Saturday, February 25, 2012

More than 200 turn out for woodchip plant session

More than 200 people turned out to hear about the proposed 35 megawatt woo-fired power plant in North Springfield Thursday.


  1. Marlboro Man2/25/12, 9:17 AM

    99.9% filtered ??

    Yeah, Marlboro said the same thing with their filters too.

  2. Married With Children2/25/12, 9:18 AM

    Can't smoke a cig at the park if your under 40 with kids..

    But if your 55 + you can call the shots on burning 100,000 pounds of wood chips PER HOUR.

  3. Are You, SERIOUS ?2/25/12, 9:19 AM

    The criminals are among us. I am getting the feeling anyone with a "certificate of public good" needs to be behind bars.

    Damn the socialist facist pigs.

    Time for a Bar-B-Que !!!!!!

  4. Lets remember that they told all the residents of the famous Erin Brokovich case, Pacific Gas & Electric had been poisoning the small town of Hinkley’s Water for over 30 years. Keep that in mind when they tell you its completely safe. With Pacific Gas and Electric they poisoned the the towns people for 30 years people were sick and dying.

    Just a thought.

    1. We should get you in the tv series "scare tactics"

    2. More like "Fear Factor"!

    3. Anonymous Writers2/26/12, 2:12 PM

      We could make our own movie.

      How about a documentary movie like "Supersize Me"

      called "Filter Me"

    4. Or Springfield Springs Back, Leaving Some "Green" with Envy!

    5. Or "The Decay of Civilization. The Rise and Fall of Springfield Vt, From Precission Valley Back to Bonfire Alley."

  5. Too bad you people can't get out of your own way and grasp the fact this town NEEDS business. So far all I have heard from people is "me, me, me".

    1. So then we'll see you at the meeting good chap!

      although I am still voting no


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