Thursday, October 10, 2013

Historical Society authors forge new book

"A History of the Foundry in Springfield, Vermont" combines historical research, period photos, catalogue reproductions and Vermont gumption into a story like exploration.


  1. Outstanding subject for anyone old enough to recall seeing the glorious smoke and sparks shoot from the foundry as prosperity was being cast into the community. Surely to be my preferred Christmas offering this season.

    As interesting as this will read, there is desperate need for a follow up book. A novel detailing the demise of what was once the highest standard of living and best economy in all of Vermont and much of bordering New Hampshire. How over 100 years of engineering genius and generations of highly skilled machinists could be negated so effectively.

    Critical that the players in this tragedy while still available to lend a first hand account be allowed to bear witness. How greedy unions hell bent on reaping absurd benefits were accommodated by an equally culpable management that agreed to suicidal terms. How as technology leap frogged in the '80s & '90s, competitive companies cherry picked the best and brightest from Springfield's shops, allowing incompetent underlings to fill their roles. Would make a very interesting read.

    1. "Outstanding subject for anyone old enough to recall seeing the glorious smoke and sparks shoot from the foundry as prosperity was being cast into the community."'re about to see a replay. Just look north!

  2. Don't forget the creation of the Vermont sales tax, which over the same period as the demise of the shops eroded the tax base by transferring retail establishments to the nearest town across the river.

    And of course the hostile business climate in VT which continues to provoke established Vermont companies to pick up and move to the Granite State.

  3. Looking forward to the smokestack(s) in North Springfield AND the smoke coming out Jean's ears!


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