Friday, February 12, 2010

Teens answer charges on Okemo snowboard thefts

A Springfield man has denied charges he stole a snowboard from Okemo Mountain Resort.          Teens answer charges on Okemo snowboard thefts Rutland Herald By Josh O'Gorman STAFF WRITER - Published: February 12, 2010 WHITE RIVER JUNCTION — A Springfield man has denied charges he stole a snowboard from Okemo Mountain Resort. Jacob R. Wilson, 18, pleaded innocent Tuesday in White River Junction District Court to a misdemeanor charge of petty larceny. According to affidavits filed with the court, on the afternoon of Dec. 19, Ludlow Police responded to Okemo and met mountain staff and Dakota Thompson, 19, of Springfield. Thompson was holding a Burton board and bindings, and he immediately told police he had stolen the board from the racks at the base area near the learning center, affidavits state. Police discovered a second Burton board in the bed of a pickup belonging to Thompson's friend and Thompson told police he had stolen that board, too, records state. After further questioning, Thompson told police Wilson had taken the second board, according to affidavits. That night, police interviewed Wilson, who told police he had taken the second snowboard, but claimed he took it because he thought it belonged to Thompson, records state. Thompson had already given police a sworn written statement refuting Wilson's claim. "I never asked Jake Wilson to take my snowboard," Thompson wrote. According to affidavits, Wilson stuck to his story and asked for a lawyer. Police also charged Thompson with petty larceny and with providing false information to police, and on Feb. 3, he pleaded guilty to the larceny charge and received a two-to-six-month suspended sentence and one year of probation. The false information charge was dismissed. Thompson also pleaded guilty to careless or negligent operation of a vehicle after he nearly hit a mother and daughter on a crosswalk in front of Union Street School in Springfield on Oct. 14. Wilson's next court appearance is scheduled for Wednesday.

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