ok, if that's your definition of evil, Roger, I'll accept it. Can you?

  10. Roger....I obviously don't live in the basement if I pay top dollar for property taxes.....and I'm far from 18. I'm not about to tell you what my yearly property tax bill is, but it is between the figures I gave you. I don't "spew" untruths. I'm heavy into facts, not your fake news.

  11. 5:57 is a phony liar! As Thoreau said, "The louder he proclaimed his honor....the quicker we counted our spoons" No doubt, just another little basement boy.

  12. Agree with 6:24. So blatantly obvious 5:57 is an unimportant and impotent little boy child waiting for mommy to send him off to bed.

    1. 6:24 and're entitled to your opinions.....they just don't happen to be fact.....and I'm not going to divulge my tax bill. P.S. My mother has been gone for almost 10 years, so your immature comments don't sit well with me. Grow up.

    2. Well, as I said earlier; all that is necessary to know Trump supporters, and their agenda, is to listen to what they accuse others of. They always prove me right, too.

    3. Seems we are on a texting frenzy roll, so Happy Thanksgiving Roger. We all love you and Trump.

    4. PS..the native Americans who ate Turkey with the pilgrams so many years ago are not illegal aliens the crossed the bering strait ice bridge.

  13. chuck gregory11/20/18, 8:31 PM

    Actually, Roger, Nancy Pelosi did NOT say, "Maybe we should mow the grass..." What she did was point out that in some border areas the grass IS mowed to detect people trying to crawl across.

    What happened of course was that all the wingnut blogs-- Fox, TownHall, etc., sent along that YouTube Clip but titled it "Pelosi Proposes Mowing the Border."

    And of course everybody who sacrifices critical thought in support of Trump didn't bother to check whether it was true. I took the trouble of viewing the Youtube clip:

    and found out just exactly what she said.

    Which means that either you don't think critically where Trump is concerned or somebody played you for a sucker when they sent you the link. I hope it's the latter.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. For those of you that can't or choose not to remember Clinton Corruption Network of America's free society, watch A&E networks 4 part series on their dastardly corruption against the American people Bills fondling and RAPE of innocent women and Hillary's home tactics against any female accusing Clinton Corruption and money laundering ......exists
    until TODAY! Don't be a
    idiot like most of the liberals posting on here!!!!!


  16. Bill Clinton didn't rape anyone....get your facts straight. Juanita Broaddrick accused him of it then recanted. The FBI found her to not be credible. Most of those women were far from innocent...they were consenting adults.

  17. Hey 11:04..... just go on blaming the victims. I bet you're one of the FIRST to chime in on the #me too movement.....what A phony you are!!!!


  19. I guess 11:04 finds it acceptable for a President of the USA to stare into a TV camera and say "I never had sexual relations with that woman"....until his DNA semen was found on her blue dress....perfectly acceptable in 11:04's dope azz eyes. Typical liberal fool!

    1. Define sexual relations.

    2. Definition: The Semen on Monica's dress! EWWWW!

    3. Yeah, we can always count on Trump supporters to keep it classy!

  20. I don't approve of lying at all.....and look what we're stuck with in the WH now.....he's lied repeatedly about sexual misconduct......and everything else. He blatantly lies everyday, but you rightwing nuts are probably okay with that cuz you think he's making America great again....what a joke.

  21. chuck gregory11/21/18, 8:51 AM

    Isn't it amazing how the Republicans' Southern Strategy-- i.e., appeal to the fear and stoke the anger of whites to pry them away from the Democratic Party-- has produced this result, where zealots willingly blind themselves to the injuries being inflicted on them by the leader of the GOP?

    Who would have thought that one of the two major parties in America would work so hard for so long to bring about the country's destruction?

  22. I wonder what the far right will do once the Clintons are gone. They only have so many miles left on them. Resurrecting ancient scandals is not a good strategy going forward. One day it'll be "Hillary who?"

    1. Your compulsive expression of raw hate towards those with an alternate value system is alarming. I am appealing to the moderator to insure you are outed so steps can be taken to insure you are not a danger. Such hate can no longer be condoned.

    2. Wow, 4:31, you really do view freedom of speech as a threat, don't you? I don't believe the blog administrator would be that foolish. I'll just quote Harry Truman: "I never gave anyone hell. I just gave them the truth, and they thought it was hell."

    3. 4:31 - Who are you responding to? It can't be the post above yours, as that doesn't express hatred.

    4. Sorry, the above was supposed to be addressed to 6:02. All the time-stamp id's are awkward. And silly.

    5. Oh crap, never mind.

    6. The entire conversation is silly and, as usual, meandering all over the map, Philip.

    7. It's OK, Phil. I accidently jumped on you about a week ago. Stuff happens. My 2:42 post was just a commentary on the viability of using the Clintons as scapegoats in the future. The 4:31 response is, I'm assuming, some sort of vague threat. This is the reason why I post anonymously; too many nut-jobs out there these days!

  23. Tomorrow trump will be a tweeting and Roger will be a gobbling.

  24. ......and upChuck will be wandering the streets looking for a FREE Turkey and cheese block.

    1. Your comments about Chuck are disgusting and say a lot about you....big fat zero.

    2. Although unflattering, comment is spot on. Intriguing how those with all the answers seem to have little to show for their life efforts. Discontent with their plight in golden years, chronically spew distain for those of us that are enjoying the rewards of good judgement and sacrifice. My life rocks!

  25. The Main Goal now is to Divide America as demonstrated by the above posts. Trump driving its direction.

  26. Hey roger, I am going out into the woods tomorrow to do some raking to prevent fires, want to join me?


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