Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Big check for J&L project

Bob Flint receives a check from Governor Shumlin, who announced $575K in funding for the J & L redevelopment project Monday in Springfield.

Governor Shumlin Announces Funding for J & L Remediation Project

March 29, 2011 - MONTPELIER, Vt. - On Monday Governor Peter Shumlin announced $575,000 in grant funding to begin the environmental remediation process at the former J & L Plant 1 in Springfield.

The Governor presented the awards, one for $400,000 from the Southern Windsor County Regional Planning Commission and the other, totaling $175,000 from the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development, to Bob Flint, executive director of the Springfield Regional Development Corporation. SRDC purchased the former J & L property in 2002.

The funding will allow work to begin on cleaning up the contamination on the property, specifically the removal of the former chip shed and associated soils behind the building as well as the removal of asbestos from the former office area.

The $575,000 was made available to the State and the SWCRPC through ARRA awards from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Governor Shumlin lauded the strong partnership between SRDC, the Southern Windsor County RPC, the Agency of Commerce and Community Development and the Department of Environmental Conservation.

“This is a great example of how collaboration among local, regional and state entities can be a catalyst for bringing this part of Springfield back to life,” the Governor said.

Flint said, at Monday's announcement, that the J & L property was a core part of Springfield identity and would now start the path toward becoming part of its future once again.

He indicated that the remediation work would begin this summer and this portion would be completed by year-end.

Contact: Bob Flint, Springfield Regional Development Corporation

Source: State of Vermont press release

Photos from Springfield Regional Development Corporation

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