Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Vermont way making a difference in Washington

Speaking in Springfield Monday, Vermont’s congressman is hoping the Vermont way can restore trust in Washington and help local businesses compete with Internet vendors.


  1. That's right, you tell'em Mr. Flint. Springfield will be a boom town when this bill burdens internet customers with more taxes. Why, between that new Springfield logo, driving out the biomass plant, and now forcing internet merchants to charge taxes, Springfield's worries are over!

    And as for Welch, it looks like his 2014 campaign has begun. We can do without him.

    1. Boob Flint the Pied Piper of Springfield's taxpayer dollars!

  2. Welch on your promiss12/12/12, 7:45 AM

    THE VERMONT WAY ??? "about focusing on legislative solutions as opposed to winning ideological battles"


    A state full of stupid people who can't read ?? Thst is what they think of us.

    Doesn't the above mean Pushing your friends solutions instead of doing what is right ??


  3. OK let them rape you over and over and over12/12/12, 7:54 AM

    Internet taxes.....

    No one in Vermont can afford to buy anything.
    Those lucky enough to sell something to the rest of the world now have to pay the local mafia. IF vermont taxes actually helped it would be different.. Besides social wellfair, not much gets done around here.

    Look... Internet taxes aren't going to work anywhere.

    You are asking for the next armed revolution.

    The problem is those who are running the play book are internationalists and have NOTHING to do with helping Vermont's best interests..

    Sorry, but this winds up with far less for the state, more wellfair for those who dont earn enough and more unborn and dead Vermont babies.

  4. stupid is as stupid does12/12/12, 7:58 AM

    Vermont's Congressman is an IDIOT.

    Damn the 2012 international NAZI forces that manipulate his dirty little mind

    1. free your neighbor12/12/12, 7:59 AM



    2. if this were true, your candidates would be in office right now.


    3. free your neighbor12/12/12, 12:22 PM

      it can be true and not of majority vote.


    4. Ease up on the NAZI stuff, please.

    5. Nazi is the German word for National Socialism.

      You live in a Socialist state..

      A state reportadly that wants to leave the union and be it's own national entity.

      1 + 1 = 2

      So from many a valid view point. Vermont is one of the most outward and self procaimed NAZI states in America.


    6. stupid is as Vt does12/19/12, 12:07 PM

      anyway let's not let anon 10:01 spoil the party..

      INTERNET TAXES are cross border international concepts that are based on a foundation of socialist mis justice and are ABSOLUTELY a derivitive of NAZISM and if they are going to be HERE in VT. Then have the damn conversation.

      I'm SICK from actors and famous people losing their jobs and having to recant their statements or name calling when the use word nazi....

      I have forgiven so many for their tresspasses and am yet to be forgiven for mine.

      Slave for you, un forgiven, and paying to many f***ing taxes already.

      get the flouride out of my neighbors water.

      internet taxes ..... geez usss freakin rice.

      This is Vermont, $50 in gas to get down the road.

  5. Welch won this fall's election with 72% of the vote. So odds are the folks reading this are the idiots that keep him in office. Now you're getting the government you deserve.

    For Welch & Flint to even entertain internet taxation is unacceptable. Look what the sales tax did to durable good sales up & down the Conn River Valley. NOBODY buys appliances, furniture, entertainment systems, or sporting goods in VT. Our Main Streets are a wasteland because of it. But again, you idiots voted for this.

    As gas prices increase, internet sales are increasingly more practical for us in a rural area. Fuel and lost time to make a mall excursion far outweigh internet shipping fees. Heck, you could make the argument that internet sales are environmentally friendly. Now Welch wants to defeat this logic by taking even more of MY money to redistribute to parasites.

    Start reloading, the revolution approaches.

    1. You will pay us the tax money and you will like it!

    2. internet taxes suck...

      Not like you need to re-pave the internet highway.

  6. If you voted Democrat you have NO right to complain about tax increases. The Democrats vocalized their plan to raise taxes and you all knew it when you went to the polls.

    1. I am proud to be an american, a slave, and in shackles... financial slavery has no bounds.
      Give me my damn cellphone already. Where is the Vermont department of "Chinese As A Second Language?" anyway?

    2. Amen JLMachinist! They put it out there but because the "one" is a democrat they must be perfect! I personally voted for all people with an R next to their name. I felt like a piece of pepper in a bowl of salt.

    3. You are absolutely right about that.

  7. JLMachinist got it right. They drank the koolaid and believed only the so-called rich would get hit with higher taxes. Now live with it for another 4 years.

    1. Stonyfields Babbling Brooke12/12/12, 4:51 PM

      BLAH !
      BLAH !
      BLAH !

  8. What's the difference between the Vermont Way and the United Way?

    1. The United Way uses freely given donations to do good and the Vermont Way uses your forced taxation to line the pockets of a select few?

    2. United Way is tax deductible...for now.

  9. Aethelred the Unready12/13/12, 4:44 PM

    I don't think internet is the problem, the problem is the big box stores across the river.

  10. Thanks to you (the taxpayer), it doesn't even work for you (the benefits), the Vermont Way...

    It only works for worthless politicians and the dependent hordes that they continue to "redistribute" our wealth to.


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