Friday, January 27, 2012

Parks and Woolson robbed

The Parks and Woolson Machine Company was robbed this morning in broad daylight at around 8:00 a.m.

Police are looking for an approx. 6 foot tall, white, bearded male, driving a forest green Jeep (or Jeep style) SUV with a tire on the back.

Among other items a blue generator valued at +/- $450 was stolen.

If this man can be identified by anyone and the stolen property returned it would be appreciated. There are other families depending upon the use of the generator for this winter.

The witnesses say the man appeared showered and clean as if he were on his way to work (or being in public).

His beard looked trim, his clothes clean. His Jeep a newer model

A private $500.00 reward is being offered for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of this man for breaking and entering and theft. Please contact the Springfield Police Department to share information.

A $100.00 no questions asked reward is being offered for the return of the generator
the owners of The Parks and Woolson and can be reached at 1-802-885-6777

A $100.00 no questions asked reward is also being offered for any information identifying any person who shares information about broken windows and or any other damage done on Park Street in Springfield.

Item submitted by Chris Mason


  1. sons of bitches!

  2. Go Chris, I hope you get them.

    I like the way you put your name out there, your phone number too, awh heck you even go right to the point and offer cash.

    Wanna' run for the selectboard ?

  3. No drug problem or crime issues in Springfield! Check the soon to be 1/2 way house

    1. I bet the Springfield Police catch these guys.

      I bet you'll get to read about it here on this blogspot.

  4. Don't bother trying to solve this one SPD, the morons of this town will only whine about it.

  5. looks like you got what you asked for.
    The SPD didn't even enter this in their Police Log.

  6. I am glad they are actually working. It is good to see that they have a police log again. It shuts some up, aggravates others, but in every crowd, you are gonna have haters and then the voices of reason. I sit back and read both sides which both hold valid points, but the ones that "know it all" are the meanest because they can't admit they are wrong and it is very sad. We are a community and should work together as a community and not be so mean to each other because that person in on welfare or that person is using her own money to fund a project to better someone elses life. Unfortunately, I see a lot of hate on these blogs here. It is good to know that there are a lot of people that hate so much. Makes me feel safe in my hometown. NOT!

  7. Just taking a look back at this blog..

    It's seems the Springfield Police Department have recieved a very credible lead in the search for the robber/robbers.

    I hope they get them. Springfield needs a run of multiple crackdowns.


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