Wednesday, March 7, 2012

MacGillivray, Yesman win; school budget defeated, town budget breezes

Voters approved the $10 million town budget, defeated the $27 million school budget by 31 votes.


  1. i gave school my number to call for closing and early releases, not for, to be called at 9 30pm to be told the school budget didn't pass

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. The GOOD:

    Benton is OUT - along with her Conflict of Interest.

    Voters had enough sense to deny funding for the Turning Point U-Turn House.

    The school budget failed (and by the way, Mr. Adnams, thirty-one is the LUCKIEST NUMBER this time!).

    Larry Kraft went down in flames (be careful what you use to extinguish those flames Larry - don't want you drowning your sorrows and driving).

    The BAD:

    A very dubious town budget passed.

    More retreads elected to the select board.

    And the UGLY:

    Springfield on the DOLE continues on the DOLE! Why not just string $20,000 together on a toilet paper roll and let Springfield's citizens wipe their butts with it, because that will prove a far more useful purpose for that money than handing it over to the SOD band of misfits.

    1. $20,000.00 worth of toilet paper would have been a better investment

    2. What Conflict of Interest did Mrs. Benton have?

    3. From the Town Charter

      VII. Potential or actual conflict of interest, personal financial interest.

      A. At a meeting, no elective or appointive officer, acting in an official capacity, or employee of the town, while engaged in his or her duties, shall raise the issue of, place on the agenda, participate in a discussion of, or take part in a discussion concerning any business of the town relating to his/her business or personal financial interests, or those of a spouse, be they direct or indirect, to the degree that said interests exceed those of taxpayers generally.

      B. Personal and business interests shall include direct or indirect ownership of land, stock, property, materials, supplies or services.

      C. Discussions of salary and benefits shall be exempt from this prohibition.

      D. Any officer or employee having such an interest shall immediately make said interest known publicly.

      E. Any officer who willfully conceals such an interest, or willfully violates any requirement of this section shall forfeit said office or position, as provided under Article Two, section III, B.8.b.

      F. Any contract, sale or action taken in violation of this section shall be voidable by the board of selectmen.

      G. Officers of the town may buy/sell goods and services from/to the town subject to the restrictions above, provided said procurement is done competitively in accordance with the procurement ordinance.

      H. The board of selectmen may require public disclosure of assets or financial interest, in a form they may prescribe, of any elected or appointed official as part of an investigation into matters of conflict of interest, or for the purposes of general investigation. Failure to disclose or incomplete or falsified disclosure may be cause for removal as provided under Article Two, section III B.8.b.

      I. No officer shall devote any town property or labor to private use, except as may be provided by law or ordinance.

    4. What is the punishment for breaking this?
      Is there any?

      How does the Town hold someone accountable to this?

    5. My, my to think this went unnoticed for for 6 whole years. Ms. Benton has clearly disclosed her potential conflict of interest over the yrs in addition to getting a legal opinion on what she could and could not vote for based on the town charter when she was first elected to the board.

    6. Ms. Benton is probably a great person, we would like to know more about the Town Charter and if their is any punishment for breaking it?
      can you help?

    7. Springfield town website has the town charter in its entirety

    8. What about the scale of punishment for knowingly breaking it?

    9. Guess I would have to know what your referring to

    10. If Ms Benton had ever knowingly violated the town Charter she could have been recalled from office. The fact that her husband is a town employee has always been fully disclosed. Look at section C posting of the above voting on salary and/or benefits is exempt. So quit trying to say there was wrong doing.

    11. Maybe the original poster of the good, bad, ugly post should have thought about running of the board himself......OH that's right you cannot put anonymous on the ballot. Why not step up and use your name on your post???? OH that would take away the what ....mystic? Easier to belittle people when you can be anon. Your KIND are a BIG part of the problem.

    12. You CAN put anonymous on the ballot.
      Right above Irish Girl

      But, I din't post that comment and neither did anyone I know.

      We are from a completely different Anti - SOM camp.

      We think calling SOM, "Springfield on the Dole" is an insult to pineapple everywhere

      And we agree with the anon who thinks $20,000.00 in TP would have been a better deal for the town.

