Friday, February 24, 2012

Request For Drug Detective In Springfield Denied

Springfield's Select Board has declined to establish a new position of town drug detective.

Last June, three Springfield residents were arrested for the sale of crack cocaine and heroin.

And several citizens have since expressed concern that the Select Board has ignored drug issues in Springfield.

But select board members say the town doesn't have the money to pay for a drug detective.

They estimate it would cost taxpayers $80,000 to pay the salary of the detective, who would be assigned to Vermont's Drug Task Force.


  1. Springfield does have a drug problem and I wish they would address it now rather than later.

  2. You know you are correct, there is a drug problem in Springfield. There always has been one here, I guess it just wasn't in the public eye. When I was in high school the drug was Acid and cocaine. Every generation has its drug.
    The real question is: is it so bad that us the taxpayers can afford to pay $80,000 (which is ridiculous!!!!) for another officer, when we have them already, but they are too busy waiting to bust you for a broken headlight!!

  3. Yup. Agree with anon 2. There are enough cops here to bust the real criminals and not people that are waiting for the next paycheck to get something on the car fixed or stupid piddly stuff. This town is in a downward spiral and doesn't look like it is getting any better. :(

  4. the officers we have working for us are incompetent and ignorent i havent seen them do anything positive for the cumnity but mess with people that can bearly pay there bills i say boycot spd and demand a change they spend our tax money charging people with charges thats dont hold water those young adults dont have a chance with no money and public defenders we need a complete overhall of our police its sad when u see young adults strung out and trying to take there life because of the cops


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