ARTICLE 1: To elect the following Town Officers and Town School District Officers for the ensuing year:
Moderator: Patrick Ankuda 1922 Selectman: Mark Blanchard 880; Stephanie Gibson 1087 School Board Directors(2): Jeanice Garfield 1238; Ken Vandenburgh 1123; Roger Ward 1039 Library Trustees(3 year term): Lisa Mobus 1726; Kevin Coen 1532; Miranda Bogardus 1403 Trustee of Public Funds: Michael Filipiak 1833 Cemetery Commissioner: Reginald Page 1881 Town Agent: Stephen Ankuda 1920 First Constable: Richard Ripchick 1872 |
ARTICLE 3: Shall the Town vote a salary of FIFTY and 00/100 DOLLARS ($50.00) per meeting for the Moderator for the ensuing year? Yes - 1546 No - 565
ARTICLE 4: Shall the Town vote a salary for each Selectman the sum of FIVE HUNDRED and 00/100 DOLLARS ($500.00) to help defray the costs and expenses incurred in serving the Town in that office? Yes - 1496 No - 607
ARTICLE 5: Shall the Town appropriate the sum of NINE MILLION, FIVE HUNDRED SEVENTY ONE THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED NINETY NINE and 00/100 DOLLARS ($9,571,299.00) for the budget of the Town for salaries, incidental and necessary Town expenses, including highways, and for the purposes for which the law requires appropriations, and for which a Town may legally vote? Yes - 1316 No - 788
ARTICLE 6: Shall the Town vote to market and sell the so-called Reservoir property consisting of the discontinued Reservoir on 87.5 acres more or less and located off Wellwood Orchard Road in Weathersfield, Vermont? Yes - 579 No - 1530
ARTICLE 7: Shall the Town vote to market and sell the 5.20 acre more or less parcel of real estate located off Weathersfield Center Road and Wellwood Orchard Road in Weathersfield, Vermont and being located upstream from the former Reservoir property? Yes - 670 No - 1435
ARTICLE 8: Shall the Town appropriate the sum of FIVE THOUSAND and 00/100 DOLLARS ($5,000.00) to defray expenses of the Town’s 250th Anniversary Celebration? Yes - 1164 No - 911
ARTICLE 9: Shall the Town authorize the Board of Selectmen to expend such grant monies, gifts, or bequests which may be received by the Town of Springfield in accordance with the terms of said grants, gifts, or bequests? Approved by voice vote from those in attendance at the March 1 meeting.
ARTICLE 10: Shall the Springfield Town School District approve the payment to each School Board member of SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY and 00/100 DOLLARS ($750.00) to help defray the costs and expenses incurred in serving in that office, the funds for which are included in the school budget? Yes - 1020 No - 1064
ARTICLE 11: Shall Springfield Town School District authorize the Town Treasurer, subject to the direction and approval of the Board of School Directors, to borrow money to meet the requirements of the Town School District for the ensuing year, and also authorize the Town Treasurer, subject to the approval of the Board of School Directors, to borrow money in anticipation of taxes rated to meet the requirements of the Town School District for the ensuing year? Approved by voice vote from those in attendance at the March 1 meeting.
ARTICLE 12: Shall the Town School District approve a school budget amount of TWENTY FIVE MILLION, FOUR HUNDRED FORTY THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY ONE and 00/100 DOLLARS ($25,440,521.00) to support its schools for the year beginning July 1, 2010? Yes - 1107 No - 975
ARTICLE 13: Shall the voters of Springfield Town School District, pursuant to the provisions of 16 V.S.A. §562(7), authorize the Board of School Directors to sell, give, or otherwise dispose of the school building and parcel known as the “Park Street School”, located on 60 Park Street, upon such terms and conditions as the Board of School Directors shall negotiate and determine? Yes - 1518 No - 548
ARTICLE 14: Shall the voters of the Springfield Town School District, pursuant to the provisions of 16 V.S.A. §562(7), authorize the Board of School Directors to convey the school building and parcel known as North School, located at 49 Main Street, to the North School Preservation Society, Inc.? Yes - 1676 No - 401
ARTICLE 15: Shall the voters of the Springfield Town School District, pursuant to the provisions of 16 V.S.A. §562(7), authorize the Board of School Directors to sell, give, or otherwise dispose of the school building and parcel known as Southview School, Parcel ID# 033/1/01.1, located on South Street, upon such terms and conditions as the Board of School Directors shall negotiate and determine? Yes - 1613 No - 457
