Thursday, April 14, 2011

Child predator protection in Springfield?

A pro-life group in Texas found certain social agencies fail to report sexual exploitation of young girls by adult men and the phone call recordings just released include one to Springfield Planned Parenthood.

April 14th, 2011, Denton, TX -- Mark Crutcher of Life Dynamics released for the first time today all 813 calls his organization made to Planned Parenthood and National Abortion Federation clinics for their 2002 Child Predators investigation. In 2002, Crutcher‘s study found 91% of Planned Parenthood and NAF clinics willing to cover up statutory rape. His findings prompted then-Attorneys General Phill Kline of KS and Steve Carter of IN to launch their own investigations. In 2008 and 2009, Live Action‘s Mona Lisa Project corroborated Crutcher‘s study with visual evidence.

Nationwide, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services estimates that approximately two-thirds of all births to unmarried teenage girls are fathered by adult men.

The call to Springfield, Vermont Planned Parenthood


  1. Do you think you could report some ACTUAL news and not this crap/ propaganda? This is absurd and such a pathetic excuse for 'news'- get REAL people and screen your postings better!!!!

  2. So your "Springfield Vermont News" is a transcript from a 2002 call to the Springfield Parenthood, which closed in 2009? Give me a break.

  3. It is a study that was done is the heart of the article which the blogger doesn't write if you paid attention this is a blogspot with local news recap. Sounds to me like this hit a little too close to home for you. It is very relavant since the prison houses a large concentration of sex abuse cases who are released and "rehabilitated" back into this community.

  4. for those that aren't aware, this wasn't a legitimate 'study' but a tactic targeting specific organizations. It's what's known as a garbage study- as that's all it's worth. check out who wrote/ sponsored it- just ridiculous to have anyone pick it up as and kind of news.


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