      I want on the board too.



    I recommend that voters seek to convince Dr. Sheila Patinkin, who owns and operates Spring-Rock Farm, to consider running for the Select Board next year. An SHS grad who's returned to her home town, she is smart, principled, savvy, and possesses the sound business sense that is needed to guide this foundering town.

    See the blog link on the Springfield Vermont News site and judge for yourself.

    1. Why in heavens name would she want to represent what is town has become? Towns people that are becoming vicious, vindictive and down right hateful. I know it is not everyone, too bad some ruin it for all. If any real business ever wanted to move to town and followed this blog site they sure as heck would turn tale and run.

    2. The stuff on this blog site is ridiculous, a good business owner wouldn't listen to a blog that is obviously only used for people to put Springfield down. They would look at Springfield as a whole and see opportunity to succeed and possibly, unlike many people posting on this blog, join a committee and actually make a difference instead of just complaining and bickering with one another

    3. Brilliant !!!3/8/12, 4:03 PM

      @ above...

      That is NOT TRUE !!
      I think we finally have a chance to get the Dihydrogen oxide out of the town water and sewer system.

  5. Hawaiian Fruit cake3/7/12, 10:39 AM

    @ above

    " Springfield on the DOLE "

    That is an insult to pineapple everywhere.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Freedom of Speech3/7/12, 11:51 AM

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Well said Jared. Anonymous posting on any sight brings out Trolls that want to start conflict and be rude. This isn't freedom of speech, its just saying stuff because you think no one knows who you are. Newspapers don't publish anonymous editorials for just that reason. Freedom of speech isn't for cowards to hide behind an anonymous post. If you really believe that vitriol you are spouting have some courage and show your face.

      In the mean time the totally anonymous postings should go. It does nothing but stir the pot and inflame feelings often with bogus information.

    4. Jared Simpson3/7/12, 12:42 PM

      nom de plume

    5. I would just like to say I strongly support Freedom of Speech. SAPA TV is one of the greatest outlets for that. All programming for SAPA TV is provided by volunteers and independent producers. Any one within the Community of Springfield, Chester and Weathersfield are free to the facilities and equipment for the production their own shows. If you would like to see better selection of programming on SAPA TV, I would encourage you to create it.

      I did remove my previous post, because I can see that a civilized conversation is out of the question. I hope you all have a good day.

    6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    7. I understand why you pulled your Post Jared, but I wish you had not. It was one of the few that made any sort of sense on here.

    8. Jared you should have left your post
      and the backlash from the blog admin was un-productive too.

      One thing for sure is that everyone here cares about Springfield.

      Too bad their are so many "sensitive" sheep in the flock.
      And Farmer ED is too liberal in culling the anons to start with

    9. There is nothing "sensitive" in wanting civil discourse rather than inflammatory rhetoric. It's distracting and only forces people to opposite points. It solves nothing.

      It's not surprising that posts were deleted. As it says below: "Please refrain from posting critical comments in a way that is rude, demeaning or threatening. And try to think of something constructive to include in your remarks. We reserve the right to remove any offensive or off-topic comments."

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Already tried going public, got beat down3/7/12, 11:58 AM

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. If they are "facts" they will stand on their own merit and don't need to be said "anonymously". It's really easy to spout B.S. and call other people out while hiding bravely behind a fake name and touting "free speech".

      We have yet to be enlightened with great pearls of wisdom of fixing all that is wrong with Springfield

    4. Mike. Look above.

      This blogspot is going for a "certificate of public service"....

      Clearly "facts" and truths are ELIMINATED for political reasons.

      You can't type the truth as an anon or with your name.

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. I'm not Jared3/7/12, 12:22 PM

    Nice thought Jared but before you know it you'll have a bunch of people complaining that somebody is using their name on this blog spot. Who am I today? Should I be someone named Bill Smith, Patty Page, Willie Nelson or Bugs Bunny? Will you promise to always post as "Jared"? I do agree that Anonymous does get boring, we need more clever names on here.

    1. Samuel Langhorne Clemens3/7/12, 12:27 PM

      Honestly, It's a tradition.

