Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Candidates weigh in on downtown issues

Dilapidated buildings, downtown redevelopment efforts and town employee contracts were up for discussion during a Springfield Select Board forum Monday night.

A surprisingly large crowd of 17 people gathered in Selectman's Hall to listen to and ask questions of the five candidates running for two open seats on the Select Board.

Peter Andrews
Terry Benton (incumbent)
Larry Kraft
Peter MacGillivray
David Yesman

Some of the issues touched upon include improvments to Main Street, funding for Springfield On The Move, the old town water reservoir (not even located in town. we pay taxes on it to Weathersfield), town workers union contracts, the local drug problem, the town's liability insurance and why does it always seem to take so long for the Select Board to act on problems. There was no shortage of questions from the audience but Town Moderator Patrick Ankuda strictly drew the forum to a close at the predetermined one hour point.

For those of you who didn't make it, the forum was videotaped by Springfield Area Public Access for later telecast to Comcast cable tv suscribers. Please check the SAPA listing for times to view the program.


  1. well this should be interesting. i wonder if all the complainers will be there learning more about the potential leaders of this town and voicing the issues they feel are important. For some reason i doubt it, but i am sure the complaining will continue.

    1. there is only one complaint same one as before too.

      all of the candidates are of the same stock that has been causing our current problems,.

      got a come back to that? wise guy.

    2. So why aren't you on the ballot eagle scout?

    3. I was caged by criminals on the Select board of Springfield Vermont.

      I am not on the ballot because the Town Of Springfield has collectively been un-friendly and un-welcoming.
      I am a true victim of real crimes committed by The Town of Springfield and associates.
      To me, The Town of Springfield Vermont Annual Report looks like a who's who of local criminals.

      You also see the Police Department doing nothing about criminal behavior inside the Town government.

      I am a witness, in my own life, to members of your comunity in municipal leadership roles disregarding State and Federal Laws and then hiding the fact they broke these laws from you locally here in Town. They continue to do this while they collect your Tax money, ask you for donations, and get you for your vote.

      When Pressed, and I mean with some public pressure, Several of those that I am not naming (yet?) continue to stick to their scripts and continue to lie. The actual people who run your Town ARE LIARS...

      Some good people have steped forward and have taken the time to share a few of the dark secrets held by several Town employees, and Political Figure Heads on the local scene. This I see as a warning sign to not participate.

      And to top it off the bad guys know I know, and are criminal.
      They knew, what I know, even before I did.
      They choose to call in favors and leaned on their networks to "nip ME in the bud" before I even knew what was actually going on. Before I even knew I had a voice.

      not to say your asking a leggless person how come they are not running in the road race, but to help you understand why " The Eagle " Scout is not on the Ballot...

      be safe.

    4. Wow you said a lot but didn't offer up a bit of proof to back it up.

    5. yeah, I don't like getting shot at.
      I hope you understand.
      Been there done that, trying something different now.

      can't you just smell the truth of it though?

  2. Because I know I am right!2/20/12, 1:03 PM

    If it is anything like past forums, there will be one maybe two citizens of Springfield there.

    1. The Entire Town2/20/12, 8:36 PM



      We are not going !!

      hahaha !!


      let the silence be deafening

      all of the candidates are tainted and not fresh, throw them out with the bath water.

    2. I'm voting YESMAN & ANDREWS

    3. Well I'm.happy they'll have a least one vote. Why would I vote for.someone.who here in the first place.

    4. Can you tell me why? I'll stay open minded.

    5. No to all of them2/23/12, 11:19 PM

      I won't vote for anybody that supports S.O.M.

    6. He looks surprised when employee contracts are questioned. He was on the board when employees had no co-pays, when all these supposed grand fringe benefits were negotiated. He had no issue then. His only use for the budget advisory committee was to use it as his soapbox and sapa tv exposure for his run for the board.

    7. Andrews just has a hidden agenda against the town manager harkening.back to when he worked at dufresne and Henry and the town did not award a bid contract to one of his favorite construction companies

    8. Vote Yesman and you will be voting to get more of the same from the town of Springfield. What people seem to understand is that in order to recruit new businesses to down you need to spend money. It is similar to a brand spending money on marketing; it has to happen to get customers. Springfield should be spending more on marketing/recruiting, but before that happens they need to spend more on cleaning up the town.

      Where should the the money come from to pay for these things? Good question, but it starts with getting town employees to contribute more than 3% of the health insurance premiums. Maybe a reduction in other services temporarily as well so that this town can get a bit of a facelift.

      Another idea: every friday, all summer, every town employee fire, teachers, police, highway, administrative staff is out for 4 hours cleaning up town. This includes painting, gardening, trash collection, etc. Oh that is their union contracts probably dont allow their bosses to tell them what to do.

    9. Maybe the people getting hand outs.from the state can assist in clean up also. Seeing how they are being paid by taxpayers.

    10. Just vote for who ever oposes S.O.M. and SRDC

    11. I thought Yesman does not support SOM. By the way, what have we achieved with SOM? Freedom Park? The alley by the vault. New flags. I'm not poo-pooing but really, I want those old buildings down or spruced up. How about inforcing the ordinances? Does the town selectboard and/or attorney do this? Ah, that raises a question...the attorney.

    12. Down Town Clown2/25/12, 10:31 AM

      @ above

      It is not your place to say what you want done with someone else's property unless you are willing to pay for it.
      You also need to do what ever the owner also asks you to do for trespassing into their lives.

