Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Governor cites ‘Serious situation’ at Springfield Hospital, appoints monitor

Vermont Gov. Phil Scott today said he has appointed former Rutland Regional Medical Center CEO Tom Huebner to “monitor and assist” financially troubled Springfield Hospital.

Governor Phil Scott today announced that he has appointed Tom Huebner, the former chief executive officer of the Rutland Regional Medical Center (RRMC), to evaluate, monitor and assist Springfield Hospital as it confronts serious financial challenges.

Huebner, 65, spent 27 years at RRMC, including seven years at vice president of services and 20 years as CEO. Additionally, he has served on the board of directors for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont, the Vermont Association of Hospitals and Health Systems and the American Hospital Association.

At the direction of Governor Scott, Huebner will represent the Governor’s Office and is charged with assessing the situation and working with the board and administration of Springfield Hospital to ensure there is a plan in place to restore the hospital’s fiscal stability.

“This is a very serious situation that requires immediate attention, experienced leadership, the oversight and collaboration of state government, and a competent and fully transparent response,” Governor Scott said. “Tom will work with officials in Springfield and ensure that they complete a thorough assessment and communicate fully, clearly and regularly to patients, employees, the community and the state as they determine what went wrong and how to fix it.”

Governor Scott has also asked Huebner to recommend ways for state to assist Springfield Hospital through the Agency of Human Services, the Green Mountain Care Board, the Department of Health, the Department of Mental Health or other agencies and departments as appropriate.

“I appreciate the Governor’s attention to this serious situation,” Huebner said. “I look forward to helping the community restore the financial integrity of this important institution in a way that is transparent and accountable.”

1 comment :

  1. This IS EXCELLENT to me with Gov Scott appointed Tom Huebner Springfield Hospital CEO. Tom Huebner worked at RUTLAND REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER CEO decades ago; he WILL do the job, too!


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