Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Woman gets jail time for thefts

A Saxtons River woman sentenced four months to five years for shoplifting in Chester and armed robbery in North Springfield.


  1. Is it just me or does she look similar to the woman behind one of the Rite Aid Robberies? They posted pics and although she had a bandana over her mouth and nose, she does look like the woman in the pic they got. Seriously. Go look.

  2. Anthony Spaulding9/19/12, 3:00 PM

    Too bad it's just a head shot...
    I'd like to see what kind of guns she is carrying.

  3. Happy to know I can commit a crime like this and get out on "furlough" in Vermont. Cool no wonder every scumbag is coming up from other states to commit crimes here. There is no punishment. Time to call you lawmakers and tell them you want this "furlough" program stopped.

  4. She got out of the store. Why is it 'attempted' robbery? Who thinks a BB gun is 'harmless'? I bet the cashier was scared even if it was 'only' a BB.


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