      Theodore Giesel is one of my favorites.

  9. Hi, my name is Richard Codey

  10. We believe in Springfield! Turning point will get funds and we will help them, the school budget will eventually pass and like Mr. MacGillivray said, “Springfield is ready to blossom. There are a lot of positive things ready to happen.”

    We are the future...

    1. That is awesome. I am so inspired!
      I want to go to Turning point whein I grow up!

      does anyone under 55 read this blog?

    2. i am 30.

    3. I'm 38

    4. o.k. , I guess two is a start.

      keep adding on. And use your names.

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. Anonymous is your real name George W. Bush or Mitt Romney? Its my understanding that AA doesn't normally recommend trying to kick both the smoking habit and the drinking habit at the same time, and they can't smoke inside. Perhaps a little understanding of what is going on might cause you to understand what they are trying to accomplish.

    7. I REALLY wish I didnt vote for McGillivary now. I totally spaced that his wife is the big dog of SOM. I guess they will get whatever they want

  11. Ethan McNaughton3/7/12, 2:47 PM

    Thank you for the post Jared. I too have been following the comments and notice the overwhelming negativity. Regardless of anyone’s views, whether you think the town can be improved by action, or by constriction, neither approach will succeed if the means to reach that end is simply to disparage ideas, individuals, the schools and our community. Attitude is contagious. A negative attitude will not bring businesses to town and will not bring skilled teachers and administrators to town, it accomplishes only the opposite.
    I am perplexed by the Anonymous poster, who wrote:
    “Springfield has had 30+ years of being ‘positive’ and deluding itself with ‘positive’ thinking, which has ultimately delivered it down the rat hole that it's currently in.”
    I encourage the poster to list examples of all the positive thinking that has permeated Springfield over the last 30 years.
    I would suggest that contrary to the post referenced above, Springfield has a wealth of concerned citizens who unfortunately, have often struggled to find a constructive means of addressing their concerns, and have instead over the years lapsed into launching criticism more often than employing efforts to create positive change.
    Having graduated from Springfield and having seen the struggles to get budgets passed which have hampered our schools for decades, I certainly do not recall enough of the positive thinking which was referenced in said post.
    I encourage everyone to be pro-active in the community and politics in an effort to improve Springfield. If you have concerns with elected or appointed members of the various boards and government, please contact them and give them constructive suggestions as to what we can do to improve the town and schools. Please also encourage candidates who represent your views to run and be sure to vote on election day.
    What I hope people will refrain from doing, is voting down budgets because they dislike an administrator or board member, or because they disagree with a policy or some rumored activity. Please remember that voting a budget up or down does not change school policy on any topics, nor does it change the administrators or board members or inform them of what change is desired. The budget determines whether the schools are able to pay the teachers and personnel and keep the doors open. That is what you are voting on when you vote on the budget.

    1. Good points Ethan. Which brings to mind what happens now that the budget was voted down? In years past it meant a budget reduction. So now what, we cut more needed positions?

    2. Sharper Than Your Pencil3/7/12, 2:59 PM

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. What abut when facts that stand on their own merit have to go up against municipal funding as the Town covers it's own arse.

    Mike? Where is our forum?

    1. James the forums are there, just like they have been for the last 200+ years. Go to the town meetings, ask questions of the town leaders. Your a tax payer and have a right to the information and to be heard. If the town goes against an actual proven fact (not a believe or opinion), I don't know of any local paper that wouldn't jump on that.

    2. Mike Reid, I Love your post.

      I wish I could Believe you

      I wish it were true

      I wish it were that way

      Please stand up for Springfield

      Come to the Comtu Park and burry me I am in the corner, it's cold.

  13. Spring Walker3/7/12, 3:23 PM

    I thought people were just being rude. There is actually a dead raccoon in the downtown park.

  14. We already have an abundance of wet blankets in the Town, I do not see the need for the rude comments. It is almost always a tragedy when the school budget gets defeated because it sends the message that we do not care about our schools, which is not the case. The need is to lure progressive minded young people to the area, and retain our best and brightest. Of late our most valuable export has been our young people, we need to reverse that trend. We need their positive contribution to this community -- the community needs to start doing things, that means we will make mistakes, so be it, when we make mistakes we fix it and try something else. We need the spirit of FDR in the Town, not the spirit of George W. Bush. Sorry about publishing this as anonymous, not sufficiently computer literate to figure out the "Comment as" box.

