Tuesday, March 6, 2012

2012 Town Meeting Vote - Full Results

Most of the figures are now in from today's town meeting vote and Vermont Presidential Primary.
8:36 p.m., First report: Town Budget has passed, School budget defeated.

Select Board, 2 three-year seats
   Peter Andrews - 537
   Terri Benton - 540 (incumbent)
   Larry Kraft - 664
√Peter MacGillivray - 1166
√David Yesman - 672

School Director (2)
√Scott Adams 1,305
√Laura Ryan 1,282
 Brian Perkins (write-in, vote totals not received yet)

√Arnold Lashua 1,742

Library Trustee (2)
√Alan Fusonie 1,538
√Ramlah Lauritsen 1,403

Trustee of Public Funds
 (No candidate on ballot,
 write-in votes not received yet)

√Patrick Ankuda 1,865

Cemetery Commissioner
√Scott Page 1,800

Town Agent
√Stephen Ankuda 1,817

First Constable
√Richard Ripchick 1,744

Voters faced numerous special articles including $20,000 to support Springfield On The Move, and 13 social agencies serving Springfield.

Article 3
$50 per meeting for Moderator
Yes 1,500,  No 504

Article 4
Town budget Yes - 1212, No - 789 - $10,055,612, down $419,203 or 4 percent from last year’s budget of $10,474,815.

Article 6
$500 each School Board members stipend
Yes 1,228,  No 779

Article 8
School budget Yes - 989, No - 1020 - The budget is $27,703,209, up $888,950 from last year’s budget of $26,814,259, a 3.3 percent increase. The school’s operating budget is up 5 percent. Significant increases include special education, which is up 8.6 percent, from $4.7 million to $5.1 million. Capital budget is down 44 percent, to $395,000. “Other” items in the budget were up 85 percent, from $832,850 to $1,539,000.

Article 9
Establish reserve account for School for energy costs
Yes 1,151,  No 813

Article 10
$20,000 for Springfield on the Move
Yes 1,135, No 852

Article 11
Turning Point Recovery - $19,000
Yes 951,  No 1,019 

Article 12
Family Center - $50,000
Yes 1,441, No 546

Article 13
Visiting Nurses - $63,500
Yes 1551, No 478

Article 14
Health Care Rehab. Services - $10,000
Yes 953,  No 1,020

Article 15
New Beginnings - $6,000
Yes 1,222, No 746

Article 16
Council on Aging -$8,500
Yes 1575, No 406

Article 17
Valley Health Connections - $4,000
Yes 1,134, No 833

Article 18
Southeast Community Action (SEVCA) - $9,000
Yes 1,264, No 703

Article 19
Springfield Community Band - $2,000
Yes 1,102, No 857

Article 20
CT River Transit - $12,500
Yes 1,309, No 672

Article 21
Green Mountain RSVP - $3,300
Yes 1,245, No 727

Article 22
Meals on Wheels - $8,000
1671 320

Article 23
Windsor County Partners - $1,500
Yes 1,232, No 737

River Valley Technical Center - $3,098,810
Yes 1,159, No 859

Democrat Presidential Primary
√Barack Obama 465

Republican Presidential Primary
   Newton Gingrich 62
   Jon Huntsman 16
   Ronald Paul 248
   Richard Perry 9
√Mittens Romney 353
   Richard Santorum 240

Click here to review the sample ballots


  1. Prepare to vote from the roof tops.

    1. My first impression of this quote is that if you don't like the way things are going (election results, government actions, economy) you should take matters into your own angry hands and start shooting at people. That's what I would think if I saw that written on a shirt!

    2. Well that IS the 2nd Ammendment. lol

    3. Well in that case, I guess I can still place my vote. Good thing too.

    4. Is that a threat? There is nothing funny about saying that you "can still place my vote" when we are talking about using violence.

    5. Vt Gun Dealer3/7/12, 2:01 PM

      So your saying... we can't have our 2nd amendment rights?

      or our freedom of speech?

      What about defending our freedom of speech with our 2nd amendment rights?

      have you ever seen a Simpson's Cartoon?

