Researcher Uncovers Christine Blasey Ford’s ‘Hidden’ 80’s-Era High School Social Life

One of the enduring mysteries of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s decision to level last minute allegations of sexual misconduct against Judge Brett Kavanaugh is why her social media and online presence were so thoroughly scrubbed prior to her charges against Kavanaugh becoming public.

Although internet sleuths have tracked down a few photos and articles from Dr. Blasey Ford’s professional output, she effectively ghosted herself prior to going public – a very unusual move for someone who requested and anticipated anonymity from the Democrats through whom she leveled the charges against Judge Kavanaugh.

The ghosting of Christine Blasey Ford was so thorough that her high school alma mater, the prestigious all-girl Holton Arms School, even pulled the yearbooks for the years during which she was a student, when a teenage Brett Kavanaugh allegedly attacked her.

However, one prescient, and as yet anonymous, blogger downloaded copies of the yearbooks and posted key pages that describe the social life of “Chrissy” Blasey and her social set.

Here is one celebratory paragraph in the 1984 Holton Arms yearbook:
 “Lastly one cannot fail to mention the climax of the junior social scene, the party. Striving to extend our educational experience beyond the confines of the classroom, we played such intellectually stimulating games as Quarters, Mexican Dice and everyone’s favorite, Pass-Out, which usually resulted from the aforementioned two.”

"And there were always parties to celebrate any occasion. Although these parties are no doubt unforgettable, they are only a memory lapse for most, since loss of consciousness is often an integral part of the party scene."
The Halloween party pictured below would have taken place within sixteen weeks of the alleged assault, which Blasey claims happened in the Summer of ’82, after her sophomore year.

Here is a link to the original “Cult Of The 1st AMENDMENT” blog showing several pages from the Holton Arms yearbooks:

Mark Judge’s Memoir About Brett Kavanaugh’s High School Portrays a Culture of Aggression and Excessive Drinking
Judge’s long-forgotten memoir is newly relevant in light of the accusation that Judge was in the room when Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh assaulted Christine Blasey Ford in 1982, when she was 15 years old. Kavanaugh and Judge were about 17 years old at the time, classmates at the all-boys Georgetown Preparatory School.


  1. A supreme court judge is supposed to be neither republican or democratic. Seems he wants to bash the democratics because of trump and mostly the matter of abortion all to get trump votes from the evangelist. I don't care if it takes 35 or 135 days to figure this out, who ever becomes the judge is the judge for life, hence get it RIGHT.

  2. No need to bend over to c an a hole, just look at lindsy.

  3. I believe Ford, she seemed very sincere, he was very careful and guarded.

    1. Even people who have alien abduction experiences believed they really happened. Countless innocent people were thrown into jail by misidentification by witnesses and victims themselves . Any lawyer would be careful, as were her lawyers. The issue is another one - judges should not be partisan.

    2. "I believe" - nothing to do with belief. This not not about God or whether Bigfoot exist.

    3. "Seeming" sincere and "seeming" guarded is not how we determine culpability of crime. Dr. Ford's friends and witnesses ALL denied her story. Not a single witness called forth could corroborate her claims.

  4. The ranking member shouldn't have held these allegations and prevented any investigation until it would produce either a delay or force the nominee to withdraw. The dems set this mess up from the start. Six FBI background checks produce zero. Leahy is a joke. It's the 'anything goes' mentality of the democrats and their inability to be reasonable makes me sick. Watch Sen. Graham's comments, on target.

    1. You are peddling a false narrative (I.e. FAKE NEWS). Let's get to the facts.

  5. It all gets down to we needing an unbiased judge. Need to look further.

    1. Why not a crying like a baby judge.

  6. What's the big rush? M. Garland's nomination sat there for almost 300 days because of Republican obstruction. Kavanaugh was nominated less than 3 months ago. Why won't the GOP insist on an FBI investigation? It would be the fairest thing to do. What are they trying to hide? I think we all know. Dr. Ford requested one immediately once her name had been leaked and she agreed to testify. Why wasn't Kavanaugh willing to take a polygraph or press for an independent investigation? I think we all know that, too. Dirty politics, but then, that's the GOP. (Don't forget, she first reported the assault before Kavanaugh was even nominated.)

  7. Innocent until proven guilty. Today's charade failed to produce any corroborating evidence, revealing it to be nothing more than a smear and delaying tactic by the Democrat resistance. Put Kavanaugh on the SCOTUS!

  8. The presumption of innocence aka., INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY, is a FUNDAMENTAL, American Constitutional principle that is NOT subject to manipulation by politicians to meet a predetermined agenda!

    I'm sure we all agree, sexual assault/rape is one of the most horrific crimes there is.
    However, like any like any violent crime, our judicial system requires adequate evidence to convict the accused of committing the crime!

    The nature of the crime itself does not influence the amount or type of evidence required to secure a conviction "beyond the shadow of a doubt".

    Americans accused of ANY crime that are convicted by juries purely on conjecture (and emotional testimony) alone, sets a very dangerous precedent that spiteful or predatory individuals can use as a means of retaliation for petty slights.

    That being said, those that are proven to be guilty of violent sexual crimes, with irrefutable evidence, should see nothing but a 6 x 6 concrete cell, bread and water for decades!

    The 5th and 14th amendments to the U.S. Constitution guarantee “due process of law” to all persons, including foreign students and other aliens in the US. Due process of law requires that orderly legal procedures be followed to establish guilt before a person can be put in jail or otherwise punished. In the United States, a person is considered INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.
    The 14th amendment to the US Constitution guarantees to every person, “EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW.”
    Equal protection under the law means that the LAW APPLIES TO EVERYONE, REGARDLESS OF AGE, SEX, RACE or WEALTH, and that no law may discriminate between persons or classes of persons.

  9. As of course you know, when it’s a he said-she said situation, one way you analyze the case is by other indicia of truthfulness.

    In this case Ford was absolutely positive that she’d had just one beer thirty-six years ago. But when the alleged event happened she couldn’t remember within three years, nor which house it was…that story kept changing…and what the house looked like. She couldn’t recall how she got there and back.

    She claimed that as a result of this trauma she was afraid to fly because she’s anxious in enclosed spaces she can’t easily leave. Turns out she flies frequently, including one round trip to Tahiti—shortest current flight is twelve hours.

    She said she wanted an extra front door put in the house for the same reason, and in explaining why she wanted it to her husband, the experience came back. The extra door was put in several years before as access to a separate unit. (No back door?)

    She offered four corroborative witnesses. Three denied it and the fourth, a lifelong friend, said she’d never even met Kavanaugh.

    Every time her statements are susceptible to actual evidence they’ve been disproved. But the idea is that the truth of a charge depends not on evidence and inference but on the identity group of the accuser and accused.

    This is Moscow show trial territory.


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