Saturday, November 2, 2013

Springfield developer tries to avoid foreclosure

One of the owners of One Hundred River Street LLC said Friday he was working hard to avoid a foreclosure lawsuit filed by two banks that loaned the Springfield redevelopment project more than $3.8 million.


  1. well well well isn't this interesting. Again a project that leads to see these loans, lawsuits and foreclosures all end up at a cost to taxpayers.

  2. We all knew that was going to happen though. It's all government inside now. Why not make the government/tax payers pay for it.

  3. Can't Springfield on the Dole do something about this? Perhaps a new motto? A new logo? A new coat of paint on two sides? Then declare how much Springfield has "improved"! Of course, to do so will take at least double the appropriation from taxpayers on next year's town meeting warrant.

  4. I think this is a case of fools rush in where angels fear to tread. To say that building was in rough shape would not do justice to the unbelievably bad condition it was in. I looked at it over ten years ago when setting up my business and couldn't believe the rent they wanted for the facilities. A couple of friends of mine rented space and they had to be careful where to put their equipment so it didn't end up in a puddle of water.

    Free enterprise may have gotten that building into the condition it was in a few years ago but short of putting in an upscale outlet mall (JOKE) I don't see who or what would have the financial strength and the interest to bring the building back to a state where it is an asset to the community.

    And don't get me started on Brattleboro Savings and Loan. My experience as a small business owner was anything but good with that outfit. I ended up ditching them for another regional bank due to their unfavorable loan terms, not to mention a couple of other things that went down which were bad for my small business. I wish Genderson better luck dealing with them then I had. It wouldn't be the first time that outfit bungled a loan.

    1. Really? Give me a break

  5. Ahhh, the pitfalls of free money. Sooner or later somebody has to pay. Another government induced boondoggle that will turn the smiles of the true believers (those that believe government is the answer) to tears of sorrow. But through their tears they will blubber that they need to be bailed out!

  6. Maybe don't bash the bank trying to actually improve the town and get business in...and if ANY of you knew the facts behind the business none of you would have anything bad to say. So until you know what your talking about (which you don't) I think the bank would appreciate you not bashing it. Sorry to the one person that had a bad experience...

  7. And you all wanted this like the prison and biomass. Enjoy it all:)))


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