Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Chuck Gregory: The death spiral of Springfield School funding

Comments delivered by a concerned citizen at the Union Street School board meeting Monday, January 7, 2018.

We have just had a "Stockholm Syndrome" experience:  The victims are delighted that they've had a reprieve from something worse.  But it only masks the underlying bad news:

  1.  This is a death spiral: Taxpayer complain about higher taxes; the school board cuts staff and funding, lowering the educational ratings of the schools and the town's Grand List value, which forces the town to raise the tax rates; so the taxpayers complain about high taxes....
  2. We are not going to break this cycle by continuing it.
    1. Parents want to trust the teachers, but the parents most invested  in their children will swap information in hopes of placing their children with the best teachers.  If they can’t do that, they will, if they can, move out of town.  The Town Plan has a graph showing that.
    2. Teachers want to educate each child but are forced to operate within a system that does not permit it.  The school board looks for more money, and the “system” says, “Well, we’ll give you more money if you do this.”  An example: in the last year there have been ten initiatives introduced.  We can appreciate that, but I asked teachers what input they had into adopting them.  The answer was, “None.”
    3. The school board and administration mean well but are hobbled by the present system. Of the four school board members I asked to talk to, only one did— and the only thing she said was, “I can tell you why [this idea] won’t work.”  She couldn’t think outside the box.

  1. We can only escape this by thinking outside the box.  Here’s how to start:
    1. A good school system is a very valuable asset to its town.  At its height, Precision Valley provided 38% of the machine tools in America.  An Education Valley could provide training in world-class education systems to 38% of American educators.
    2. If you think a tiny town can’t do this, just remember that the world-famous Mayo Clinic started with one doctor examining Civil War recruits at a tiny town in Minnesota.  If William Mayo can do that, we can do this.
    3. Since the school board and administration are handcuffed, we have to help them get free.
  2. Here is how we can start:
    1. Answer for ourselves four questions (Supplied at Union Street's meeting).
    2. Write up the plan.

5.  To participate, you can get engaged at “Springfield’s World Class School System” page on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/worldclassschoolsystemtem/?


  1. Chuck, time to run for school director. What is that saying? Put up or...

    1. chuck gregory1/8/19, 11:56 AM

      Why should I join the group that's wearing the handcuffs? It's only the people who aren't handcuffed that can do the work.

  2. “She” must be Jeanice Garfield. It is time for her to go. Hopefully someone else will run against her this year.

  3. Philip Caron1/8/19, 9:15 AM

    When I click the link, Facebook says "Sorry, this content isn't available right now. The link you followed may have expired, or the page may only be visible to an audience you're not in."

    1. chuck gregory1/8/19, 11:51 AM

      Philip, you have to have a Google account to get access. That should solve it for you.

    2. Philip Caron1/8/19, 12:23 PM

      I meant the Facebook link in #5. Is a Google account somehow needed to get to a Facebook page?

  4. Want better education, watch TV tonight, particularly one show. It will be an education in how the government plans to spend your tax dollars. Hint, not for education. In fact it will be a Hypnosis show. Do not Wall for it.

  5. chuck gregory1/8/19, 11:54 AM

    9:20: I'm getting sleepy. Very sleepy....

    When Obama wanted all the networks to cover his address on immigration, all of them refused, saying it was "political." Considering they're giving Agent Orange a free hand, I think what they meant to say about Obama's was not that it was "political," but that it was "given by a Negro."

  6. Philip, here's the Facebook link; https://www.facebook.com/springfieldworldclassschoolsystem/

    1. Philip Caron1/8/19, 5:27 PM

      That's the same link I tried, and it delivers the same result now: "Sorry, this content isn't available right now. The link you followed may have expired, or the page may only be visible to an audience you're not in." Why, after logging into Facebook, won't this link work?

  7. chuck gregory1/8/19, 6:25 PM

    "Sorry, this content isn't available right now. The link you followed may have expired, or the page may only be visible to an audience you're not in." I think that's the key-- you have to have a Google account, Philip. If you do have one, then I'm mystified. That page is supposed to be accessible to anyone on the internet. If I can find out anything more, I'll let you know.

