Sunday, December 2, 2012

Opportunity in Vermont’s brownfields

Looking across the Black River at the refurbished building that used to house the former Fellows Gear Shaper factory, the last adjective to pop into my mind was “brown” or “field.” Once completed, the beautifully restored 19th century factory will hold medical offices, restaurants, shops and more.


  1. Opportunity for sale

  2. I just caled that # and got Bob Flint's message machine.

    The article should read "opportunity for Bob Flint in brownfields" It might as wel have been a private email.

    seriously, click on the link titled "revitalization" you are transfered to the Biography of Bob Flint.

    everyone deserves a roast. I mean Bob Flint deserves a toast.

    1. Bob Flint's "How To Profit From Brownfields With Other People's Money" and "Creating New Brownfields With Other People's Money" are two must read books for those wanting to create wealth from air.

  3. Bob's vision of progress: From Springfield to Brownfield to Flintfield. He did it his way...

  4. Typical treatment of Springfield in the press - printing the pre-refurbishment picture of the Fellows complex.

  5. Right. Like the "Great Hall" isn't getting a puff piece written almost every day including pictures. Ever wonder who keeps getting that promo trash printed? Oh Bob......

    1. Yeah, almost as many as though NOSAG attacks. Why would anybody want to celebrate a major new art gallery and the preservation of a major icon in town. They are just destroying the ambience that decaying abandoned industrial buildings give Springfield,and where are we going to put all the big machine shops when they come roaring back into style. Good grief, its bad enough that they are jailing those guys for just having a little fun shooting up the town. Geessshhhh.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. And I've been dying to know exactly what are the "...restaurants, shops and more" and when are they are going to start occupying the Fellows complex.

    Does anyone know? Or is that pie in the sky?

    1. Personally I prefer blueberry at the local greasy spoon, if they would quit burning them down. Now they're talking about a fancy upscale pub -- give me back the Duck Inn willya. I miss those brawls.

  8. And I've been dying to know exactly what exactly the "...restaurants, shops and more" are and when they are going to start occupying the Fellows complex.

    Does anyone know? Or is that pie in the sky?


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