Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Springfield man accused of sexually assaulting child

A Springfield man is facing the possibility of life in prison and was ordered held without bail after an 11-year-old girl came forward and told investigators she'd been sexually assaulted earlier this month.


  1. And all this time we were worried about them placing a sex offender due for parole in our little town when we already have some of our own home grown !

  2. This guy has dirtbag written all over him. I wouldn't let him within a mile of my dog, let alone my 11 year old child. Where the hell were the parents?

    1. Agreed!

    2. Vlad Lenin lives in Springfield?

    3. I'm his ex and he needs to be charged with a lot more

    4. I am the mother, thought i had her in a safe place not with him... I was getting help to leave him..was not to be alone with him!!!!! the mother cares very much!!!! I hope he gets what he deserves!!! he hurt my whole family he neesd to pay for this he is a sick perv....

  3. Straight up born loser from the get go. Georgie porgie has always been a weirdo. Lived with a gay grown man at the age of 15. And this little girl isn't the only one. There have been many other accounts of child exposure. And I am hoping with this information that those that have been affected by this creeper come forward. Awhile back Georgie porgie received child pornography by an undercover cop/mailman. Hope they treat him with the upmost respect in jail. He'll need all the beat downs he deserves.

    1. amen to that!!!! the mother that is I wants to see him hurt like he hurt my family......

  4. Pretty amazing Ms. Deb Branch knew about this perv while still dating him. Oh yeah, with her THREE kids at home. He video taped girls coming out of school one time......zooming in to their mid-sections. That tape was passed around to many people to see, however never turned over to the police I don't think.

    1. Funny.....I seen the same tape Deb showed me & suggested strongly that she shared it with Police....she remained unconvinced that she should take that advice....I think she more or less used the tape as leverage on a cold lonely night or in the hopes he might acknowledge their illegitimate love child whose to say??

    2. like Pink Floyd said....."get her up against the wall" with him....she quite obviously is attracted to such types, must remind her of daddy:)

    3. hey Deb how many times did you leave Willow alone with big daddy? might wanna save for her future trips to the head doctor huh? How many times did Georgy porgie "babysit" for your other children as well way to go mom of the year everyone knows you spit em' out for meal tickets which explains why their innocence is expendable!


    4. what are you guys talking about, she didn't have 3 kids when she was dating him, and theres no way Horton would let him baby sit, from my understanding kat holden was the only one who saw that tape, brave bashing people when you can hide your names

    5. it is pretty sad most of the replies are anonymous on here because they want to bash someone's name...why don't you all look in your own closets because I am sure there are skeletons waiting to come out of them...everybody has secrets but yet they are first to talk about everyone else...good ole town of Springfield for ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. maybe DEB B. his ex should have listened closer to her teen girl....she probably should have reported what he did to her child & maybe this poor 11 year old girl wouldn't have been brutalized by this freak monster, the woman who 'have a feeling' their boyfriends could potentially hurt a child maybe should worry less about 'their' sex life and more about their children being raped but its alright at least their blinded eyed mommies are happy....These moms are just as responsible. I know everyone in town here has heard the rumors about this DEVIL!!

  6. chuck gregory3/12/14, 11:06 AM

    Clearly, a number of the anonymice on this thread have no clue about the dynamics of child abuse.

    The key to successful abuse is to have victims who cannot trust their feelings. A child who cannot do so will not report being abused, even to her mother; the mother of a child being abused is likely to ignore signs that would indicate it if she cannot trust her feeling that something might be wrong. And if the mom does trust her feelings enough to broach the subject with the abuser, he is likely to manipulate her to override her fears. The only support the mother has in such a situation is to make a leap of faith and ask somebody else, and often that does not happen.

    So one should be very cautious in ascribing either a lack of awareness or a motive to any mother. There are many good women in Springfield who have been in this trap, and all of them deserve support, not irresponsible blame.

  7. sounds like mrs Holton has nothing better to do then bash ppl, you can tell same person wrote those comments

  8. ohhhhhhh this is Ms. Debra Branch..loved reading these..he never watched sara..she was a teen hanging with her friends every other night..if I needed help with mary her father stepped up..he wanted nothing to do with his own daughter willow cuz she was born a girl...any visits were supervised by 3 or more ppl..someone is just a bitter spiteful person who needs to put the bon bons down..stop mudslinging and get facts straight...fyi he has 3 kids...2 daughters and a son and only his son lived with him..thanks for talking about me sure you gave someone else a break...

  9. For any and ALL to know I am deb B's daughter. Number since clearly your very wrong there were not three kids at the the of them meeting and dating. Number two. I think its pretty funny that I was apparently molested by this man. I can let you know that I was in fact not and never touched by this man. Also that willow was never watched by this man as daddy is such a dirt bag that he left when she was born. Hmm kinda funny still don't see how three kids were around this man. Whom ever made the comment about must remind you of daddy.. Please post your name as I have a few choice words for you and would love to talk!

  10. ms branch your a darn good mother , your a hard worker, your children want for nothing.. don't worrier about these ppl, you know that scumbag never touched you children.. love you sunshine,, your sister


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