    1. Widow Raccoon3/7/12, 10:35 PM

      We don't need any Franklin Dead Raccoon spirits though.
      Can we get mr raccoon a wet blanket?

    2. re: "need is to lure progressive minded young people"

      Here's a basic rule of economics. Prosperity follows wealth. Springfield or anywhere else has no need for "progressive minded" people. What we need are ambitious, well educated, entrepreneurs and skilled workers that can make business thrive here.

      Springfield has more then enough idealistic, progressive liberals and that is a huge part of its plight. Their usually unskilled, unemployed, or working at HCRS or para educators. Has anyone ever earned a livelihood, paid a mortgage or put their kids thru college working for a progressive liberal?

      Squawk. It's all George Bush's fault! Squawk,

    3. Springfield has been held back first by those who kept thinking that the mills were coming back, and then by the people who decided that since the mills weren't coming back the thing to do was to try and kill every project that got proposed that didn't walk and squawk like a mill. The progressives have never been the problem in this Town as far as I can see, that role has been filled by the naysayers.

    4. Aethelred the Unready3/8/12, 12:39 PM

      Ah yes, Anonymous, trickle down economics that has worked just so swell the last couple decades.

  15. Ethan McNaughton3/7/12, 9:27 PM


    Thank you for the posts. My hope is that we can convince the School Board to make no more, or very limited cuts and put the budget back up for a vote. Then we mobilize voters to get it passed. Lastly, but importantly, we also need to attend school board meetings and make sure concerns are raised so that people can address their concerns in the proper forum, not take it out on the students and the budget.

    1. Spoken like a true teacher. You must be low man on the totem pole. You know what Ethan try as you may the community has lost faith in the teaching abilities and the financial abilities of the school system. To try to FEAR the community into voting for a budget which is unnecessary is a crime. I am sorry if your position or other positions are on the cutting block but the reality is at this point in time we do not need "all the extras" we need the kids to be up to par educationally with the rest of the world. If that includes cutting everything but the basic classes then I am all for it. So please stop the fear mongering with all that "Oh its hurting the students crap." What is hurting the students is for them to not be fully proficient in the basic areas that the state requires and an admisistration that is out of touch with reality on their spending.

    2. I would say those who are voting against the school budgets are the ones who are being motivated by fear and lack of hope. The schools are our best hope in this community. We need to figure out how to expand their impact with magnet schools and other creative endeavors rather than merely react by crippling them with budget defeats. We will never solve the Park Street vacancy if we keep killing budgets.

    3. Aethelred the Unready3/8/12, 12:19 PM

      Totem pole? No that is a thought, I wonder if the Tech Center could design and construct a totem pole for out front. We could put what on the bottom? Maybe creativity? and put tax cuts on the top? It would be a challenging design, and perhaps work dead raccoons in somewhere in the middle.

    4. Ethan McNaughton3/8/12, 1:23 PM

      Just for clarification and to prevent misinformation, I am not a teacher, I work at a small business in downtown Springfield. As a resident and parent, I speak out of a concern for the schools and for the community. I agree we need to ensure the students are receiving an education that is on par with the rest of the world. Believe it or not, Vermont schools rank very favorably when compared to the rest of the nation and the Springfield schools are some of the handful of schools that are polled when calculating those results. We set high standards in Vermont and want to ensure we continue to meet them. Yes our schools need improvment which can be accomplished by informing and demanding action from those who enact and enforce the policies to ensure the schools are sound. By supporting the schools we can ensure the schools can provide the education our students need. Cutting the budget does not shape policy, it simply reduces the funds available to fund the schools.

      Now if I were a teacher, which I am not, I might recommend that you look up the proper usage of the word "fear," I believe you would find that the word you were looking for was "Scare". Additionally, you could look at the state and federal penal codes to determine whether voicing support for a school budget and encouraging people to voice concerns they have in the proper forums rather than by voting down the budget is a "crime."

