Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Few questions for town officials

More than 100 Springfield residents braved icy, slushy roads Monday night to hear presentations on the proposed $10.4 million town budget and the proposed $26.1 million school budget.



  1. What I want to question is the school budget. What most residents do not realize are the state testing results came back and Springfield School District failed again and the results have declined from last years in the proficiency of the students. When will our residents wise up and figure out that the school board and school district administration needs to go. They are failing miserably and yet voters keep giving the district more money for what? Failing schools and students who do not meet state standards and are not prepared for college. Wise up Springfield. If you like crime, drugs and what goes with that keep voting to give the School District your tax money and watch the town decline even more.

  2. Marilyn Thompson3/1/11, 8:30 PM

    During the past three years that I have been on the School Board we have worked tirelessly to improve the education of the children of springfield. It has been a challenge and we have made great strides. Last year was the first time that our budget passed on the first ballot. We were able to complete the construction of two modern cost efficient schools and to hire new principales for all our schools. Teachers who had not been evaluated were and we have set goals and standards that our community of Springfield participated in. Springfield has for many years led our state in Education and we are well on our way to achieving this again. The community of Springfield has to look at the values that
    we teach our children. There are too many fractured homes and families.
    We must give the message to all who live in Springfield that we value
    our children and our residents must reflect those values.

  3. It seems that the High School has a lot of drug and alcohol issues, but the school gets rid of the SAP counselor, and cuts viable teaching positions, YET adds a second nurse to the school for this new year. Didn't they have only one nurse for years with a helper? What about AYP? Failing Schools. Personal agendas? ...the S.H.S. Administration wants to have just the right (superficial) image of being a school without any problems. So, what is the real concern here ... kids or the image? Administration (personally) will look good....that's superficial.

  4. With all due respect to Ms. Thompson I think you are a bit deluded in your thinking. First, you never addressed the fact that the schools failed their NECAP again. The scores declined by previous years. Second, the district schools are all listed as schools in need of improvement. My understanding is the State DOE has addressed plans to possibly takeover operation of the schools earlier rather than later. In 2003-2004 you had two teachers who had actions taken against their license, in I believe 2004-2005 the district settled a lawsuit where a students jaw was broken. Last year you had a teacher who was accused and charged (case still pending) for inappropriate behavior, my understanding is another case is pending surrounding abuse and discrimination that has yet to hit the news. I am not sure where you feel Springfield led the state in education. This district has one of the highest dropout rates in the entire state AND teen pregnancy is out of control in the district. Your comment on fractured homes and values is not only condescending but insulting and frankly, an excuse for poor performance on behalf of district leadership, teaching staff and school board responsibility and accountability.

  5. I agree with the above post. I wanted to mention that the post by the FORMER school board member mentioned taking great strides and applauded the building of new schools. All that is great except all that money was spent with no improvement to the proficiency of the students. So what purpose do new buildings serve if the education of the youth has not improved.

  6. Ms. Thompson,

    You stated "The community of Springfield has to look at the values that we teach our children. There are too many fractured homes and families.
    We must give the message to all who live in Springfield that we value our children and our residents must reflect those values."

    It's amazing to see the "do as I say, not as I do" mentality so openly displayed by those involved (past or present) with the school district. You speak of the ability for Springfield residents to reflect the value we place in our children. What about the educators? Should they not also be expected to reflect such values? Perhaps the question to be asked is what values are you referring to? That those in a power-over position have an inherent right to exploit children? That as long as everyone maintains the code of silence, the truth will not set anyone free- especially a child's truth? It seems you may not have been privvy to any recent school occurrences that would allow you to present a more realistic view of the current situation happening within our schools. If so, you would understand the absolute incompetency of those selected to "educate" the children. My advice Ms. Thompson, is to hang up your pom poms, as the cheerleading skirt is NOT flattering on you. Perhaps you should take up a cause more reflective of the school district's functioning, such as child protection.


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