      I believe most of the owners who's buildings you speak of have all paid their over-burden of taxes.

      Where do you live?

    13. Local Voting Veteran2/25/12, 11:48 AM

      If YESMAN is a true non S.O.M. candidate.

      Then He will get our votes.

      God Bless Yesman if he is not a S.O.M. yes man.

      We need a Building Owner Friendly Representative from the Town's collective voting pool to reach across the line and work with BOTH groups, Downtown Building Owners and those who want a better visual eye-scape.
      It should be noted that those who impose their views have very little skin in the game when it comes to Downtown Buildings.
      Also most Downtown Building Owners continually pay high required municipal taxes while spending out of pocket to make the visual repairs you ask for that they want too. Time to end the P.R. campaign and show some respect. They have earned that.
      95% of Downtown Building Owners would welcome a collaborative effort to restore the Majestic Qualities of Downtown Springfield.
      Think about it... They are owners.. They bought in.. They might even agree now is the right time.

      That is classified as warfare.

      It seems S.O.M. is at war with Downtown Springfield. Killing off those who are independently profitable, to Re-Invent the town their way, with more than a few Agenda 21 twists.

      If we are to Believe in our candidates, we would see that they put the Needs of Springfield before the needs of the U.N. / Federal / Non local Groups.

      S.O.M. has shown us locally; Facist, Socialist, Planning and Re-Development / Re-inventing. All of which was obtained at the time of death of yet another little part of Springfield.

      The actions of S.O.M. have plagued Downtown Springfield and have prevented DOZENS of companies from moving in and DOZENS of companies that did move in from succeeding.
      S.O.M. has cost Downtown Springfield more JOBS than ANY OTHER GROUP IN HISTORY.


      Give it DIRECTLY (reasonably) to the Downtown Building Owners who's buildings you want to help fix for repairs. This is a very direct cost effective method.

      Can Yesman accomplish a Springfield First approach like this?

      Yes? Well then maybe he can adapt to 2012's needs.

    14. Dear DownTown Clown: You do not mind a boarded-up shack behind the bank? Really? That's ok with you?

    15. Down Town Clown2/25/12, 9:16 PM

      I don't like boarded up shacks, but I here the real history as to why that house is like that today is real juicy politicaly speaking on the Springfield level. Is That what you are trying to bring up here?

      My only thought is to offer alot of money to the owner to buy it. Then give them how ever much more they ask for as an apology for lack of hospitality and neighborly golden rule ethics.

    16. Hear Hear
      here here
      Oye Oye
      oyez oyez
      Hear ye Hear ye

      To hear apologies would be something new around here

    17. Dear DownTown Clown: The boarded up shack person has been offered $. There is no juicy history. An apology for 'lack of hospitality and golden rule ethics'. No. A property that a child could get hurt in. A structure that could endanger if there was a fire. No. No apology.

    18. And, thank you for explaining why nothing changes.

    19. You are welcome. No joke.

  3. Because I Know I am right!2/21/12, 9:24 AM

    17! Wow it is a new record!!! How many people live in Springfield?

  4. Sick of Susan's Reporting2/22/12, 8:43 PM

    Susan Smallheer is a poorly skilled reporter

    I wish she'd get transfered to a different town.

  5. Vote no funding for S.O.M.2/22/12, 8:59 PM

    Springfield On The Move should not be funded by the town.

    Not annually and not ever.

    Larry Kraft should have a cocktail and review the dirty deeds S.O.M. has hidden from the public.

    Oh wait they hid them from him too.

    Sorry Larry, your a puppet.

    We need less crime around here and S.O.M. is full of dirt.

    Wasn't it S.O.M. who screwed everything up ??

    It hasn't been that long. And they are asking to get back into the budget ??

    And putting pressure on the Board.....

    Damn them Socialists On the Move

    We Don't Need You S.O.M. go away. go golfing. go on vacation, go fishing, go hug a tree, go nit a sweater, go have a cocktail, go save a life, go read a book, go fix something at your own home, call your mom, call your kids, call your grand kids, call, your great grand kids, get ready for the spring, start your cleaning. DO ANYTHING

    Just forget about being wanted in Springfield.

  6. Chatty Cathy2/25/12, 4:20 PM

    Where is the comment section for the New Blog
    "News from Springfield On the Move" ? 2/25/2012

    Their self written and self published material needs our perpesctive.

    Vote No MONEY TO S.O.M.

  7. Since this is the first time we have featured their own written material from the well-meaning folks at SOM, we decided to hold off commenting on that post until after the weekend to avoid any appearance of posting it only to set them up as a target for those of our readers inclined to be somewhat overly critical in their anonymous remarks about SOM.

    1. Popcorn over Donuts2/25/12, 7:04 PM

      so what your saying is even a dry pop-corn fart on a calm day could knock down their house of cards.

      Maybe that would be a good thing.

      Give anything else a chance.

      If you don't change your path you will wind up where you are going.

    2. Local Voting Veteran2/26/12, 9:47 AM

      "Who was it who said "There's none as crazy as those that want to be."? Not all the whacko's out there suffer from mental illness. Some of them enjoy every minute of it."

      "well meaning folks" at S.O.M. they are more like happy whackos

      Not allowing an oposing voice is traditional in S.O.M.'s culture
      It is unfortunate that this blogspot has also decided to further that culture.
      Without the lies and deception, S.O.M. would have been gone long ago. And like a bad cold, the sooner we get over them the better.


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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