Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Police Log

Recent arrests by the Springfield Police Department.

A 15 year old male has been cited into juvenile court on charges of Simple Assault following a fight at the High School where upon his 14 year old victim sustained multiple contusions to the face, arm and knee area.

Paul Doty, age 37, of Bellows Falls was arrested and charged with Disorderly Conduct and Resisting Arrest following an incident at the Springfield Hospital Emergency Room. Doty was subsequently lodged at Southern State Correctional Facility on $5,000 bail while awaiting arraignment.

Rebecca Benoit, age 29, of Springfield was arrested and charged with DLS-Criminal and False Information to a Law Enforcement Officer following a motor vehicle stop on Union Street. She was cited and released to appear in court at a later date.

Jonathan Cobb, age 42, of Wilmington, VT, was charged as a Fugitive from Justice after paperwork was received from a Massachusetts agency indicating that Cobb had an active warrant out for his arrest issued by that state. Cobb who was scheduled for release from Southern State Correctional after serving a sentence for crimes committed in VT remained in jail on a newly issued $50,000 bail.

Between 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. on Friday, December 9th, 2011, an unoccupied residence on Pleasant Valley Road in Springfield, Vermont, was forcibly entered and burglarized. Among the items stolen were a number of collectable American coins, including an uncirculated 1931s penny and a 1919d penny said to be in fair condition. The offender is believed to have discarded a bag containing unwanted stolen property alongside Pleasant Valley Road some distance south of the scene. Anyone having information that could potentially be helpful is asked to contact Sergeant Gregory Molgano at 885-2113.

Source: Springfield Police Department


  1. Havent seen the police blog in months...funny it reappears when the town budget is becoming a hotbed of controversy. Any idiot can see the attempt to make the police force look better than what they really are so residents will vote in another budget increase.

  2. Copied from facebook

  3. Still no arrests for either the Rite Aid or Park Street Market or Von Bargen's robberies. Still no arrest for theft of bronze trail markers.

    Has anyone ever witnessed SPD canvassing a neighborhood after a burglary? Going door to door asking about suspicious persons to get a lead. Anyone ever witness SPD parked on Pearl St. or Park & Union neighborhood to have a "police presence?"

    Little misunderstand what element is responsible for property crimes in the community. When elected to the Selectboard, will insure SPD will be riding herd on these undesirables instead of hiding on Clinton Street at 5:30 AM trying to pinch the honest wage earner on his way to work.

    1. I actually have seen the police parked out on Union and Park Street AND they came door to door after the Pleasant Valley Road burglary. They may be the only places I've seen them, but I've seen them.

  4. i sincerely hope your moniker is a falsity- I can't imagine having another fear-mongering know-it-all trying to dictate in this town. get over yourself, get up, stop being an armchair thug and actually DO something! Yes, I've seen the PD canvassing, yes I've seen them on union and park. Do I think it could be done better/ more visibly? You bet. Do I whine if I get caught speeding that it's their fault? No. Get over it and stop trying to make your (many) personal issues anything more than the bigotry they are.
    thank you.

  5. Oh get a life above poster...what i have seen is the drug problems increase. When State police have made arrests NOT springfield police. Just like the big "bust/arrest" which occurred down in Mass of two springfield residents transporting narcotics and drugs. Did the springfield police obtain a search warrant for their residence which I can promise had more drugs stashed there? No they did not. As a matter of fact they didnt even follow up on that lead.

    I dont think anyone is fear mongering. Perhaps others are tired of inaction and doing what the constitution allows and that is to speak out and voice your vote and opinion. However, I suppose that when you are used to following the sheep and or breeding with them you wouldn't know the difference or even know any better. You interbred hill people amaze me...I know your schools are not good but really try to educate yourself a tad bit more on how a NORMAL society works and runs...And no Im not a flatlander. I am a college educated, employed taxpayer.

  6. above poster...you may not be a flatlander, but you are surely not from here are you? To say interbred hill people????? I am from this town, I still live in this town, am I happy with this town, NO! But I will not give up on this town, to say that and call us town's people that??? I too am a college educated, employed taxpayer!!!I guess your mother didn't educate you on manners...if you don't have anything nice to say keep it to yourself. If you don't like it here, get out! You should call yourself the well educated, small minded taxpayer!

  7. All I have to say is that people should stop sending Springfield's finest on wild goose chases, otherwise, this town's issues will never get solved. I think the first thing that needs to happen is that the police force should "weed" out any bad thorns from the department, and then proceed to take this town by storm. I have had a few bad run in's with the police force, and I wasn't impressed. My son's bike was stolen, and all they could say was "next time lock it up!", when the damn thing was locked to begin with. Another time I had someone in the neighborhood steal my mail, open the box, and start using the item, and it took three weeks for an officer to investigate it when I pressed charges. Since then, the offender went to court and was let go with no punishment. How is this right? If it had been me who committed a "federal offense" like that, I would have been locked up so quick, I wouldn't have known what hit me! And to all of you previous posters, keep talking because it's your right! I am not siding with anyone, just stating that you should never let your voice go unheard!


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