Friday, November 1, 2013

Review: New MacDonald's is a pleasant exercise in understatement

To be sure, it is still MacDonald's, but it has to be said that they did a pretty good job rebuilding it, here in Springfield, Vermont.

Grand reopening photo: 3p2.jpg


  1. Take a note Springfield on the Dole. Free market enterprise is the best path to prosperity! While you're still struggling to waste state/local funds on band aids for the town's eyesores, private enterprise builds anew, razes,and builds anew again.

  2. Private enterprise that preys on poor people...Eat cheaply today, cost the health care system more tomorrow...I'm Loving It.

  3. chuck gregory11/3/13, 10:45 AM

    There is no such thing as a "free market," outside of places like Somalia. Russia, of the First World countries, comes closest to it, with their plutocrats escorted by squads of armed guards-- protection without which they would fall victim to the dictates of freedom. In America we have lost most of the safeguards which prevented the top 5% from re-writing the rules of the market, which is why state and local governments have to struggle to find band-aid money. To fix the national deficit, we are depriving the elderly and babies of food rather than cutting far more costly forms of government expenditures-- the tax expenditures which give away billions in subsidies and tax cuts to corporations like Exxon, which hasn't paid taxes in years.

    They have no interest in good roads, good bridges, clean air and water, good public education, much less what happens in Springfield. But Springfield invented the machine tools that made their successes possible. Gratitude and fair play have no place in capitalism-- but the rules of the "free market" can change that.

  4. "Depriving the elderly and babies of food" haha let's cut the police force and fireman first.

  5. What does the police force and firemen have to do with this? You want to make cuts to feed people maybe you should really follow where the money is going. It's not to the low level workers like the officers and firefighters by any means. I didn't see any officers or firefighters wining and dining on Black Rock food at McDonald's the other night. On another note I have seen plenty of McDonald's trash strewn on the roads since it reopened something not missed while it was closed. Maybe we should take some of these that are getting food & housing for nothing and put them to work picking up trash...then when they spend their EBT money at McD's they & we know they have earned it.

  6. anon 9:52. you just don't get. It's a tactic the gov uses, just like chuck and his comment. Depriving the elderly and babies of food.


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