Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Town officials ‘go green’

It's easy wearing green at the Springfield Town Hall. Photo: 4p1.jpg


  1. An article about a small group of towns people wearing green shirts... what interesting priorities.

  2. This is the best example if leadership they can come up with? Embarrassing!!

  3. It is this kind of child-like nonsense from Forguites and the rest of the clown posse that has completely destroyed the town of Springfield. They should be dressed in brown from head to toe to represent what a crappy job they have done. Leg irons and handcuffs would also be welcomed additions.

  4. At least they'll be color coordinated as they drive Springfield over the cliff. Is this the best use of their time?

  5. Really? What might they wear on friday? This town has gone from halfway decent to being in the same class as every other drug filled town and this Is important?If I knew how bad taxes and drugs were going to get in this town I never would have started a business or had kids here. Time for some fresh faces before springfield is a complete dump.

  6. Distraction. Diversion. Delusion. And there you have the Springfield Town Plan.

    Chuckle, chuckle. They'll be wearing their pretty little green shirts on the day taxes are due. So glad these "civil servants" are able to make light about separating people from their hard earned money.

    1:40 and 2:36 have it right. Sophomoric behavior. What's next, cheerleaders with pompoms?

  7. well, the new shirts certainly emphasize the bosoms of the old boys!

    1. Excellent observation! LOL!!!

  8. Look at these idiotic comments above. You'd think these employees are running planet earth and should be crucified for something that really is about solidarity/a moment of fun.

    1. It also shows their lack of leadership and direction by emphasizing clothing over issues.

    2. Let them have their "moment of fun" in orange jumpsuits....

    3. I'm Anonymous and I have GREAT ideas!8/19/13, 10:44 AM

      You fools are actually whining and crying that someone bought some people a shirt. LOL.

  9. Wow...perhaps all you haters should run for something (perhaps the hills?) Each and every one of you must have some amazing plans for this town. It's just that no one will listen to you, eh?

    1. Any plan is better than the inaction taking place by the town leaders. Trying to hang onto the "quaint New England" image is getting them (and us) nowhere. We're not "haters", just upset that our ELECTED officials are failing to realize that Springfield is in dire need of economic advancement. Then again, we have no one to blame but ourselves for falling for the liberal mantra.

    2. Good job selectmen!!! I begged the town on five occasions over the past two years to take action on the house on 81 Union Street and I was told that as long as my neighbor paid his taxes that I had no right in asking that his house be removed though I alerted the town and fire dept. that the house was unsafe and the foundation was actually caved in. They reassured me that their engineer checked it out a year earlier and it was sound. This is almost funny except that it has cost me lots of cash and I also made decisions regarding my own house with the information I had pertaining to the town and it's ability to do anything legally or permanent. I'd love to know the details of how this all took flight and why the town kept it a big secret. And no, I dont go to the meetings which I consider to be all pretense,,,pretending that you are doing a good job does not mean anything to me! Alert,,you are doing a terrible job and should step down but then that would require admitting that you are incompetent and that you would have to take responsibility for your inability to do the job you pretend to do. Shame on you,,,but then what in the world should I expect from government,,,


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