    6. The 2nd Amendment was originally designed to keep arms to overturn an unruly goverment. However through the years that right has been slowly getting harder to use. That GOD I live in VT where I can buy a gun and take it home with me the very same day.
      Before any of you liberals start freaking out I buy guns for hunting and target practice...so far.

  2. I voted no to everything that would cause my taxes to increase. But of course, the school system (if the budget is voted down) will just be back for a second (or 3rd, or as long as it takes) vote. Don't you wish electing a President was like that? "Oh damn! The candidate I wanted didn't win...Let's vote again!!!" Such BS!

  3. I feel like no matter how we actually vote the results will be tainted. What exactly is an Australlian vote anyways?

    1. I agree you can never trust Australians to count votes.

  4. Can we just get rid of the schools? We spend all this money on these things and we don't get anything for it. I think schools should be optional. If people want schools they should pay for a place like KUA out of their own pocket, or they should move to some rich town that can afford such a luxury. Don't they know times are tough?

    1. Revolutionary Bullet3/6/12, 7:48 PM

      close the schools down.

      $2 million total for insurance food and educators.

      $25,000,000.00 to the Park St School brick and morter

      Take the students out of class
      Large mass occupy style gatherings daily at the fields. Put them to work, i.e. internship, mandatory work duty etc. Give them credit for it.

      Just for 1 year.
      The Students will learn more than ever, and teach the rest of the world, as they become our living history.

      Take the money and Re-Build the brick and morter of The Park Street School.

      Take the Park St School / Middle School / High School
      and stop there. Make them really good. Really Really good.

  5. Where the heck are these results? I thought a machine counted these votes for god's sake

    1. They were probably not the results they were looking for so they are going to blame the machines and call it a wash

    2. no, they have to count write-ins

  6. Tony Petrillo3/6/12, 7:56 PM

    Can Anonymous really be that ignorant or are we all being baited?

  7. Machines don't count write in votes idiots.

  8. It's all a coop

    Damn the out of state mail in count.

  9. Full Spectrum3/6/12, 8:04 PM

    Someone Call Mitt Romney to drive up here and count

  10. I wonder if the vote is so close they have to verify it? Tony, take a joke. You should seriously see a doctor to find your sense of humor. haha

  11. Tony Petrillo3/6/12, 8:21 PM

    Joke taken.

  12. Just got word from an inside source that the town budget passed and the school board did not. This is unofficial however I heard it from a member of the school board

  13. According to VPR the School Budget did not pass. Big surprise!!! Actually I am surprised the town budget passed.

  14. defeated by 31 votes

  15. Let's see if idiot.Yesman can do a better job this time.

    1. He served 20 years ago. The town has changed since then. Give it up. He won. I'm happy :)

  16. I hope Kraft asks for a recount.

  17. Yesman. Why?

    1. Because there are a lot of old people in this town and now with him on the select board there will be even more old ideas.

    2. Good points

    3. Yesman + Knoras = not good.

    4. The budget went down this year but it will never go down again with Yesman + Knoras + Morris in control. Hang on Springfield we're in for it now. It may be time to take to the streets.

    5. Correction the town budget did not go down it passed.

    6. True it passed but the total budget was less than last year which is what I meant.

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Well for the 1020 voters who voted against it there is a petition to remove Frank Perotti that is out and we need your voice and your support. It is time we find a responsible superintendant who can actually turn our schools into winners.

    2. whom ever has this petition should have been by the exit doors today. I myself would sign it but have yet to see it. Where is this petition???

    3. and why the hell does he need to be calling everyone in Springfield after 9 pm anyways????? recorded calls or not... illegal for solicitors to do it why can he?

    4. Can whoever has this petition make it available to the masses. I have never heard of this and would also like to sign it.

      9:22 is when my call came in. He should have waited til morning when he wasn't quite so upset.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. Great job Peter MacGillvray I wish you much success over the next three years! Congratulations well done.

  21. Just received a robo call from Perotti using school resources to refute the will of the people. The tribe has spoken. You failed.

    1. It also refuted the use of the little rooms at Elm Hill and Gateway that are used to hold children against there will. He said thats an outright lie well Clinton didn't have sex with Monica either.

