Saturday, April 27, 2013

Springfield ponders grant for school cop

The town is again debating whether to apply for a $125,000 federal grant to help pay for a police officer for Springfield High School.


  1. re: “It would be money well spent for the children of Springfield.”

    Steph honey, is that the best you can come up with? I did a double take at reading the cliché thinking you may have interjected some sarcastic humor. But, appears you're cluelessly serious. Maybe you should stick to he kitchen and let professionals with critical thinking capacity comment before suggesting the town squander more of my money.

    Read the grant folks. It's just a job program for entry level cops. Do you really want an inexperienced, 20-25 year old able to administer lethal force defusing juvenile antics?

    1. Thats exactly what every entry level cop does. It makes no difference if they are in a school or not..

    2. The machinist a racist and now a sexist pig. The Springfield blogspot spreading racism a d sexism to the masses is Springfield vt.

    3. The rest of the civilized world laughs at Springfield and its numerous residents that share the same views as the machinist. Women belong in the kitchen....hahah. Springfield never changes the state, country and world just pass it by.

    4. How do you get racist from the above statement?
      The man may be obnoxious and politically incorrect but I see nothing racist in his statement.
      I do see him getting your temper going which is what he wanted anyway.
      For the time being victory goes to him for getting your temper flaring up.

  2. Classic knee-jerk reaction.

  3. Springfield to a a moth to a flame...

  4. the school board won't go for these grants but they thought it was okay to fund the infamous (and shameful) sabbatical...surprise, surprise......

    1. and pay the former superintendent a ton of money to stay home on paid leave

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. So here we go again! The town doesn’t increase the wants of the police chief, so let’s try the SRO position again and have the school district pay for the stuff. Nothing is free, last time the police chief wanted the school district to pay for a patrol unit, weapons, cell phone, supply an office with phone and computer, pay for overtime of the officer assigned among other items, these weren’t even part of the grant. We can’t purchase supplies for teachers to use for their students, but the town manager wants the school district to pay for an SRO. I can see his point, there are different players now, a principal and superintendent who support an SRO, but by the way don’t pay taxes in Springfield. A “drug problem” at the HS that is just like any other HS in this country. The school board has to take a hard look at this offer by the town once again and think about us taxpayers. I have an idea that would cost the town and school district nothing, how about having a police officer walk through the school halls and drive through the parking lots every once in a while, what am I thinking, there are no speeders in the halls to write tickets to!!! I spoke to a police chief in NH who advised me, you can get information about the Cops Grant at , also once the grant is submitted by Springfield, a copy of the grant application can be found at this site. Let’s educate our taxpayers and school board before this is once again seriously is talked about.

  6. Anyone aware that "The Magic Mushroom" is moving to the old "Stern Produce" building on Chester Road? Just spreading crime to the other side of town. It's only fair... :(

    1. Easier for students from RMS to go their fix after school.

    2. Oops go for* their

  7. RE: "“Doug has been directed to start preparing to do the grant, but not to put a lot of effort into it until there’s a clear signal from the School Board,” Forguites said."

    Umm, the town has applied twice already. Don't you think that reapplying would just be a case of cutting and pasting or even just changing the dates on the form?

    Government makes everything they do seem like such a huge effort.

  8. Maybe they could fund the grant from actually paying teachers for the time they work. Why is no one talking about the art and music teachers at Elm Hill who will only have classes in the afternoons (at 30 minutes per session instead of the 45 it's been every other year) and will "co-teach" with classroom teachers in the morning? The last time they were suppose to "co-teach" (which was the school year before this one) they never showed up and instead spent time in their rooms "planning". If they are only going to be teaching their classes half time, why not cut them to half time and pay them half time? I'm sure with that saved money the school district could put it toward something useful like pay for a para or get a school police officer, but no, let's pay people to sit on their butts. How about at the high school where I hear some teachers have classes with two or three students in the class calling it "SAT prep"? How are those teachers' salaries justified when our kids have had so many good programs taken away from them? The Springfield School District needs to be more transparent, but I guess that will never happen.


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