  8. chuck gregory1/8/19, 6:31 PM

    philip, if you have a Facebook account go to springfield vermont democrats. I'll hand you the link there, and you can try it again.

  9. chuck gregory1/8/19, 6:35 PM

    philip, I fixed it. You can go directly to it now.

  10. So comical!...chuck gregory can't even post a link yet he's going to tell everybody how to cure this nation's education woes!I

    Go read another foolish article chuck and then come back on here and play the 'expert'. I know the type!

  11. chuck gregory1/9/19, 9:35 AM

    Well! Interesting!! It seems that Google blocks links based on Facebook.

    Here's the link to chapter one of the World Class School System worksite:


    who's going to go to bed tonight smarter than when they woke up? I know I will.....

  12. Don't use face book. It is a data gathering evil tool and one that terrorists use to organize plots. Unless you want to find the turd on the uncle joes farm game. Twitter is even worse, being used for political fake gibber. Want to get something out of school, it is up to the student, they alone control their education. Pick up a text book and read. Become a college student. Then a professional in what ever field you desire. Basket weaving is not the best goal unless you start a company of basket weavers. Here is a quick test, there is no correct answer: If you start a lawn mowing business what is (goal) the thing you should buy. 1) a lawn mower, 2) a lawn chair or 3) a boat ?

    1. Discussion: 1) buy a lawn mower if you intend to push it. 2) buy a lawn chair if you want to be the supervisor of the person doing the mowing. 3) buy a boat if you want to be the owner of the lawn mowing business. Let others take care of the lawns.

  13. i just heard,that the 19 staff members that were RIF'd for 2019/2020 will be coming back to work,the school district got some more money from the state,it's funny the district thought they could do without these people,but now they get more money,they need them back,this is why our budget's will never go down

    1. Don't you get it?

      Just another shell game being played on us by the absentee superintendent. He paints doom and gloom while knowing full well anticipated funding will show up in the end.

      OUR HERO! Such a phony.
      Don't be played by this guy.

  14. VTDigger has an article about creating one school district for the state. I don't like the way it would be structured, or the privatization, but it is something to consider. Our schools are going broke, and costs are always a concern. At some point, the idea of local control falls flat, and some type of consolidation to create uniformity, and bring costs under control, becomes necessary. Band-aid fixes, bashing teachers, and defunding programs will get us nowhere. It's long past time to restructure Vermont's entire school system.

  15. chuck gregory1/11/19, 9:03 AM

    So, assuming it happens, how do we move up from the very bottom of the list? It can be pretty well guaranteed that we in Springfield will have no control over how it's decided or done.

    And, given the reign of neoliberalism in both major parties, we can be pretty sure it will be the usual slash and burn, rather than re-focusing on all children's desire to acquire agency in their own lives and teachers wanting to show them how to get there.

    As there has been trouble reported in getting to the "Springfield's World-Class School System" worksite, people can contact me at rrtl(a)sover(dot)net to link to it. Put "springfield" in the subject line.

  16. Agency in their own lives? That's crazy talk! But seriously, students will gain what little agency there is to be had by learning as much as they can, about everything they can, starting with the concept of agency. I wish them luck, as they'll need a lot of it. The only "agency" I've ever gained is by positioning myself so as not to be dependent on any local economy for my living. If you don't live outside of the "good-old-boy" system, you'll be ruled by it. Not an easy task, believe me. Neoliberalsm does not exist in both parties, the way I see it. The Democrats have become the Neoliberal Party, and the GOP is now the Objectivist (Ayn Rand) Party. Of the two, Neoliberalism is only slightly better; at least with them you'll get the crumbs from the wealthy's table! Most of the civil unrest we are experiencing stems from the fact that while the population is moving "leftward," the political parties are moving "rightward." This is perhaps an over-simplification, but it shows a general trend by the political class toward authoritarian corporatism.

  17. Maybe we'd be better off financially if the district didn't allow themselves to be raked over the coals by the fuel oil dealers.

    I pay $2.56 per gallon on my home's usage of less than 700 gallons per year. The school district signed a contract to pay $2.69 per gallon on TENS OF THOUSANDS of gallons!

    Nice job negotiating that price new business manager guy! :(


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