    2. i see no problem with placing a child inside a padded room when that child is hitting, kicking, punching, stabbing, and spitting. i see no problem with professionally restraining a child when his or her "will," as you put it, is to hit, to kick, to punch, to stab, and/or to spit. i see no problem with protecting a child, and the people we employ to teach our children, when that child has become a threat to himself and to others. i do, however, see a problem with you logic -- Clinton has nothing to do with this -- and your grammar -- it's "their", not "there."

    3. Flunked English in the Springfield School System (teacher didn’t give a damn) sorry and as for the rest of your blog the school system is not and should not be a jail system; we should be educating them not housing them for the money. In case you didn't know it we do have a very fine police department that will respond to out of control students. Clinton lied when he said he didn't have sex with Monica and so did FRANK PEROTTI when he says students are not put into little rooms.

    4. out of control students have been put in padded seclusion rooms, which any psychologist will tell you is a kinder, gentler way of dealing with a problem than slapping them in cuffs, putting them into the back of a cruiser, and driving them to the station. i mean, seriously, think about what you're saying. on the one hand, you're saying the school district is "hold[ing] children against there will," but on the other hand you're saying call the cops ... just what do you think the cops do, buddy, hold people on a voluntary basis? ha ha. thanks for the laugh. : )

    5. And the State of Vermont Department of Education has clearly stated the policy on the "de-escalation rooms" Please look the Policy up!

    6. Teachers and our beloved Para-educators should be teaching not leaning against a door restraining children, which may be criminal activity; remove the child from school that’s the schools job. The parent’s job, get them treated appropriately. Instead the parents rely on our school babysitting service lockups and all. Teach the ones that want to be taught.

    7. Frank "de-escalation rooms" whatever happened to Class rooms. It's time to pack and say goodbye.

  22. It also refuted the use of the little rooms at Elm Hill and Gateway that are used to hold children against there will. He said thats an outright lie well Clinton didn't have sex with Monica either.

  23. and I read today that there was another elm hill student running into the woods and wouldn't come back, another police call...something is going on up there. Kids at 6 just do not get up and run for the hills!

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Kids who are not taught any better by their parents will. Kids who have parents who have taught them they can do whatever they want and that they do not have to held accountable will. Kids who think they are in control will. It is time for parents and the town to back up teachers. They are not the bad people. They did not create the problems in society, and the problems in the child's home, but somehow all you people think they should be held accountable and blamed for them. Shame on you. DO you feel you should be accountable for your actions? Well so should children and their parents.

    3. Frank quit whining you lost.

  24. I have to agree. Frank Perotti needs to leave.

    1. He has a spot available for him on the board of Springfield on The Dole

  25. GET S.O.M. OUT OF THERE3/6/12, 9:41 PM

    I am proud to live in a town with 852 people who voted AGAINST SOM.

    We still seem to have 1135 brain washed lied to voters (with the exception of those who are fully involved).

    1. Peter MacGillvary's wife IS SOM. David Yesman was the only one with the guts to say, in public, he would not give the nod to SOM.

    2. That is quite a compliment for Peter MacGillivray's wife. This will surely impress the Executive Director, the 14 Board Officers and Members and the 3 Ex Officio Members.

  26. why would you vote for SOM, Let the cheep individuals who own the buildings repair them properly instead of letting them go now let the tax payers help put the junk back together. Thats fine but lets see some pay back with interest if there going to look for money from tax payers. How bout once we have the town budget check themselves.passes with ease again.

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. The Raccoon's Widow3/7/12, 7:32 AM

      The comment above said "Good... Luck SOM"

    2. No it didn't

  28. Taxes still going up, and yet another long standing business in town closing this month. This place will be a ghost town soon enough. Where are we supposed to get the money to pay these higher tax rates? $20K to this group, this is up 3.3%. I hate to say it, but Springfield is becoming an unaffordable town to live in!

    1. what business is closing?

    2. Remember that statement above when people are fighting a business coming into the industrial park that will increase our grand list by 15% and contribute an additional 1.2 to 2 million in tax revenue to the town.

