Thursday, March 1, 2012

Town studies water demands of plant

The town has asked its engineering firm to evaluate the town's water system to see if it can provide a large quantity of water to the proposed wood-fired power plant in North Springfield.


  1. How can something be sustainable and use 400,000 gallons of water per day? If memory serves me correctly, water is not a renewable resource.

    1. Lets see, let me try to make it simple. Boil water, turns to steam, steam is released to the air, which in turn cools the steam, it condenses falling as rain.

    2. Wow! Someone using science! I thought that was forbidden in this town.

    3. you foolish pretenders. if you want to say that then tell me where all the smoke falls back down/ and a little more detail about the process waste water leach field.

      and mostly you cannot measure a fragil ecosystems loss when replaced with condensed steam rain water @ 400,000 gallons a day.

    4. What smoke? 99% of what is released from the stack is steam. Currently one biomass plant in operation release .019 pounds of particulate per million btu's produced. Well under the .09 allowed by current state regulation

    5. how much per day week year...

      yeah sure "what smoke"

      only steam.


  2. How much water do 6.9 BILLION people use on a daily basis? Bet it's much more than 400,000 gallons, yet I don't hear you whining about that -- yet!

    1. We are not into genocide you idiot facist

      I can't believe you wrote that

      p.s. don't kill the trees either. moron


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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