Monday, June 29, 2009

Planning the 250th

The 250th Anniversary Committee has already begun to bring residents young and old together to plan their momentous celebration.

Planning the 250th

By Katelyn Harding - Staff Writer, Twin State Vally Media Network
Monday, June 29, 2009 9:36 PM

SPRINGFIELD -- The 250th Anniversary Committee has already begun to bring residents young and old together to plan their momentous celebration.

Erika Anderson, who will be a sophomore at Springfield High School next year, is the youngest on the 15- person committee, and already has a few ideas she would like to implement to bring not only the community together, but other high schoolers.

"I really like the community and I'm fascinated with Springfield history, so I bring that to the table," Anderson said. "I like to learn about stuff, and I really want everybody else to learn about it, too."

For the Aug. 20, 2011 event, Anderson added she wanted to get high school students and the student body involved because she said sometimes she feels they are not, and one way to interest them would be to incorporate student-run bands to perform during the celebration.

As for the diversity of the group, Anderson said it was good in order to achieve a full-range of perspectives.

"It's nice to have the older and the younger [people]," she said. "I think it's great that we're doing something like this. It's a great opportunity."

Anderson's mother, Jennifer, who was born in Springfield and is also on the committee, agrees.

"It's great to have the different age groups ... it's important to have. And it's been kind of fun to pull all that together," she said. "It's also kind of fun [because] people I don't know who have lived here for a long time, I'm getting to know them."

Mrs. Anderson said in addition to incorporating music, they had brainstormed different ideas, such as hosting a fair at Riverside Middle School, organizing an event that would donate canned goods to the Family Center and perhaps perform a play about Springfield's history.

The committee had their first meeting last month and will have their second July 21.

John Swanson, chairman of the committee, said at their first meeting he told everyone to think of anything they could to include in the celebration.

"All is possible. Reach for the stars," Swanson said, adding that they also assigned positions; Paul Putnam will be vice-chairman, Carol-Lynn Knight will be secretary and Bob Flint will be treasurer.

Swanson also said the committee would like to have celebrations last all summer long, not just on the birth-date of Springfield.

Part of the celebration may include fireworks, even though Springfield is not having them this Fourth of July, due to Federal Aviation Administration regulations and cost.

Town Manager Bob Forguites said they used to have them at the airport, but there are new regulations that require the air strip to be kept open, so they are "having trouble finding a spot large enough to hold it."

"Plus the cost of it is another issue," Forguites said, estimating that for a 45 minute show, it costs around $30,000 to $40,000.

"But I think that they're looking toward the 250th anniversary in 2011 that will probably have a big fireworks [display]," he said.

David Shuffleburg, a committee member and resident of Springfield since 1946, has also worked on Springfield's bi-centennial celebration in 1961.

"I would like to see a nice celebration and keep the focus on Springfield and the surrounding area and spread it out over a period of time during 2011, not just have it on one or two days," Shuffleburg said. "I'd also like to see people and other organizations become involved ... and have everybody have a hand in it. It becomes a celebration for the town of Springfield done by the people of Springfield."

Shuffleburg said during the 1961 bi-centennial celebration, it lasted all summer long, and had Springfield residents dress in period clothing, even wearing the costumes to work, something he would like to incorporate in the 250th celebration as well.

"I think John Swanson was smart in getting this going now," Shuffleburg said. "It takes awhile to put different ideas in motion, spread the word and see if something's do-able."

1 comment :

  1. put out some jars now and start collecting change , it adds up pretty quick


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