Thursday, March 15, 2012

SSCF updating its emergency notification system

The state Department of Corrections is installing a new notification system that officials say is more advanced than the system that presently notifies communities about emergencies at nearby prisons and work camps.


  1. Cud dey start a progam to noteefy us wen dey reelese our boyfriend into dat rehab up nort et takes me about a month to git de hous redy fer when dey release em back into Springfield from der Also i wud help my girlfriends find subsidized housin up here in Springfield if they knew that in 30 days der boyfriends would be available agin. and by the by as anyone seen Johnny, ee was deliverin dem bags fer de nice salesmen over on Union street an I t'aint seen him of late

  2. This is a fine example of how privatization can greatly improve public governmental functions. Because of the fine job that the private companies do in running these prisons productivity has vastly increased. Vermont along with other States who have opted for privatization has helped boost prison capacity to the point where America leads all of the other industrialized nations in its incarceration rate. Keep up the good work!

    1. It has also assisted us in diversifying the output of the local Springfield police. Now instead of spending 90% of their time sitting with their radar guns, we have reduced that to 60% with the rest spent arresting people for minor parole violations. Which has helped immensely in keeping the prison a thriving industry in this town.


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