Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Local Habitat team sells eighth house

Gone is the purple checkerboard plexiglass sun porch. And the crumbling stone foundation.


  1. If you'll build me a house in BF I'll sign up today !!!

    250 hrs of labor, well worth gettin out of here

  2. If you think BF's tax rate is cheaper than where you are, we are paying for the library renovation this year and then the Middle School renovation next year. My taxes are worse than yours at this point.

  3. The real answer is to leave Vermont.

    1. The real, real, answer is to leave this world.

    2. Let's go to MARS @!

    3. I'd like to buy a house on mars

    4. Do they have Smart Meters there?

  4. Well now I find BF to be right neighborly, why I had a friend down there who had a little niche in his windshield and one of those helpful neighborhood kids went and helped him right out, took a baseball bat to his windshield. That went so well, they decided to renovate all the windows in his car for him. Nice fellows down there in BF, those kids will grow up to make fine residents in our finishing school up on the hill here in Springfield some day and help keep the economy perking along with jobs.


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