Saturday, March 5, 2011

Barn fire on Massey Road

Firefighters responded shortly after 4 p.m. Saturday to a call reporting a barn fire at 141 Massey Road in Springfield.

The fire started in an old wood burning stove which the owner had filled with trash to burn and gone back into the house. Awhile later, he and his wife heard a roaring sound like snow rolling off the roof. He stepped out and saw the building in flames. Actually more of a wood frame carport than a barn but it did have one very solid back wall where the stove was against. An old stone wall high enough to support the roof.

It took firefighters a half hour to arrive due to its isolated location of this address and three long hills on the way to climb.

The structure was a total loss but the owner did manage to get his tractor out without injury before the building was fully engulfed in flames. Other items that were stored inside were mainly tools. The house and the main barn although close to the fire were untouched by flames.     Map

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