    3. Until the file for non-profit status and then have another company manage it. It is a tax move and a common practice within business and once they are in polluting the ground water there will be nothing anyone can do. Look how long (30 years) it took to finally get a judgement in Pacific Oil and Electric case. The famous Erin Brokovich case. What did the people sick with cancer and other diseases get sick from? The leach pools that contaminated the aquafirs and well water.

    4. Pollution are you kidding the now defunct factories in this town dumped more contaminants in the river and air not too mentioned all the toxic junk buried all over Springfield than the proposed Biomass plant will.

    5. Vermont has some of the strictist air quality and water quality rules in the country. I think they will have any possible and I mean possible contamination covered. Dont worry about it, if it does become contaminated you could just move, I'll help you pack.

  29. Only the school board can remove Perotti so you are wasting your time on a petition. The school board thinks he is doing a good job so until you convince the board otherwise we are stuck with him.

  30. OK School Board, when are you going to let Perotti go? He lied to us once again! I know a teacher at Elm Hill who told me that she was forced to sign a paper stating she could not talk about the “padded rooms” outside of school or she would be fired. She also said there are a number of state agencies investigating the use of “padded rooms” at Elm Hill. The hell with the state agencies let the local police who have children in the school do an investigation. Has anyone called Chief Johnson? If there was no problem, why did every teacher and para at Elm Hill get interviewed by the school district’s lawyer? There is a major cover up going on at Elm Hill.

  31. Dear Dr. Perotti,
    How’s that transparency thing work out for you? And it sounds like your idea of thinking outside the box is to build them (padded of course). Why did the budget go down? Well I guess to be honest (you should try it sometime) the town folks have a lack of trust in leadership. And this blog after the budget was defeated certainly proves their point. Personally I voted for the budget, an advisory committee worked hard on it, teachers did a good job keeping things tight and yes defeat of it does hurt our kids. Unfortunately in talking to folks that voted against it, they voted against YOU! By the way we all know that it only lost by 31 votes, that doesn’t mean you need to change 31 minds, you had 1020 votes against you. We keep hearing all these rumors coming out of the school system such as this one and we say it can’t be true, we were wrong. Park Street is still open, Elementary Schools have been restructured against the will of town’s folk and Riverside is a mess with two principles creating an isolated school. Yes you have your friends on the school board to protect you for now but it will not last, these are elected officials that are there to do the will of the voters whom placed them. When their phones start ringing off the hook every night the name of Perotti will become a nightmare to them. And if you think towns folk will not rally against you then check out the Bio-Mass project.
    I write of offer a solution to your problem, resign. Other jobs are available, I saw a Help Wanted sign on the door of the North Springfield Mobil (maybe Irving now) this morning. Maybe you could get in their managers training program and one day manage that store then you can hire some the kids you are educating, good luck with that. That raise you gave yourself last month was a knife in the back to many folks, not only the fact you gave yourself a raise but you made it retroactive. We all know it’s a tough job you have and it’s okay to say it’s too much for you to handle. Resign, today.

  32. I am not a voter in Springfield, so i dont have any skin in the game BUT:

    Does anyone else find it amusing that people voted the school budget down and there is so much animosity towards school board members, but yet they approved article 6? Someone needs to tell me the logic they used there. I get that people are unhappy with school district administration and board leadership, but why give them a raise?

    Another question, does the VNA really do enough to justify $63,000 from the town of Springfield? If so, great that is awesome; but that is a lot of money that could be put towards roads, schools, town improvements, etc. I ask this an all seriousness, i just may not be aware of all the the VNA does.

    1. Not confused3/7/12, 9:38 AM

      Agree or disagree with them they deserve something for their time. Last year they got nothing so I guess it is a raise. I don't think any of them ran for this office because of the 500 bucks. So to me it is not amusing since these people do work hard, you don't have to like what they do but should still respect the position for what it is. Since you are not a voter here please take your skin and beat it.

    2. Last year they got nothing cause they made a mistake on the wording on the ballot,it was worded as a raise or nothing, not worded as such as to fall back to 500 if the raise was denied. Thats our educators for you

  33. Voting down the school budget to send a message to Perotti defies logic. I would like to think that people voted no because (1) They always vote no, (2) They are misinformed about what it costs to provide education, or (3) they feel the pinch of the economy and simply cannot vote to raise taxes (even if they don't pay taxes themselves). Our schools have problems, none of which will be helped by cutting the budget further.

