Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Document: Biomass project water concerns report

The Process Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal Feasibility Assessment for the North Springfield Sustainable Energy Project (96 pages).
For links to other documents and exhibits regarding the proposed Biomass plant, Click Here.


  1. Liars

    (I notice that the Springfield Town Plan is missing pages 19 to 37 ???)

    SWCRPC is as bad as the worst of them.

    Our future is getting stolen by Facist Nazi Tree burners

  2. Friend from Chester2/22/12, 7:39 PM

    Has anyone actually read this ???

    This will kill North Springfield.

    Can anybody help them ?

    It seems to late.

  3. They are going to pump water out of the Black River.

    They are going to leach the process waste water into the Black River watershed system.

    Don't drink the water or breath the air if they build this
    you better have your helmet and oxygen tanks handy.

  4. Did anyone actually read that report? Unbelievable that people.can't.allow business in this town. But still complain about taxes.

    1. GO take a hike.

      I read the report and BIOMASS is NOT O.K.

      screw your measly little Jobs. You are one of the Biomass people and your to scared to leave your name.
      You know Biomass is deadly and you are hiding behind the name anonymous.

    2. Stroke Victim2/23/12, 8:55 AM

      500 gallons of water per minute

      and the money goes out of state.

      How come these companies can't do Biomass where they are from. ANSWER THIS

    3. Nope. I'm a lifelong resident (50 years) of Springfield and have seen what people have done to.this town. Not in my backyarders abound here.

    4. 1.6 million to the town and 4-5 million to the state. Not bad. Where do I send you my tax bill to pay. Seeing how it sounds like your satisfied with the rate.

  5. Ah. A town with a prison and a biomass? How special.

    1. Resedential Victim2/23/12, 10:55 AM

      That's like poo poo with flies AND mushrooms


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