Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Springfield makes progress against run-down buildings

Progress is being made to get the worst delapidated buidlings in town either repaired or torn down.


  1. The worst one was just torn down....McDonalds.

    1. To be replace by a much better looking McDonalds.
      Looking forward to being able to drive 5 minutes for my Quarter Pounder instead of 35 minutes.

    2. About to be replaced with an uglier one like they have up in White River Jct.....oh well.

  2. OK... wouldn't it be even better for our community if they didn't re-build McDonald's at all? Aren't there better uses for that piece of land? Sad to see that the social and geographic center of Springfield is a fast food "restaurant". The line of cars trailing out into the street... blocking the road when the parking lot is empty... parents who use McDonald's as their last stop each morning before dropping their children off at school... or... as the first stop after school... Could the community come together and think of something better to put there? ...something that could help transform the town into a place where people aspire to live and property values increase?
    Perhaps this is the perfect opportunity to put a flame under the revitalization efforts that so many people have poured energy into?
    Think about it Springfield...

    1. It's a food service offered to the town and people passing thru. Those who want to patron the restaurant will those who don't won't. It's a global company, not just a company for the "cities".

    2. It is my understanding that the ne building will have a smaller eating area in order to cut down on the use of the building for older people to hang out.

    3. "Could the community come together and..." Waaah, waaah, waaah... Sure, let's build a nature park or bandstand or flower garden that will employ no one, contribute nothing to the tax base, and require more resources from the town and its dwindling population of taxpayers to maintain it.

  3. Ira Marshall8/15/13, 8:53 PM

    HAHA....look at you all go. Whining about a McDonalds. You're addicted to misery and's incessant.

  4. I agree..I think we should put a drive thru methadone clinic. THAT alone could revitalize everything. It would put the dealers out of business and put the addicts on the mend! Problem solved!

    Some people are never happy. I suppose they think that a Ruth's Chris might work in that spot!

    1. Welcome to MethDonald's, can I take your order?

      Ah, yeah man. Gimme on Big Meth, a super-sized Coke, and some Rocks-ey fries.

  5. Interesting that Dave Yesman would scoff at other land lords in the past some of his buildings have been in very sad shape and have housed some pretty seedy folks. Just saying "people in glass houses should not throw stones" Maybe Yesman needs to look at himself.

    1. Not sure I understand this post. Yesman is the boardmember that has been spearheading the move to repeal the ordinance. He is the slumlord representative on the Selectboard.

  6. So what does the Town intend to do with the residence on Cottage Ave after they have had Town Highway mow the lawn and used tax-payer monies to have a contractor "make is safe"? How much is it going to "cost" to make it safe? Who's the contractor? Are they local? It's your tax money being spent, you should be able to know and more importantly, want to know, the answers.

    1. why don't u call the town office and find out.....


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