ARTICLE 16: Shall the voters of the Springfield Town School District, pursuant to the provisions of 16 V.S.A. §562(7), authorize the Board of School Directors to sell, give, or otherwise dispose of the school building and parcel known as East School, Parcel ID# 027/5/03, located on 199 Summer Street, upon such terms and conditions as the Board of School Directors shall negotiate and determine? Yes - 1573 No - 511
ARTICLE 17: Shall the Town appropriate the sum of TWENTY THOUSAND and 00/100 DOLLARS ($20,000.00) for the support of Springfield On the Move, Inc. to assist downtown business owners with startup and expansion, and to assist property owners with building maintenance and rehabilitation through tax credits and to leverage specially-designated funds for projects such as streetlights, sidewalks and streetscape improvements? Yes - 1219 No - 865
ARTICLE 18: Shall the Town appropriate the sum of FORTY EIGHT THOUSAND and 00/100 DOLLARS ($48,000.00) to the Springfield Family Center to assist with the cost of providing a free meal daily, a free food shelf, and other services related to hunger and homelessness in the Springfield community? Yes - 1606 No - 489
ARTICLE 19: Shall the Town appropriate the sum of SIXTY THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED and 00/100 DOLLARS ($63,500.00) to help support the high-quality home health, maternal and child health, and hospice care provided in patients’ homes and in community settings by the Visiting Nurse Association & Hospice of VT and NH? Care is provided regardless of ability to pay. Yes - 1653 No - 437
ARTICLE 20: Shall the Town appropriate the sum of TEN THOUSAND and 00/100 DOLLARS ($10,000.00) to help support out patient, mental health and substance abuse services by the staff of Health Care and Rehabilitation Services, Inc.? Yes - 1237 No - 841
ARTICLE 21: Shall the Town appropriate the sum of SIX THOUSAND and 00/100 DOLLARS ($6,000.00) to help support services to victims of domestic and sexual violence and prevention education in schools and communities by New Beginnings, Inc.? Yes - 1385 No - 697
ARTICLE 22: Shall the Town appropriate the sum of EIGHT THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED and 00/100 DOLLARS ($8,500.00) for the support of Council on Aging for Southeastern Vermont, Inc. for help to support seniors and their families who are trying to remain at home and not be placed in a nursing home? Yes - 1712 No - 383
ARTICLE 23: Shall the Town appropriate the sum of FOUR THOUSAND and 00/100 DOLLARS ($4,000.00) to help support the Valley Health Connections to help the uninsured access health care? Yes - 1388 No - 697
ARTICLE 24: Shall the Town appropriate the sum of EIGHT THOUSAND and 00/100 DOLLARS ($8,000.00) to Southeastern Vermont Community Action (SEVCA) to assist Springfield in responding to the emergency needs of the community and to provide all available and applicable services to families and individuals in need? Yes - 1471 No - 642
ARTICLE 25: Shall the Town appropriate the sum of FOUR THOUSAND and 00/100 DOLLARS ($4,000.00) to Rockingham Area Community Land Trust to support the Neighbor- Works Home Ownership Center which has, in the last 5 years, assisted 58 Springfield residents purchase homes and 63 Springfield residents with home maintenance issues, rehabilitation loans, or foreclosure intervention services? Yes - 1160 No - 943
ARTICLE 26: Shall the Town of Springfield appropriate the sum of TWELVE THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED and 00/100 DOLLARS ($12,500.00) for the support of The Current operated by Connecticut River Transit, Inc., to provide transit services to the residents of the Town of Springfield? Yes - 1482 No - 627
ARTICLE 27: Shall the Town of Springfield appropriate the sum of EIGHT THOUSAND and 00/100 DOLLARS ($8,000.00) to assist with the cost of operating the Meals on Wheels Program that provides daily hot and cold congregate and home delivered meals and other nutritional needs to the qualified residents of Springfield? Yes - 1839 No - 279
ARTICLE 28: Shall the Town of Springfield appropriate the sum of EIGHT HUNDRED and 00/100 DOLLARS ($800.00) to Windsor County Partners, for youth mentoring services provided to children in Windsor County? Yes - 1385 No - 710
ARTICLE 29: Shall the Town of Springfield appropriate the sum of THREE THOUSAND, THREE HUNDRED and 00/100 DOLLARS ($3,300.00) to Green Mountain RSVP & Volunteer Center of Windsor County to develop opportunities for people age 55 and older to positively impact the quality of life in the community through volunteer service? Yes - 1412 No - 694
ARTICLE 30: Shall the Town appropriate the sum of TWO THOUSAND and 00/100 DOLLARS ($2,000.00) to the Springfield Community Band for 8 (eight) outdoor concerts? Yes - 1303 No - 806
ARTICLE 31: To do any other business that can legally be done under this warning.
River Valley Technical Center (RVTC) School District Vote
Yes - 1256 No - 782