      I think you might find that it is not only not a crime, but is constitutionally protected expression of free speech.

      I encourage you to raise any concerns you have to the school board and superintendent, rather than voting down the budget or making misinformed personal attacks or alleging commission of crimes against those with different views(even if it is only done 'tongue and cheek'). My goal is not to disparage or scare anyone, it is to help improve our schools. What is your goal?

    5. Defeating school budgets in order to punish an administrator or central office, is not a particularly intelligent approach mainly because it rarely has the intended effect and the collateral damage to the community is horrible. If you want an administrator removed or to have the resources reallocated, you need to show up at the board meetings, or better yet run for the board.

    6. blah blah blah....thats right its your brother who is the teacher..but you have done work for the school before. I am familiar.

    7. "blah blah blah..." so easy to be snarky and a jerk while hiding behind a fake name. Let me try!

    8. Aethelred the Unready3/8/12, 2:55 PM

      Familiar with what Anonymous? The dead raccoon? The inside of a classroom? Armchair politics? Let's hear it for Anonymous, voting to cripple the future of Springfield and calling it progress!

    9. leave the Raccoon out of this.

    10. Aethelred the Unready3/8/12, 3:43 PM

      Did not mean any disrespect to the Raccoon, RIP, when is the funeral?

    11. The Raccoon is still laying there rotting.

      His Gideon's Bible has been removed from under his paw.

  16. had this guy say he wanted to go to turning point cus they have computers, now most, not all, are not allowed on the computers cus of sex crimes, why have them?

    1. The Turning Point Club needed to be supported. Although there is some concern about whether the State is keeping the spirit of its side of the Prison agreement. That should not have been held against the Turning Point Club which is doing positive good in this community. Turn the negative energy being channeled into this blog against those who block projects rather than those who are struggling to do something positive.

    2. The State not keeping it's bargain about Turning Point? I am shocked. Where was the selectboard (our elected officials) when the State did not pony up?

    3. No the State is not keeping its bargain with the Prison, it releases prisoners to out of town rehab centers for a month, and then the rehab centers release them into Springfield where their families moved while they were incarcerated. Its the prison agreement whose spirit is being violated, but the Turning Point Club is providing positive good in this community and should be supported. Its time for us to quit griping about the violationof the Prison agreement, and pitch in and turn the liability into something positive.

    4. Aethelred the Unready3/8/12, 12:05 PM

      Oh no, why am I expecting some suggestion that the Town develop the industrial site up near the prison into prisoner run businesses...why on Earth would you expect the Yesman to support anything like that Alpin?

  17. Let's start a Bio Med Company !
    We can work with
    superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles
    We can find space at the Gear Shaper next to the Hospital.
    We can build a whole line of bio medical clothing called COSMOS SPION WEAR
    We will fill jobs a few at first and then upwards of 100
    We can offer internships / work studies to School students.
    I like this possitive idea for the obvious conflict of interest that it comes with great job security for me, because of course, you'll need my proprietary design info.
    Go Team Springfield.

    1. Aethelred the Unready3/8/12, 11:17 AM

      Would that include a micro-brewery?

    2. No?


      why not ?

      Yes !!!

    3. Aethelred the Unready3/8/12, 11:46 AM

      Ah...well then bravo, and bottom's up! Here's to Delano and a micro-brew!

    4. Franklin's Council3/8/12, 11:49 AM

      Can we name the Brewery "the Kings Council"

      and why does it have to be micro?

    5. Aethelred the Unready3/8/12, 11:58 AM

      Gotta keep things "humanscale", and "micro" is sooo, Vermontish...perhaps we should refer to it as an "artisan brewery" though. I would think it should have a raccoon theme though, since Woodchuck has already been Cosmos still available or how about Comtu Brew that has a nice ring to it.

    6. Are you without council Aethelred?

      We are going to focus on advanced prosthetic devices built with superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles

      If we are lucky enough to get a space there, perhaps we can stop in to your micro brewery.


