Friday, June 26, 2009

Penelope's back in business

A local restaurant is re-opening its doors after being closed for almost a year, bringing life back to a block that was severely damaged by a fire last summer.

Penelope's back in business

McKinley's also reopens after fire gutted Ellis Block last year

By Katelyn Harding, Staff Writer
Twin State Valley Media Network
Thursday, June 25, 2009 8:51 AM

A local restaurant is re-opening its doors after being closed for almost a year, bringing life back to a block that was severely damaged by a fire last summer.

Penelope's Restaurant, chef-owned by John "Batch" Batchelder, and its downstairs restaurant and bar, McKinley's, will both open for business today.

Area residents believe it will be a welcome boost for downtown Springfield.

"It's a pretty big deal," said Bob Flint, executive director of the Springfield Regional Development Corp. "They were kind of an innocent bystander, and it's unfortunate. Through no fault of their own, they were knocked out of commission last year. They were resilient, and worked through issues to re-open, which is a credit to them. Obviously, this is a major thing for the downtown."

Flint is referring to an arson attack July 8, 2008, which destroyed the Ellis Block, including the movie theater, and left 40 people homeless. Penelope's and McKinley's, which is in the nearby Lincoln Block, suffered damage because of the fire.

"There's been a hole that's been there the past year," Flint said. "Now the theater project will start to take on life, and people will see work starting to happen on that, with things going back to the way they were."

Penelope's, at 30 Main St., has been a popular eating establishment for some 35 years.

Batchelder has been the chef there for 27 years. Jay Clapperton will be his sous chef, Mary Hennessy will be the daytime cook and Liz Clapperton will be the manager.

McKinley's bar specializes in pub food and will have Hannah Brown as manager and Jessie Sarra as morning chef.

"I think it's definitely a boost for the downtown, and it's great to see that some life is coming back to that block and that area in our downtown," said Patricia Chaffee, executive vice president of the Springfield Regional Chamber of Commerce. "Now that they're open, we'll start to see some work on the movie theater building."

Chaffee said many residents have missed the restaurants, and it will bring people back into downtown.

Mary Helen Hawthorne, executive director of Springfield on the Move, agreed.

"From a downtown manager point of view, we're absolutely thrilled that they're going to be able to re-open. The sad side of it, it's just about a year to the day since they closed," Hawthorne said. "It's especially nice because there isn't a lot of meeting room space for lunch meetings and organizations, and this will open that possibility again. Springfield on the Move will have its monthly meeting there next week."

Hawthorne said the timing of the re-opening was excellent, with Springfield's Alumni Weekend beginning Friday.

"This will give them the opportunity to get some extra patronage when they first start out, which will be a real plus," Hawthorne said. "It's the beginning of a great new opportunity in the downtown."

Penelope's and McKinley's will be open 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., Mondays; 11:30 a.m. to 9 p.m., Tuesday through Thursday; 11:30 a.m. to 10 p.m., Fridays; and 5 p.m. to 10 p.m., Saturdays.

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