Friday, March 16, 2012

Walking, riding bike could help economy in Vt.

Opting to walk or ride a bicycle comes with some obvious health and environmental benefits, but a recent Vermont Department of Transportation study says the state could see an economic boost from supporting that kind of lifestyle.

1 comment :

  1. Let me be the first to throw the idiocy flag on this one. Folks, your money has been frittered away once again on another POS study by an outfit that states "...there are plans to continue the research and update the study every two years, said Beth Isler, senior consultant for Resource Systems Group." What does that tell you??? Of course they're not going to come back with any finding other than positive because that keeps the gravy flowing to them for future studies.

    For crying out load, Vermont has been an economic leper since Madeline Kunin twisted its economy into a tourist based pretzel and shunned business and industry in favor of the service sector. Remind me once again where that dingbat is today? Oh, that's right, she used VT as a stepping stone to DC, leaving VT an economic basket case and embracing the free spending beltway banditry of Washington.

    And what in the world do we need with the likes of "Suzanne Kelley, physical activity coordinator for the Department of Health’s Fit and Healthy Vermonter Program"? Yet another clear example of the WASTEFUL COST OF GOVERNMENT. The nanny state alive and well, spending money like a drunken sailor to keep us all "fit and healthy".

    If walking and biking were the panacea, China should have been an economic powerhouse a century ago. Yet they weren't, and today they are trading in their Mao sandals and bicycles in exchange for the automobile as a means of fostering their modernized society.

    So cut the BS and dispense with these useless studies and give the people their money back!


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