Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Opinion: Occupying Springfield

I have spent most of my life traveling and living in different communities. Springfield Vermont is a wonderful community with many opportunities where other communities fall short.

It has many privately owned business' including shops, eateries, a coffee shop, galleries, and a bookstore with very few corporate chains businesses. Springfield is a city where and individual can create a business without standing in the shadow of large corporations. Many communities have little or no choice due to development or the rising cost of competing with larger corporations that push the individual out of business or make it nearly impossible to begin.

It is my opinion that Springfield and the state of Vermont set a working example for the rest of the country in protecting it's independent business'. Protesting and civil action have been used quite effectively in the past to achieve positive change, but I feel that "Occupy Springfield" without careful direction could do some harm to local business'. If you live in Springfield, you already "occupy" it, so please get involved it what is happening. Please consider supporting the business' you feel positively influence our community, and do not support the one's you feel do not represent your idea of an"ethical business". Perhaps someone should ring the Liberty Bell.

J. Mattoon


  1. Excellent points J.
    I'd invite anyone giving these buffoons any credibility to listen to this,

  2. nazi pigs, you'll make good bacon

    eat the rich and deficate on the facist

    we never forget

    we never forgive

    Expect us

  3. These idiots think that they everyone owes them something. Equal pay for some lazy prick that wants to sit around all day while I work 2 jobs to make ends meet? How is that fair?




  5. This wouldnt be an issue if they would actually go to work! I dont mind EARNING a paycheck whether it be flipping burgers at McDonalds or shoveling cow manure at a farm. I'd rather work than feel that I am owed something and be a slave to the Gov't!

  6. J. Matoon- Thanks for your thoughtful opinion. I think that "Occupy Springfield" is more about showing solidarity for the Occupy movement, not necessarily a statement about this community in particular.

    There are a lot of great 'shop local' movements happening, and it's a great message- people should shop small and local (check out the 3/50 project for one idea).

    That said, it doesn't adequately address the inherent problems with our financial and political systems. We can't change those just by shopping local- we must address them openly and preserve all of our rights- basic human rights- to dissent and demonstrate.

    The people showing up at these smaller demonstrations are often unable to attend the larger ones because they DO work and can't take the time to gather anywhere but where they are.

    These demonstrations are making a difference already- everyone is talking about them and that's the first step toward change.

    Praying for peace, working my heart out, and supporting small businesses whenever I can.

  7. well said Anon + J. Matoon.

    You can't be Lazy and Occupy at the same time.

    Let's Keep "Big Brother" in the Fiction Section.

    While we were sleeping, there was an international corporate take-over of the Former? United States of America. We are now, more than ever, child slaves to international companies with labor records like Martha Stewart.
    So Mr. Machine..
    go flip your burgers TO FEED YOUR NEIGHBORS
    Shovel your manure to fertalize your crops. We LOVE GOOD PEOPLE, and WE work hard too.
    You, ME, US, WE, The REAL and HARD working GOOD people of the U.S./ and the entire world, are represented BEST by the voice of those following the Occupy movement and NOT by our corporate run government or our controlled Media.

    Go Occupy your own future and remember

    we never forget

    we never forgive

    expect us

  8. I suppose Springfield should be happy that there is anyone who wants to "occupy" any part of that dead town. He, he, he.


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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