Friday, May 11, 2012

Downtown mural nods to historic past

The Springfield Stagecoach is back in town. A mural showing the historic four-horse stagecoach has been erected and placed on the Handly Building in downtown Springfield.


  1. Even with the mural that building is a big eyesore!!!

  2. Can we at least admit it is an improvement?

    1. Not at all!! That is stupid and was a waste of our money. The money SOM spent on this could have been used to paint the entire building.

    2. no connection to SOM-just knowledgable townie5/13/12, 4:46 PM

      SOM did not spend ANY money on this project. Do we now call you "stupid for not getting your facts straight?

    3. oops, forgot end quotes...didn't say I was a smart townie :)

  3. At least the stage is pointed in the right direction!

  4. I think we can all agree that the building is an eyesore, but this mural can be followed by others.

  5. u can put a dress on a pig but its still a pig.........

  6. It's a great painting.

  7. How is this going to be protected from all the grit and grime that is sure to accumulate on it from its close proximity to the road?

  8. The mural is WONDERFUL!

    The story I was told is that the owner of that property is maintaining it as an eyesore in protest of something the Town did to him.

    Anybody have the details?

    1. It gets complicated, but story goes that after the fire in the building, the wall facing the sidewalk appeared to be leaning, at that time Fire Chief Lamphere ordered the leaning portion of the wall to be removed. Mr Handley took the Town to court where it was determined that because the fire had been extinguished, that the fire chief did not have the authority for that portion of the structure to be removed

    2. But of course if the wall had been left in place and injured someone due to collapse I'm sure the Town would have been at fault then also

    3. That's unfortunate. Luckily the same wasn't done after the Ellis Block fire or the Brooks House fire in Brattleboro. Unlike cheesy particle board,vintage architecture gives soul to a town.

  9. Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder.

  10. Whether you like the particular mural or not, it is without doubt a great improvement.
    Shame on the owner of the building for their petty, ongoing bitterness. They have been a detriment to Springfield for far too long.

    1. Why blame the owner? It appears the court determined that the town was at fault. Maybe the town should rebuild the facade which was destroyed without authority.

    2. If the town and all the writers who are condemning the property owner were serious about improving the property, they'd buy it themselves and do with it what they liked. So, either put up or shut up. We're sick of all your sniveling!

  11. oh yeah stop and look at the pretty picture, wow makes the town look 100 times better , wtg

  12. I was skeptical of the murals since the building needs to be torn down to the street level, but it is an improvement -- or will be if they make more panels so the entire particle board is covered up. I hope the panels are removable though so they don't become a sentimental impediment to what really needs to be done which is tear the building down to street level and brick over the top so that it can be used for a community market or something after compensating the owner for the area above ground level.

  13. Isn't there imminent domain rules or something, where they can take the building down? It's so awful and truly is an eyesore. No matter what they do to it, the building is so ugly.

  14. Actually that building is better looking than those two side-by-side, just around the corner on Valley Street.

  15. Maybe a better idea would be to collect donations and ask for approval from the owner to side it with clapboard. It wouldn't take that much and then possibly use the other unused portion of the wall for advertising space (kind of like old days coca-cola advertisments) which the owner could collect the proceeds making him a bit of money and turning the ugliness into something not so bad and useful for the community. Just a thought..

    1. If they would cover the whole side with removable mural panels that would be better and more interesting than clapboard, and they could be removed and put up elsewhere if and when the Town and the owner of the building ever work something out to simply tear it down to the street level.

    2. I for one would donate to do something to improve that building. After all it is an entrance to the town. It should represent the towns values, or maybe it does!

    3. Speaking of that entry to town... I sure hope the owners of the "new" hospital office building sandblast the old DIRTY STAINED bricks before they open as a medical facility~~~

  16. The advertising would violate the state's billboard laws.

    1. Then how about siding it and painting a welcome to springfield sign or just plain springfield vermont est.???? whatever the date is. It would certainly look better than what is ugly building with an ok mural that only accentuates the ugly building.

  17. Springfield desperately needs zoning within its commercial corridor to protect adjoining property values and prevent what we have now. Until then, downtown will only deteriorate further.

    Don't count on it though. Springfield is overtly corrupt within its town mgmt. Too many favors owed, cronyism, incompetent administrators and self appointed do-gooders.

    The best that can be hoped for is a multi structure fire that engulfs the whole neighborhood. Hey, where's the guy that spurred renovation of the Ellis Block when you need him?

    1. Can we practice on your place first?

  18. oh yes lets put up murals. on plain buildens, but the town can vote to what colors can go down town, i really think its a good idea, i stop and look at it for almost 5 mins every time i pass it, am sure ppl behind me dont like it but hell you put it up so people can look at it right.

  19. Positive Outlooker5/16/12, 9:46 PM

    I think art makes a more positive turn here for Springfield. It focuses on creativity and gives Springfield something to be proud of. I am all for art panels... Being a proud supporter of the arts, maybe we all could exercise our talents to help with the decorating of the buildings. Of course, everyone uses their own tools (brushes, paint, etc..) but it would be fun to see some sort of excitement and motivation to make this town close to what it once was. Yeah, I may be a dreaming, but maybe not. I think the mural is a step in the right direction.


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