Sunday, June 28, 2009

Alumni parade lights up town

Alumni festivities got underway Friday night with a banquet hosted by the Springfield Elks Club then continued all day Saturday with class breakfasts, a parade of floats and classic cars, the Alumni Association annual meeting, reunion picnics and parties.

A giant dragon helped the Class of 1964 celebrate Chinese New Year. Archie Mountain Photo

Alumni parade lights up town

By Julia Lloyd Wright, Contributing Writer Twin State Valley Media Network
Saturday, June 27, 2009 9:36 PM

SPRINGFIELD -- Springfield High School Alumni celebrated a fun-filled weekend.

The festivities got underway Friday night with a banquet hosted by the Springfield Elks Club then continued all day Saturday with class breakfasts, a parade of floats and classic cars, the Alumni Association annual meeting, reunion picnics and parties.

Colorful floats with cheering alumni made their way from Clinton Street to Riverside School, negotiating mid-town road work and vied for prizes for the most humorous, artistic, original and most outstanding.

This year's theme was "Holidays Around the World" and the Class of 1964 received a sum of $500 for its entry, "Chinese New Year."

Following the parade, alumni enjoyed popcorn, a barbecue, ice cream and fried dough at Riverside, soft drinks and free cookies.

Alumni vice president Gail Higgins chaired the Alumni Association annual meeting in the absence of president Keith Ferguson. Alumni rumored that Ferguson had accompanied his wife to Reno, Nev., and was not hiking the Appalachian Trail.

In keeping with the economy, lifetime alumni dues have also gone up, increasing to $40, Higgins reported, in part because of newsletter costs. Higgins requested that alumni notify the association when they change addresses to save postage.

Alumni scholarships for six graduating seniors were awarded to:

Ryan McPeck ($1,000) who will be attending a two-year school.

The five students attending four-year schools and receiving $2,000 are: Jillian Sheldon, Nathalie Emery, Jordan Vittum, Stephanie Garfield and Ember Rushford-Emery.

Three non-Springfield residents and nonalumni took on the difficult task of judging the floats. Their final decisions were:

Best nonalumni - Cub Scout Troop 258 and 2nd - Cub Scout Troop 216.

Most humorous, Class of 1994 "Halloween" and second most humorous, Class of 1959.

Most original, Class of 1989 "Valentine's Day" and second most original, Class of 1984.

Most artistic, Class of 1979 "Mardi Gras" and second most artistic, class of 1999 "St. Patrick's Day."

Next year's theme will be "TV Classics." For 2011, alumni are planning a special celebration for Springfield's 250th birthday; 2012 is "Anthing Goes" and 2013, "Childhood Toys." Suggestions are still being solicited for 2014.

Higgins also made a plea for more alumni help and asked members to consider volunteering next year with parking, parade monitoring, the variety show and the newsletter.

Higgins said she was happy with the weather and the event but is looking for a bigger event next year.

For further alumni information go to the Web page at or call Mary MacMahan at (802) 885-3170 or Brenda Markwelll at (802) 885-8085. SHS

1 comment :

  1. what year was the first parade for the Springfield high school alumni?


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