Friday, November 9, 2018

Voter opinions strong, studies mixed on effects of a higher minimum wage

Dan Foley, the owner of a construction business in Springfield, said he voted Republican in part because of issues like the minimum wage.


  1. Henry Ford once said that if you didn't pay your workers enough to afford the products they made, your business would fold. He was speaking of the larger economy. There may be some pain for small businesses in the short term, but sooner or later, higher wages mean more money for small business, more revenue for schools, etc. and greater prosperity for all. Most of the problems we face in this country, from health care to Social Security, would be fixed through higher wages.

    1. I'm going out on a limb here speculating you don't own a small business. Matter of fact, I doubt you have any professional trade experience at all. Let me elaborate. Minimum wage is not a intended to be a living wage. It's purpose is to permit students and young adults with no job experience to mentor within the workplace as they build valuable skills. Such hires are initially a liability. They make expensive errors and demand near constant supervision. In time, they gain both skills and earning potential. If someone is over 25 years old earning minimum wage it's because they have no skills and likely a dropout with lousy references. Hearing liberals blather about higher wages for dead beats is an insult to those of us that sacrificed to learn a viable trade. Want more money? Invest in yourself! MAGA

    2. I am a business owner with one employee and yes I pay more than 15 an hour, I just make a little less, I am not that greedy and just know how to manage a business

    3. 8:19, viewing your employees as deadbeats is probably why you struggle to stay in business. I've worked for people like you, but never for very long. I'll bet my credentials are better than yours. No matter how skilled, talented or educated we all are, you still view yourself as superior, and us as "deadbeats." The reason you have trouble finding "qualified applicants" is because anyone smart enough to do the job, will be too smart to work for you! Go out on that limb; just don't be too surprised when you find your employees, or customers, sawing it off!

  2. chuck gregory11/10/18, 7:34 AM

    The problem is not minimum wage per se; the problem is employers who think it should be the maximum wage.

    Up until we passed a $10 minimum wage, Wal-Mart's average employee in the state was making $8.54 an hour, which meant that all of them qualified for-- and often needed-- public assistance. This meant that a Wal-Mart superstore was (and in many other states still is) milking taxpayers for almost $1 million per store per year.

    As long as an employer believes the only thing that matters is the bottom line, we will have an employer who is a problem for Springfield.

  3. I was told once by a business consultant that there are 3 types of companies.
    A, B and C. "A" companies hire people who may be "smarter" than the management sees themselves. These "smarter' (more educated) like their jobs and the whole company does well. In a "C" company the management makes sure that not one of there employees is "smarter" than they see themselves. These companies don't do very well. A "B" company is somewhere in-between.

    1. That sums it up nicely. "C" companies look for the dumbest brown-nosers they can find, usually hired by managers who are afraid of losing their jobs to subordinates. When the company starts having problems, the managers blame "lazy workers" and the firings begin. If the upper management is of the same mentality as the lower (and it usually is) they never realize that bad management is the problem. The cycle repeats itself, until the company folds. THAT'S why so many businesses fail. It's not Unions, or "Big Government." It's incompetent, greedy owners and managers. I've seen it time, and time again.

  4. Such insightful mgmt. assessment from under achievers that that never owned a for profit enterprise. MAGA

    1. Yeah, and we've got you dead to rights, too. Anyone who's ever worked for someone like you becomes an expert on bad management pretty quickly. My experience is that those who can't hold a job, often go into business for themselves, and bring their incompetence with them. Although my skills were not always rewarded, they were always in demand!

    2. 634 here, what are trying to say if business owners that aren't far right leaning don't know what the heck we are doing, you need to pay workers a livable wage or you will have turn over. Then you are back to training which is costly and time comsuming. I have worked for companies that just think about the bottom line and really could don't care about their employees. Before starting my own business I was in management, have heard all the excuses, and BS from upper management.
      I am not an under achiever either and expect the same from anyone working with me.

  5. We have only a few employees and the lowest paid one makes over $18.00 an hour. We value our employees. And we're Democrats!

    1. I am so glad to have stumbled across this thread! I have an unemployed nephew that lives with me. He isn't terribly ambitious and a bit math challenged. Has been holding out for $20/hr. He would be a great fit being a big Burnie fan. How can I reach you?

    2. Very funny not. I bet your nephew looks up to as a role model right.

  6. What am I missing? Dan Foley thinks it's important for his business that he is able to pay his employees the minimum wage? I doubt he is able to get anyone working construction for even close to minimum wage. My guess is that most people living off minimum wage are also getting federal and local assistance... meaning the rest of us are subsidizing their employment. MEGA

    1. He might get people to work for that, but they won't be very good. Then again, some of the higher-paid people around here aren't very good, either. The worst ones are Trump supporters. Seriously, I've had to go back and fix every job done by them. We should probably consider ourselves lucky this business chose to advertise this fact. What's that name again?

  7. Dan Foley - I recommend you keep your business affairs separate from your political views, or at least be low key. You will only end up alienating someone.


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