    That being said, there are things that I am unhappy about. I am unhappy about inclusive classrooms where children with severe emotional and behavioral needs are impacting learning. I am unhappy about bus behavior. I am unhappy that there is nothing being offered kids who are ready and able to learn. None of those complaints get better by voting down the budget. The high school graduation rate does not go up because we take away programs that make learning worthwhile.

    If people have a problem with the budget... join the budget committee. If you have a problem with leadership ... go to a school board meeting and voice it, or better yet, RUN! Leave the kids out of it and stop blaming the staff for not being able to teach under poor policies and leadership. The time to step up is now and use our sensibilities and stop trying to cut off our nose to spite our face.

    1. Thank you. 100% percent agree. I wish there were more logical people like us in this town.

    2. Take a hint. Increasing funding has historically done nothing to improve education. As stated, if money was the answer, we'd have the finest school system in Vermont. The waste is no longer tolerable. 103 para educators, heating Park Street, staff psychologist, incompetent teachers that deserve to be fired, useless programs, redundant administrative staffing, missing funds, etc., etc.
      Prove to us funding is tied to academic success. Go ahead, prove it!

    3. "Our schools have problems, none of which will be helped by cutting the budget further." Yet another key indicator that ignorance is bliss in Springfield!

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. It is clear from the vote that there is a problem with the Springfield School Budget and thus the Springfield School System. I voted NO on the school budget for the following reasons:

      1. There is a monetary issue that has not been resolved completely at Elm Hill School with student grant. In addition the School District needs to be transparent with the outcome and honest with the State of Vermont that monies are missing.

      2. I was informed that the School District also added $10,000 to the High School portion of the budget to cover a short fall there.

      Why not tell the truth!!!

      3. Our Town has been hit severly, once again, with the econmic downturn. In a time when the residents of Springfield are struggling, it is hard to imagine that the school district administators have chosen to accept a raise.

      With so many residents unhappy with the Superintendent, myself included, the School Board has a responsibility to listen to the Voters not just the administration. The voters can keep voting no until the administration is changed, if that is what they want.

      The students will not be hurt in the classroom by "no" votes, because they will be taught what is needed. The problem is that the administration will eliminate the extracurricular activities before they reduce their salaries, or their pet projects, i.e. the preschool program.

      In this forum there are many people that want Mr. Perotti to resign. The Springfield School Board should consider a 360 review of Mr. Perotti to include parents, teachers and administratorsprior to renewing any contract with him.

    6. Actually funding is tied to academic success. Lots of studies point to it. http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2011/03/pdf/school_budget.pdf

      A huge, huge chunk of the Springfield School budget doesn't even come out of Springfield, but from the state. Voting down a budget that was just $5000 more than last year to spite administration or whatever WILL hurt students.

    7. Hey Frank the State money is mine as well. You lost cut 20 percent and I'll vote for the school budget.

  34. Young Republicans of Vermont
    will be moving to Brattleboro.

    Due to the overwhelming amount of socialism and the median I.Q. of the voting majority.

  35. Tom Lauritsen3/7/12, 11:07 AM

    Is 'Anonymous' One Person?
    Please Post your name along with your opinion so that we might have an actual discussion.

    1. United Anonymus Bloggers Union

      1 Billion members large !!!

  36. Another anonymous warrior3/7/12, 8:41 PM

    Stop heating Park Street School. Let it fall down, and make it into parking. No pun intended. How about having all the people who still work in Park Street School work in a rented downtown building (there are plenty available!) and with the money saved, well, put it into the schools.

  37. If people really do feel this strongly about Mr. Perotti, go to the meeting on Monday (3/12) at 6:30 at the high school. They are discussing what to do next with the budget. Voice your opinion.

    1. Good point above. Every person who voted no should make a concerted effort to attend that meeting and each one tell the school board that they want the first cut to be Frank Perotti. The budget issues are directly related to him because he CANNOT budget or manage the system. I wouldn't mind the increase in budget and the crazy salary we pay the super if the schools were being managed by someone who was innovative and proactive in solving the education issues plaguing the schools instead of a bunch of Franks friends that he brings along and put in supervisory positions.

