Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Group: biomass plants neither ‘clean’ nor ‘green’

The proposed North Springfield Sustainable Energy Project is neither clean nor green nor economical, according to a report by a Massachusetts-based group that studies biomass plants.


  1. Finally presented with the real facts why is this boondoggle even under consideration except to line the pockets of a select few while the rest of the citizens get to choke and pay?

    1. You are exactly right !!!

  2. Finally an article worth reading that presents the truth. The town has supported them by offering water--much less than originally planned (you would think the developer would know about the water availability--but obviously did no research) now the town thinks about resurrecting the Weathersfield reservior at the tune of millions. Couple that with the road improvements and constant upkeep from log trucks and decrease in proprety values--who will live in a biomass town? This project has nothing good to offer. If Winstanley will change to solar--we would all win.

  3. Just another case of corporate America controlling the people!

  4. pelleted forests9/18/12, 3:55 PM

    For what I can see..... This biomass plant is green.

    a GREEN Light on identifying crooks, thieves, and crooked politicians....

    why is it the same people all the time ????

  5. Christopher Coughlin9/18/12, 4:09 PM

    Winstanley has offered to supply 5,000,000 BTU's of heat free-of-charge to residential dwellings close to the North Springfield industrial park. He has not offered to provide all heat required for the homes that connect to his heating loop.

    Since a gallon of heating fuel contains 138,700 BTU's, and an average residential oil heating boiler or furnace is fired at a gallon per hour, if 250 homes are connected to the system each will be supplied only 14% (20,000 BTU's per hour) of the heat needed on a cold day. How much will Winstanley charge for the additional 118,700 BTU's required to heat each house, and will additional heat even be available? Trusting souls are going to feel like bathers in showers when system water pressure drops: cold and wet.

    1. Chris, as I understand it, Winstanley is not even offering to do all the infrastructure. They will lay main pipe and then someone else (via grants or some form of Gov't assistance) will have to complete the project with pipes to each home. Then each home will have to convert their system at the cost of about 3K-5K. So by no means is it free. I wonder how many have signed up for it? Biomass is no longer profitable-see the government restrictions being placed on it in regards to effeciency. Who ever hooks into this is going to be left in the cold!!! All these plants will likely close (many already have)as profits dwindle and government assistance in the form of tax credits are squeezed out. It simply is not green and it is being proven over and over. It is a culprit of global warming--YOU just can't say anything good about biomass on large scale like this 35MW--oh wait now 37MW.

    2. "Trusting souls are going to feel like bathers in showers when system water pressure drops: cold and wet."

      ........and naked.

  6. servo driven mirror collectors pointed to black poly bins under glass can produce the same heat for zero cost, zero pollution. local jobs build, install and maintain the equipment. non sunny days burn wood in each structure with high efficiency cat converter/reclaim systems. computer controlled servos using photo sensors and sun charts. we gotta snap out of this funk folks... everything in the stores is from china. it's sink or swim. it starts with education. why cant springfield become the education center of new england for retooling. they did it once.

  7. Biomass is biological material derived from living , or recently living organisms. Biomass heating systems generate heat from biomass. Biomass boilers burn bark, sander dust and other wood-related scrap not usable in product production. Good information. Thanks a lot.
    Biomass Heating

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