Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sold!... for one dollar

The Springfield School District finally unloaded one of their closed down school buildings this morning and the new owners couldn't be happier with the deal.

Francine Provost, president of the North School Preservation Society, is shown handing over a dollar bill to Springfield Superintendent of Schools Frank Perotti thus sealing the deal of transfer of the old North Springfield Graded School to the preservation group. Also on hand for the conveyance that took place in the law office of Brady & Callahan were School District finance manager Steven Heir, and two of the other North School Preservation Society officers, Jean Willard and Edwin Fransen.

For over 70 years, North Springfield Graded School met the early education needs of children living in the village of North Springfield.

But in 1984, the Springfield School District elected to close it down, choosing to bus students to Springfield schools in place of maintaining this neighborhood school.

In 2009, the School Board decided it was time to start selling off its old school properties.

The North School Preservation Society was formed to save the North School property from private development. The five acres of open space, located in the very heart of the North village, has been in continuous use for well over a century as a public park, playground and sports field.

On Town Meeting Day March 2, 2010, the voters of Springfield authorized the transfer of the property from the School District to the Society by a vote of 1676 to 401.

Stated Purpose of the North School Preservation Society

1. To protect and preserve the North School property for recreational uses and as a Park for the citizens of the village of North Springfield, the Town of Springfield, VT, and visitors from far and wide.

2. To provide a safe place for children and youth to play.

3. To provide a much needed field for sports such as soccer, ball games, etc., and to provide a place for summer and winter activities as this area is ideally suited for.

4. To complete an educational walking trail with trees and plants labeled.

5. To maintain the only green space in the center of North Springfield village for the health and pleasure of all ages.

6. To explore re-use of the North School building as a community center and historical site, and to pursue grants to restore it.

7. To preserve and maintain the community-built warming hut and ice skating rink on the property.

1 comment :

  1. A wonderful example of what a community can accomplish because they care about future generations


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