      I honestly hope everyone puts their money where their mouth is and shows up. I know it is boring and to a degree a waste of time. But the shear volume of people would show the board that this is what we want. We don't care how much they like him or how they think he is doing or frankly what their views are on whether money will increase the education levels or decrease them. That fact is they were elected by the people for the people and if this is what the majority wants then the board has an obligation to carry it out. We should not be afraid to say "we will keep voting the budget down if you dont get rid of him"

      I wish everyone would look up the historical NECAP scores alone and see the decline from before he came to now. This is crazy. With this kind of money we should have amazing schools. In other places they instituted furlough days for the teachers to bring the budget in tact instead of terminations. What is the problem that this bafoon cannot come up with innovative answers. As far as I am concerned...cut everything. Every class not required for graduation and just keep the basic state necessary classes and focus on those. Bring those scores up and that education level to a passing satisfactory level-then and only then do you increase all the other "extras" like athletics. I know many of us enjoy them but with a 45-50% participation rate ...cut them out. It is more important that our kids get into college with good satisfactory grades and abilities than for the athletic departments and all the extra classes that amount to nothing.

      TO THE SCHOOL BOARD: I hope you take heart to what we the citizens are stating. We need a new superintendant who we trust and can count on to do the right thing and who has the wherewithall to be innovative and also the experience to correct the issues we now face. The confidence has been lost and cannot be regained with Dr. Perotti. Please remove him.

    2. "Franks friends"? I read about the new hires in Administration as they came on, and they don't seem to be connected. There might be some, and we would like to know who they are...WITH proof. Not just someone saying this person is his crony.

      "furlough days" for teachers? So then we bring in and pay subs to cover for the days when teachers are on furlough? Then of course Subs are not really teachers so students lose out on any real learning. Then there is the matter that teachers are contracted for X number of days a year. Brilliant idea...NOT

      There is a buffoon in that post alright, but in this case it isn't Frank.

    3. Well bright ass...furlough days are days that the school actually closes down, the kids have the day off. It is made up with slightly longer school days. Please do your research on the subject before embarrassing yourself.

    4. Brighter than your's it seems.

      So then you need to plan ahead a year, get union support for it (it means a longer work day, but an extra day off), support from parents for it (it means kids are home without supervision or parents need to find day care), state support for it, (since they mandate how many days kids need to be in school), police support for it, (since they will deal with the teenagers left at home while parents are at work)...that seems like a lot of work for such an easy solution to our woes.

    5. Frank, the RMS/Elm Hill principal and the new Elm Hill vice principal have all come from Hartland where they worked together. Also, the new Elm Hill vice principal is mentored by Frank's wife. Is there any wonder, then, how they got their current jobs?

      I would also suggest footling Frank Perotti. Why has it not come out that he was disciplined in a previous job in New York and suspended for six months without pay for financial issues?

    6. *Googling

  38. re: "With this kind of money we should have amazing schools"

    Exactly! Point being, increasing the budget does nothing to insure quality of education. Continue to FORCE change. Continue to vote NO on all increased budget revotes.

  39. Yes, I agree that the majority of the school budget comes from the State. This is due to the fact that Springfield is a low income community and the state is trying to equalized education. As stated in Center for American Progress | Funding Education Equitably, "Archaic budgeting practices that track positions instead of actual school
    expenditures only serve to reinforce this inequity." It stands to reason that Springfield continues to employ seasoned teachers, requiring high salaries with annual pay increases (not as much as the administration but increases). As this continues of course the budget will increase.

    When will this STOP??

    It can only end when the administration does it's job and properly evaluate the teachers for performance. It is way past time for the education system to start paying for performance instead of tenure.

    I want you to watch the next step the adminstration does. They will attack the athletic programs as one of the first steps, knowing that the community will not allow this to happen. Instead of eliminating unmandated programs like the preschool program or a class that the teacher is not effective producing educated students.

    If the budget was only $5,000 more than last years budget. Why was it defeated? The communities dislike for some of the cuts? Dislike for the actions of the Superintendent? Issues at the schools? I would venture to guess all three.