  18. Ethan and Jared will be holding a positive thinkers love in at the COMTU park for the purpose of incorporating the dead raccoon in yet another new town logo. The event will be sponsored by Springfield on the Dole, with refreshments being provided from the $20,000 in funding just approved by the town. And so it goes...

    1. Now THAT is funny!

    2. Aethelred the Unready3/8/12, 10:35 AM

      Not opposed to a new town logo with road kill incorporated so long as they use local graphic artists this time. Maybe it could incorporate the Cosmos hammer coming down on it.

  19. Authorities investigating death of raccoon at COMTU park. Allegations have surfaced that Springfield School Department officials may be involved in the masked rascal's death because he refused to register and cast a sorely needed vote in favor of the school budget. Deer, bears, skunks, and fowl are all alarmed and are said to be requesting additional security from the Vermont Fish and Game Department. According to one bear interviewed, it was clear that the school department will bank on the politicization on its telephonic notification system and other fear mongering to present the exact same budget to townspeople for another vote. When the bear was asked if he felt that was probable, he replied "Does a bear s#@t in the woods?

    1. HILARIOUS! Happy someone has a sense of humor. Sad but true!

    2. Aethelred the Unready3/8/12, 12:09 PM

      When is the funeral service, and is the Westboro Baptist Church attending?

  20. No dimwit, you cut the LESS NEEDED POSITIONS!!!

    No wonder this town can't save itself!

  21. When the school board looks at the budget again we can only hope they actually have their eyes open this time! Of course it's almost a foregone conclusion that the good "Doctor" will be right there "guiding" their decisions. Perhaps the best way to get the budget down is to eliminate some of the top level "guidance" and get on with the job of teaching kids!

    1. Unfortunately, some positions are mandated either by the accreditation authorities, or Federal authorities. The school board has less discretion than is normally supposed and that discretion get narrowed even more by budget failures. The only way to break out of this downward spirals is to get creative and start establishing revenue producing magnet schools.

    2. Aethelred the Unready3/8/12, 11:53 AM

      Oh Alpin, I suppose next you are going to propose they convert Park Street into a K-12 magnet school devoted to the Arts and bring more granolas into town.

    3. Why not convert Park Street into a magnet school, I think it was part of a study awhile back. It would become a revenue generator for the school district if it was properly set up and run. Park Street has a beautiful auditorium, and a serviceable gym. It is one of the more structurally sound buildings in the school system.

    4. Aethelred the Unready3/8/12, 4:53 PM

      Right, that would require outside the box thinking. What evidence do you have that the school board would engage in outside the box thinking, they are too busy fending off attacks from people discussing "champagne" at Town Meeting. Something like that which would make a real difference would take real courage, do you see courage being displayed on this blog?

    5. I disagree, we have had real courage displayed in this community. Those who fought to fix the elementary schools displayed real courage. Those who fought for the Rec Center displayed real courage. Even those who are struggling to save the North School in North Springfield displayed real courage. There are people in Springfield capable of thinking outside the box!

  22. Taken from the published job description for Springfield School District Superintendent:

    Serve as the chief administrative officer and educational leader for SSD, SU56 and its Board, providing
    general supervision of the schools of the supervisory union. The Superintendent will work collaboratively
    with the Administrative Team to achieve Supervisory Union goals, providing leadership and organizational
    oversight. The Superintendent will be responsible for implementing the policies of the Springfield School

    Can someone tell me why the good doctor is calling the shots and not the School Board? Just asking!

    1. The "good doctor" is who?

    2. Aethelred the Unready3/8/12, 11:50 AM

      Alpin you dope that is a reference to the Superintendent. Why would we suppose though that the Superintendent isn't following the nudging of the School Board, after all the School Board wanted to see the want list before Administration did the cuts. Am I missing something in this conversation?

  23. Advice for the School Board to pass the budget. Give Dr. Perotti his walking papers. Then before you re-submit the budget for a second vote, add anything back in you want as a reward for doing the right thing. Then you will get a read if this was all about the Superintendent or not.

    1. Aethelred the Unready3/8/12, 12:13 PM

      Walking papers? That's not very green, seems like that would be a waste of paper. Are walking papers still pink these days?

