The Agency of Natural Resources has announced the release of the Draft Water Quality Management Plan for the Black and Ottauquechee Rivers (Basin 10).
For immediate release
Feb. 6, 2012
Marie Levesque Caduto
Phone: 802-885-8958
Springfield, VT – The Agency of Natural Resources is pleased to announce the release of the Draft Water Quality Management Plan for the Black and Ottauquechee Rivers (Basin 10). The draft plan and appendix are available online at: or by contacting Marie Levesque Caduto at (802) 885-8958 or The draft plan is being released for public comment. The deadline for the submission of comments is March 16, 2012. Comments may be submitted in writing or by e-mail to Marie Levesque Caduto, DEC/WMD, 100 Mineral St., Suite 303, Springfield, VT 05156, or
Two meetings will be held in February to take public comment. The meetings will take place on:
Monday, February 27 6:30 pm
Woodstock Town Hall
31 The Green
Woodstock, VT
Wednesday, February 29 6:30 pm
Cavendish Town Office
37 High Street
Cavendish, VT
Public comments will then be addressed in a Responsiveness Summary which will become an Appendix to the final plan.
The Basin 10 Water Quality Management Plan provides an overview of the current condition of the two watersheds and lays out recommendations and strategies that will guide the Agency and surface water partners in managing these waters to further improve water quality and to protect and enhance the resources and uses the community values. Swimming, fishing, boating, wildlife and scenic enjoyment, snowmaking and hydropower are all identified by watershed residents as important uses.
The plan also describes the health of the basin’s surface waters and the priority future and ongoing steps to restore and protect these waters. With the purpose of improving both water quality and aquatic habitat, this plan presents the recommendations of local watershed residents, stakeholders from varying interests, the Agency of Natural Resources and natural resource professionals from other state and federal agencies to guide protection and improvement efforts in this basin for the next five years. The central component of this water quality management plan is the implementation table, which includes 96 specific actions to address threats to surface waters in the basin. The actions listed in the plan will be priorities for state funding to address water quality issues in the basin over the five year life of the plan.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
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