    The changes need to include new blood throughout the system. Including truthful answers to questions and being transparent on issues such as why there has been three principals at Elm Hill School and where did the $10,000 go that is missing from the High School student activities. Lewts start with those.

    1. Also consider that the cost of everything is going up. Fuel, food, power, inflation, everything that is hitting people is hitting the school too. We don't want more taxes, so we don't increase the school budget, so then they have to cut something somewhere.

      If those issues are the reason it was defeated, it's a pretty poor choice of time to get involved. All year the Board was meeting about the school and if you caught in on SAPA it was a mostly empty room, until after the hard choices were made, then people that were faced with being in the cuts get everyone all worked up.

      So now that it was defeated the Board will have to assume it was defeated because of a money reason. They will do what they have always done: cut the budget by another few hundred thousand and resubmit. That means more people lose their jobs and students will suffer. Let's cut off our nose to spite our face.

      If your mad about something going on in the schools, then go to the meetings. It's that simple.

    2. And it appears you don't have the guts to put your name on the post.

      I've been to School Board Meetings. I have been on the School Board and Chairman for two years as well. You would think I would know a little about how the process works. That I do. What is shown on SAPA is not what goes on. If the School Board allows the Superintendent to be CEO of the district than no one other that the Superintendent knows what is going on.

    3. "What is shown on SAPA is not what goes on."

      So what does go on? They have fake meeting for SAPA and then go plot the demise of the free world in a real meeting somewhere else? Conspiracy theory much?

    4. Going to the meetings is always your answer. Is it important YES. Where the problem lies is a superintendant and a school board that the community has lost faith in.

      What about fiscal responsibility? The loss of 10 grand is no small amount. That is not a rumor. For those reading this go look up the board minutes from November 7, 2011 school board meeting. They are online at the district website and read for yourself what transpired. SERIOUSLY you expect me to vote in a budget when you cannot even account for ten thousand dollars missing? Worse yet, there is no investigation into where this money "disappeared to" Do you really think that Steve Hier's audit recently was substantial enough. Shouldn't somebody have called in the state to oversee that much money missing? The audit was performed to cover your asses plain and simple. So where is the missing money? You expect me to have faith in a system that cannot account for missing money and the answer is pull money from the general fund to cover it? If the money cannot be found with basic bank records then something is very very wrong.

      Second, I would like to say that the residents need to understand...if athletics are cut. It is necessary. We all love our sporting events, however at the end of the day, those sports for 98% are not going to get your student into college. How many of us were in sports in school? There is a certain purpose and quality to them that add to education but again if your child can't read or do simple multiplication what is the point? When they are working at a dead end job for 9 bucks an hour the fact that they played ball in school falls by the wayside. So please consider this before any opposition to that. Our job as parents is to give our children the skills needed in their future and those skills are the basics in education and should be first and foremost on each parents priority list. We want our child to do better and have more than we did or do. College is important, education is important and in the grande scheme of things the athletics are not as important. Once in college you child can have the athletics.

    5. You are right. We should also cut the Drama Clubs, Chess Clubs, Foreign Langauge Clubs, The Prom, All Music, Field Trips, Turn the Lights off in the gyms, etc, etc, etc. Or maybe we should just get that house in order via personnel.

  40. Going to school board meetings is only good for airing complaints if the board and administration is actually willing to listen. I've watched those meetings on SAPA and seen concerned individuals ask questions only to have them told they must contact the district office and be put on a future agenda to have their complaint addressed. Somehow, they never are heard from again. The administration and board speak of transparency, but there are a lot of "executive" meetings held lately. How transparent is that when those meetings do not have to be opened to anyone except "invited" participants? The public is also told "no action will be taken" at these meetings, but suddenly changes have been made and announced at the next public meeting. So, going to the meetings is only effective if a way can be found for the public to actually be "heard" at them. Hopefully some changes will be seen soon. Otherwise, the schools will continue to fall apart and the kids will suffer.

  41. If you were Chairman then you should know better than anyone else, go to the meetings make your voice heard and then listen to what they have to say. That is the way it works.

  42. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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