Get to Know Springfield
Kelly Stettner
What does 2012 hold? I believe that this is a year for changing paradigms, a year for shifting our collective thinking. We need to re-think the way we have done things in the past, in order to change what the future holds. This is true with rivers -- our infrastructure decisions have brought us to the challenges we now face. We must educate ourselves about how rives work and what rivers need in order to continue functioning properly, and we must insist that our elected officials do what's best, not what's cheapest in the short term.
It's also true with government, local as well as on the state and national level. Do we like where we are? Do we want more options and a stronger, brighter future for our children? We will need to educate ourselves about those currently in office and those vying for elected positions -- what have they accomplished, what are they promising, and are they in any sort of position to actually deliver? Or are they going to end up giving us just more of the same? Are we willing to tolerate that, or do we deserve, do we DEMAND, better?
Community dinner
The Springfield Assembly of God invites everyone to enjoy a ham dinner with mashed potatoes, peas, carrots and apple crisp at 5 p.m. on Thursday, Jan 19 at 269 River St in Springfield. Busing will be available from the Huber and Whitcomb Buildings at 4:30 p.m. There is a suggested donation of $3 per person, $5 per couple -- so bring a friend and enjoy the company.
Dire need at the Family Center Food Shelf
Please take a few minutes to clean out your cupboards and to take advantage of those "buy one, get one" specials at the grocery store -- the Springfield Family Center needs the following food donations: cereal, tuna, soup, canned fruit and pasta. They also always need diapers of all sizes, baby formula and personal care items. Donations can be brought to the Family Center or to the donation bin at Shaw's Supermarket in the Springfield Shopping Plaza.
Eat and Act
The River Theater of Charlestown NH invites everyone to give acting a try at their new Potluck Script-Reading Evening. Come to the Town Hall in Charlestown at 6 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 22 to enjoy a casual dinner (please bring a dish to share) while joining in the fun of reading aloud. The script is Charles Hoyt's farce comedy, "A Bunch of Keys" -- a delightful play involving the three Key sisters and their recently-deceased uncle who has left them a hotel. The twist? The hotel must go to the homeliest sister! Be part of the antics in a casual, no-stress way, and with dinner. If the potluck script-reading whets your appetite for theater, auditions will be on March 18 at 6 p.m. You'll try out in costume (provided, of course) and on stage, reading from scripts with other actors. This will again be a potluck and is open to the public -- bring some food to share and a sense of humor!
Get wild at the library
Join wildlife tracker Lynn Levin at 2 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 23 as she shares her skills on discovering the clues that animals leave behind. This program is free and open to everyone -- all ages welcome! Contact the library at (802) 885-3108 for more details.
Kelly Stettner has her head on straight.