Wednesday, March 2, 2011

2011 Town Meeting Day Vote Results

Town Budget passes; School Budget passes by only 10 votes!


  1. It's good that the school budget passed. It's just a shame that the High School lost vital positions, including an SAP counselor. All of which is so needed at that school with many problems. I read a post that there are two nurses at the school that is new this school year. They never had this before? I guess they needed two nurses instead of those other vital positions.

  2. Now that you voted for all the extra money to go out make sure you pay for it. There go my taxes...again.

  3. What the budget passing so close indicates is, residents no longer believe in this school district and its choices. The board didn't publish the NECAP results which were incredibly bad AGAIN! I encourage any resident to look the scores up on the Department of Education website and do a comparison of years past.For over three years the district has been listed as "schools in need of improvement" The district scores have declined and throwing good money after bad is not going to improve the school system until the staffing and administrative staff are removed and replaced with more competant individuals. Education is a business and should be run like one.If your teachers cannot perform and the students are not passing then the system is broken and all the excuses in the world about the students economic background being the cause are just that-excuses.

  4. Keep in mind that the district told us Park St. would be sold, now we are paying for the building to be open, heated, electric, etc for District staff and they moved Gateway. Why didnt we improve gateway school and move the District offices there. More expenses more untruths. The district misled the planning dept. on the traffic control plans for the two newly built schools. Keep that in mind, the school board saved around 19K in bussing contract only to turn around and hire a non-essential staff member and used the savings to pay her instead of working out bussing for the students in town with that savings which would have alieveated the traffic issues. Come on..wise up everyone. The only answer is to replace the district staff and possibly ask for resignations from school board members

  5. I have a question. The average spending per student in this district is $16317.00 Why couldn't the board adopt a policy or what not for parents that if they chose to send their child to another school whether private or public, that the district would pay up to that amount for the tution at the parents school of choice? Wouldnt that be an acceptable option to consider for the school board? That way the parents who do not like the school for whatever reason, could move their child and free up time, space, and teachers to focus on the remaining students in the district.

  6. 9 votes...really? Hopefully, as another posted stated there can be some questions answered. People need to look into the facts before just voting yes for the kids. Notice how no posters, banners or teachers were out campaigning this time? Hmmm makes me wonder if they really cared. I used to get things in the mail from the school saying why I should vote yes. I didnt get anything this time. Did the school REALLY need it? Park St School is heated for a "staff" of 32 people, after they promised it would be sold. I'm too tired to type all the rest of the reasons I'm sick to my stomach.

  7. You are correct everyone does need to ask a few more questions. Did you see the other posts under the town story? It is a sad sad state the school district is in and lets not forget that now we are paying for the board members to meet every month. For what is my question? I guess so the children of this town get a sub-par education. If the parents only understood that their kids are not even proficient in math and reading I think they would be shocked. Unless they get on board and help get the "bad apples" out their kids will end up working for minimum wage the rest of their lives paycheck to paycheck.


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