  24. Great Point Aethelred, let's keep is simple and cost effective. They can just text him.

    1. Awesome! The tree huggers will LOVE that.

  25. Ethan McNaughton writes: "My hope is that we can convince the School Board to make no more, or very limited cuts and put the budget back up for a vote. Then we mobilize voters to get it passed...

    And then we go back to sticking our heads in the sand while the schools gleefully wizz more tax dollars down the drain until next year, at which point we "scare" everyone into voting for another inflated budget because failing to do so yet again would be disastrous to the town and its children.

    Insanity rules in Springfield!

  26. "Scare"? Looks to me like the only one using "scare" tactics is you, Anonymous. I doubt the budget is inflated, it is probably barely adequate. Unfortunately, the budget vote was the same time as something truly scary, the Republican Primary, which is what most likely resulted in the failed budget. I agree with Ethan, except they should probably out of deference to the vote make some limited cuts to the Central Office, or some other area not directly impacting the students. And the operative word should be "limited."

  27. Springfield is a great town and community, let's use this blog constructively. Use it to gain knowledge, learn about your town, discuss what can be done to improve lives in Springfield instead of bashing on it with every post made. If you want to make a difference and want a town where you don't have to bash on it at every opportunity join a committe or club, make a difference, don't just sit around and complain. Take action Springfield!

    1. *committee* my apologies!

    2. Agreed!

    3. Ah yes, committees, clubs...and more cluelessness! You members of the Kumbaya Consortium are truly in denial. Pass the s'mores...sing around the campfire...and pretend that every problem will be cured if we just throw a little more of other people's money at it. As Maggie Thatcher so aptly observed, "The problem with socialism [and Springfield's Kumbaya Consortium] is that eventually [they] run out of other people's money [to spend on their utopian follies]."

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Enough is enough... We all have a past good or bad, it's not fair to Mr. Perotti or his family that this last post was made. It has nothing to do with the present situation, it was just outright mean. When we lower yourself to this kind of posting, it does no one any good. If you read the case, the courts found that Mr. Perotti's due process was violated, so why post it?

    2. This is unfair, if you read the article to the end he was basically exonerated...I don't think a mistake like that should be brought up...I agree this post should be deleted.

    3. Call me Hannity3/8/12, 4:52 PM

      I agree. I think he should go but this article (read to the end) says nothing other than he did something stupid. But NOT illegal. I stress he does not have my support, I do support taking the article post down. It's only a dirt hit piece.

    4. Aethelred the Unready3/8/12, 4:59 PM

      I agree that post was a swing in the dirt.

    5. While not nice does make you wonder if he was really that stupid or just considered himself above the board. We currently have an unexplained missing $10K from last year explanation, no bank statements, unreported to authorites. Could this be another case of not keeping an eye on the dollars ???

    6. Better yet was it a case of fraud and theft? I mean where does 10k go with no memory or mention of it being withdrawn or whatever...

  29. Ken Vandenburgh3/8/12, 5:15 PM

    After being informed of this site I chose to view this blog. In doing so I am finding that there is a lot of misinformation on it. I do not usually respond to anonymous posts, however I would like to invite any and all to simply e-mail either myself or any other board member with their questions or concerns. My e-mail address is All board members, as well as the school districts staff, e-mail addresses can be found on the districts site. I look foward to hearing from you.

    1. and who are you?

    2. ummm do you not know who your school board members are? I hope you aren't one the Anonymous posters that is complaining about the school budget and the school system, because if you are then every single point you have made on this blog just became irrelevant.

    3. @above..

      One would think the real "Ken Vandengurgh" would have a verified I.D. icon.

      and who are ou?

    4. Well, what I do think is that when the going gets tough, the highest paid are those most likely to be able to make ends meet without pay increases. Look at those not directly working with the kids day after day, and maybe look at opening the teacher's contract. In 2009 when the company I worked for was in a pickle due to the economy, our salaries were frozen and our vacation time was reduced. The State workers have taken pay cuts. Those in publically funded jobs should not be a drain on society, but be willing to sacrafice the same sacrafices that those of us in private industry have faced. Don't cut positions. Cut salaries or freeze them or whatever it takes to be financially responsible.


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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