Tickets only $3.
Springfield High School Theater Department Hosts: The Vermont Drama Festival Submitted by admin on Tue, 03/18/2014 - 3:57pm SPRINGFIELD, VT –On Saturday, March 22, 2014 Springfield High School Theater Department will host the Vermont Drama Festival. Entitled “Theater in Wonderland”, the festival will host 6 high schools from around the area show of their talents and celebrate theater for a whole day. Please come and celebrate with us. Schools performing; Springfield High School, Green Mountain, Whitcomb High School, Mount Saint Joseph, Thetford High School, and visiting us from way up North, South Burlington High School. Each block will cost $3 or a day pass for all three blocks is $6 Please be timely, due to Festival rules, once performances have started for the scheduled block, no one may enter late. Any questions please contact Rebecca Skrypeck at Springfield High School 885-7900 x3305 or Check out SHS Theater Dept. out on Facebook Block One 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. Springfield - Oz by Don Zolidis Green Mountain - Booby Trap by Ed Monk Block Two 2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Whitcomb - Star Chamber by Noel Coward Thetford - Actor’s Nightmare by Christopher Durang Block Three 6:15 p.m. – 8 p.m. Mount St. Joseph - Moby Dick by Michael Green and Michael Langridge South Burlington - Harry’s Hotter at Twilight by Jonathan Dorf Come One- Come All. Be Entertained! See Theater at its best!
Hurrah for the perfectibility of the human spirit! Go for it, kids!! Springfield is proud of you all.