Friday, April 26, 2013

Look Out Google Fiber, $35-A-Month Gigabit Internet Comes to Vermont

The Wall Street Journal takes notice of VTel's recent fiberoptic advances.


  1. A shining star in the black hold of Springfield. Thank you VTel.

  2. It's easy to be a shining star built with taxpayer money. Another 'self-made' millionaire taking public money and privatizing it.
    The pricing will change. And the value of all the information they gather from all those high-speed connections will add to their coffers.

  3. chuck gregory4/29/13, 10:26 AM

    10:02-- Well, government spending for the Civil War and the railroads gave us the robber barons of the Guilded Age, just as the spending in WWII gave us the Military-Industrial Complex and the burgeoning oligarchy. The important thing is that we avoid regulating them now that they have reached the pinnacle. Keep their taxes and our wages low, and all will be well....

  4. i called them and they only have dsl and its the same price as comcast. 70 bucks. you would think they would cut the price of dsl to 35 bucks. plus they wont sell just internet, you have to have phone so your at 70 bucks. they dont get it, that why we hate these companies.


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