Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Return of the big July fireworks show

After a six year absence, Hartness State Airport will once again be the happening place to be to celebrate the nation's birthday.

Join VTel on Saturday July 6, 2013 at Hartness Airport to celebrate Independence Day!

2:00 - Airport Grounds Open
5:00 - Car Club Show
9:00 - Fireworks Display

Enjoy delicious local food while watching airplane acrobatics and a booming free fireworks display!

This is an alcohol-free family event.  Rain date is July 7th.

The skies over Springfield’s Hartness State Airport will be full of light and color on the evening of Saturday, July 6th with what Northstar Fireworks of Montpelier, VT  reports will be the largest Independence Day Weekend fireworks display anywhere in southern Vermont.

The Dam area will be open to emergency vehicles only; access to the Dam Road will be blocked off on both sides. No parking is allowed on the northbound side of Rt.106, starting from the Maple Street intersection to Airport Road. No parking on either side of Airport Road and Reservoir Road.

The patriotic display, sponsored by VTel begins at 9 p.m. sharp, immediately following the singing of the national anthem by 9-year-old Jordan Noyes of Springfield. Admission is free to everyone.

The Saturday, July 6th, celebration begins at 10.30 am, with Hartness State Airport and VTel cooperating to host Airport Awareness Day. Twin State Flyers, the local Chapter of the Experimental Aircraft Association, will be offering free airplane rides, on a first-come first-served basis, to youths aged 8 to 17 through its Young Eagles program. Flights are scheduled to begin at 10:30 am until 3:30 pm. The airport has invited aviation groups to “fly-in,” and different types of aircraft are expected to visit throughout the day.

VTel is hosting airshow performer Dan Marcotte of Bakersfield, VT, who will bring his Ultimate Biplane to perform two sets of 12-minute airshow acrobatics between noon and 4 pm.
Weather permitting, the Hartness-based New England Soaring Association, the oldest continuously operating soaring club in the country, plans to be active. There will also be information about the upcoming Aviation Careers Education Camp to be held later in July.
Food offerings are expected to begin shortly after noon. “We’ve invited some wonderful local food artisans to show or sell local products, along with local entertainment,” said Michel Guité, President of VTel.  VTel volunteers will give away 1,000 free pints of apple cider, fresh squeezed for the Saturday event by Cold Hollow Cider Mill, of Waterbury. Squeels-On-Wheels of Ludlow will offer for sale pulled pork and chicken, barbecued on site. Springfield Food Co-op, and Springfield’s Cherry Hill Farm, will offer home-made apple pies, strawberries, raspberries and cream. The Walpole Scoop Shop, of Walpole, NH will also be there featuring award-winning Walpole Creamery super premium ice cream and other fine frozen desserts. Ten clowns and jugglers and acrobats from Nimble Arts of Brattleboro will circulate among the crowd to entertain children, with the clowns arriving at 5 pm. Additionally, there is expected to be a contingent of classic cars on display by the Car Nutz car club of Newport, NH, for most of the day.

“Fireworks are returning to Springfield after a seven-year absence” said Bob Flint, CEO of Springfield Regional Development Commission. “We’re grateful to VTel for making this happen.”
Michel Guité said “For VTel it’s a wonderful opportunity to support the important work of Springfield Regional Development Commission, and to highlight local performers and artists and foods, and simultaneously do an official ribbon-cutting to mark the start of VTel’s Wireless Open World (WOW) project.”
“Over 1,500 VTel WOW customers are now getting fastest-in-the-world GigE to homes,” Guité added. “Our new WOW VTelevision, with 500 video channels, will start serving a first 50 test customers this week. Our 4G/LTE WOW wireless network is today serving Springfield, with Hardwick completed last week, Hartford in a few days, and over 40 new wireless sites under construction.”


 On the day of the event, there will be Temporary No Parking Signs posted on the northbound side of Rt.106, starting from the Maple Street intersection.

The signs will be posted on the northbound side ONLY and will continue all the way out Rt.106 to Airport Road.

 The signs will then be posted on Airport Road, on both sides of the road, up to the intersection of Kendrick's Corner.

 Signs will also be posted on Reservoir Road, located on both sides of the road. 

In the event a car is found to be parked in a No Parking area, the deputies/officers have been told to radio dispatch with the registration and attempt to reach the owner, in order to get the car removed.  ATTENTION --- If the owner cannot be reached, the car will then be towed.

 It was decided to keep the Dam area open to emergency vehicles only; access to the Dam Road will be blocked off on both sides, with the use of deputies and barricades.
-- Springfield Police Department

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