Saturday, September 17, 2011

Lyndon runs past Cosmos

A relentless Lyndon ground game and four Springfield turnovers paved the way for a 46-24 Vikings win over the Cosmos Friday night at Brown Field.


  1. So Surprising that the debacle with the 8th grade football team didnt get a mention. Shame on Springfield Schools for the way they handled the situation! Two coaches quit and another exhibited violence in front of young student...Now there is something to be proud of!

  2. The coaches quitting were a great example of what NOT to do. What made it worse is that one of them bashed the remaining coach in front of kids and parents trying to give him a bad name. When the dust settled one of the coaches came back and the one bashing the coach was ASKED TO STAY AWAY FROM KIDS FOR THE SECOND YEAR IN A ROW. What the head coach did was not great either but he stuck around and apologized to students and parents. He was at the school the next morning apologizing for his actions. He is very passionate about football AND YOUR kids. He was called names and was slandered by parents and kids for losing a game against BF. He took his frustrations out on a locker. You cant tell me that Bill Bellecheck or Lou Holtz never got mad after a game and hit a locker or threw something. Get off your high horse, KC and enjoy the game.


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