Thursday, March 22, 2012

SHS students stage a revolution– in the arts

On March 14 the students of Springfield High School Arts Academy hosted their tenth annual Festival of Art: Revolution.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. If you met these boys, you'd know they're doing just fine!

  3. Why are we as taxpayers spending $10,000 for an art academy and lying off staff?

    1. Because the art academy also teaches the Vermont academic proficiencies in math, science and English.

  4. Lying people off3/23/12, 7:50 AM

    To upset people like you. This is actually a big conspiracy just to make you mad.

  5. re: "Why are we as taxpayers spending $10,000 for an art academy"

    Because we folks that studied math, physics, chemistry, engineering, medicine, got our degrees and learned technical trades, then worked like hell, sacrificed, saved, and invested, now need someone to mow our lawns, paint our houses and serve tables when we go out to eat often.

    Besides, it keeps teachers employed that went to liberal arts schools.

    1. Ah yes the citadel of conventional thinking, that is why our factories in town are just booming because we had so many proficient technically trained people return to Springfield and made it zing.

  6. You need to read a book called A Whole New Mind by Daniel H. Pink. The days of manufacturing are over, and the so called white collar jobs are disappearing too. The demand more and more is for people who are creative and artistic. Yep the demand for so called right brainers, the artists the creative type, the visionaries is higher then it has ever been. Personally I do not think that schools are putting enough money towards the arts, instead they are cutting these programs out. If you want to cut the waste in schools. They should look to cut out sports. I am not saying sports are bad, they do teach some good things, but the benefit for the students future is minimal. Sure a few students here and there will be able to get scholarships to put them through school, but the for the majority of these kids it is just another thing they add on tho their already busy schedule.

    1. We can thank NCLB for the failure to invest in the arts. And Jared you are absolutely correct.

  7. re: "The demand more and more is for people who are creative and artistic."

    By who? Surely no enterprise that works for a profit to fund a payroll.

    1. Employers need a wide variety of employees. This includes creative thinkers. Today we call them creative types; in the olden days we called it Yankee Ingenuity.

    2. Actually you are wrong 4:11 AM Annonymous. The many of the higher paid and coveted jobs now have art and design components. The other opportunities in manufacturing are shrinking, we need to get over the mill mindset.


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